Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1912: Reason for stepping down (forty-five)

"Oh, this, after all, is the new principal, iron pillar, you can stop it, don't let people come to Taiwan too much." Linda said with a little worry, "Well, people are also for the school's style of study."

"This is true, so I will be drinking with people so calmly." Zhao Tiezhu said, "However, Linda, you said, President Wang, how to transfer, suddenly transferred?"

"This... I heard that, this thing seems to have something to do with you," Linda said.

"Oh? What is the relationship with me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You didn't let people do their homework in the last semester? Then, it didn't take long for the semester to start school. Someone used this to attack the principal of Wang, and the principal of Wang moved his new teaching concept. It was attacked by more people, so it was sacrificed heroically," Linda said.

"What new teaching philosophy?" Linda asked.

"It is to get rid of the shackles of books and open up the nature of students. Anyway, it is to let people get rid of exam-oriented education, change the school's governance policy to Europe and America, but maintain a certain tradition of the Chinese school. It can be said that it is a combination of Chinese and Western. I have seen it. That proposal was actually very good. However, because of the attack on the front, the incident was attacked again. As a result, the Provincial Department of Education directly ordered the withdrawal of the President Wang and then changed it. The granddaughter came up," Linda explained.

"That said, this headmaster of the king was knocked down and still has a relationship with me!" Zhao Tiezhu said a little shy.

"It should be like this. President Wang told us in the previous meeting that he found the way for future development of college students from you, so I plan to use your tree as a model, and then promote some of your behaviors in the whole school. Anyway, anyway, I want to make you an official national idol. However, President Sun’s idea of ​​running a school is completely different from that of President Wang. It is even said to be the opposite, but as a typical example that Wang’s principal intends to establish. You will naturally become the first object of the suppression of Sun’s principal,” Linda explained.

"I understand." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and immediately asked, "What is the origin of the granddaughter?"

"It seems that the province of Gd has just transferred us to work here, but it was in the city education bureau. It was not long before I was able to take charge of fj University. The background of this granddaughter should not be simple."

“Gd province?” Zhao Tiezhu frowned, but the province where the Pearl River Delta is located!

"Yeah, you didn't listen to the speech of President Sun. Do you have the characteristics of Gd people speaking Mandarin?" Linda said with a smile.

"This is a bit of a thought, it's really a little bit!" Zhao Tiezhu said, floating astronomy network, "I don't care where she came from, anyway, I lived my life, she reorganized her style of study, these things, I don't care, It has nothing to do with me. If she wants to catch me as a model, I am not a soft persimmon. I can take it for granted. The matter is like this. Linda, if she dares to be embarrassed, you say to me, I Zhao Tiezhu’s woman, in fj, no one has the qualifications!”

Zhao Tiezhu’s domineering in this statement, Linda listened to the flood of eyes, although the relationship between the two has been intimate and can no longer be intimate, but when Zhao Tiezhu is so responsible, Linda is still happy.

"Go to my night at night!" Linda threw a wink to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu naturally readily agreed, now Linda is already a woman who has set a name in her main pulse, and she went to her overnight, it is also Justified.

After Linda continued to swear a few words, she left. Anyway, in fj, she believed that there was really nothing that could stop Zhao Tiezhu.

When Zhao Tiezhu once again returned to the small shop, the people in the small shop didn't know how, and many more. Zhao Tiezhu came up and asked to know that the daring was the classmates who were late to follow the class and drunk.

In the university, how can the classmates' friendship be deeper? Instead of attending classes together every day, they should drink and drink together.

These latecomers went out three or two times, and those who were willing to follow the class were rushing over.

A small small shop, it was not long before it was filled.

Zhao Tiezhu is naturally a little more happy, is this noisy?

As for what will be faced next? There are really few people here who care about it. Since I dare to take the class out to drink, I am ready to be registered and arrested. The person who is willing to follow the class with you at the waist is able to have deep feelings. A glimpse, friendship is now, there are many people who see you in the world, and there are too few people who really accompany you 2, so these are all worth cherishing.

The more you drink, the more happy you are. There are a few people who have passed the class and see the big ones here. Curious to get together and see the results, people will pull in and drink together.

Slowly, after the small shop was full, the outside door was also placed on a few tables, and it felt like a big meal.

Finally, under the eyes of the public, Jiang Yang is coming!

At the side of Jiang Yangqiao, followed by a group of new security guards wearing security uniforms, and on the other side of Jiang Yangqiao, there are several people with armbands, headed by Chen Lingshan.

These are the school inspectors.

These people add up to about fifteen or so. The security guards have batons in their hands. A group of people are very angry. They look much more powerful than the security guards when the former president Wang re-elected.

The group of school inspectors is a bit timid, because today they have to face people, but the legendary figure in the school, Zhao Tiezhu.

Just a Zhao Tiezhu made these people frightened. Fan Jian, next to Zhao Tiezhu, also made people feel cold and sweaty. This is the same legendary figure. Basically, there is such a figure behind every fight in the school. Especially in the case of several foreign groups, Fan Jian played the role of taking the lead in the big brother. Now, in the fj land, if you can say which school is the best, it is definitely not the fj police officer. School or fj sports school, but fj university.

Because a Fan Jian can kill most people.

Of course, Fan Jian’s own military power is not high, but rumors, Fan Jian and fj’s biggest gang, Blood Spirit Hall, have a very close relationship.

This is why Fan Jianneng has such a high reputation.

Blood Soul Hall, that is a sharp stroke.

Of course, Jiang Yangqiu is sensible to these rumors. However, Jiang Yangqiu feels that since ancient times, the evil spirits have not been victorious. Moreover, how can you have a relationship with the Blood Soul? It’s all rumored.

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