Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1942: Field expansion (75 more)

Comrade Li Dazhao once said that if you want to play, you will have a good time to play, and you must learn to be practical.

And this sentence is placed on Zhao Tiezhu, that is, to work, to work seriously, to live, to live happily.

Don't bring your work into life, and don't let life affect your work.

So why work hard? Still not for a more comfortable life? If you are still concerned about your so-called career when you should have enjoyed it, then this is not a pleasure.

In the mind of Zhao Tiezhu, there is no such thing as what he had just imagined in his mind. He hid those things to the side of his mind, and now there is only Chen Lingshan left in his mind.

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu is a man who is easy to get in and out.

Of course, this is not about bedtime, but that it is easy for Zhao Tiezhu to bring himself into one thing completely, and then it is easy to pick himself up from that thing.

It can be said that Zhao Tiezhu is a man with a heart and no heart.

"Iron column brother, let's go?" Chen Lingshan asked.

"Cheng, let's go!"

After leaving Chen Lingshan with the restaurant and sending Chen Lingshan back to the dormitory, Zhao Tiezhu was called by the red rhyme to the company.

If it weren't for the phone of Hong Yun, Zhao Tiezhu almost forgot that he still had an assistant title in the company.

Drive to the company downstairs and park upstairs.

In the company, Zhao Tiezhu saw a lot of familiar people.

The lives of these people did not differ because Zhao Tiezhu had appeared before. They still go to work every day, holding thousands of dollars a month, and then watched the house prices soar and their wages did not grow.

It’s not just people like this. In fact, more than 90% of people in China are like this.

This society is growing at an amazing speed, but the process of growth is sometimes so desperate, desperate, and there is no sunshine.

Zhao Tiezhu yawned and greeted a few people. He didn't continue to pull others down. He could enjoy the leisurely soaking of the girl, but people still had to work overtime.

Hongyun’s office is still in that place in the new year.

Into the red rhyme office, the red rhyme looked at the file as usual, saw Zhao Tiezhu come over and threw a folder directly.

"What is this?" Zhao Tiezhu curiously opened the folder.

“The resolution on the company’s participation in the field expansion project tomorrow.” Hong Yun said.

“Field expansion project?” Zhao Tiezhu was a bit surprised, and then seriously looked at the document.

In fact, the content of the document is very simple, that is to say, in order to cultivate team spirit, but also to let everyone get exercise, but also to give everyone a vacation, the company decided to go to a field expansion base in the suburb of fj tomorrow to carry out the field. When the activities are expanded, the company will take all the expenses, and the outstanding performance will also receive bonuses. Anyway, it is something that can train people.

"What is this about me?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"You have to go to participate." Red Yun said, "This is an expansion activity of two people. I was originally a group with Ling Xue, but Gege her grandmother, that is my mother, recently physical discomfort, I am tomorrow. I have to take care of her, so Ling Xue has no partner. I originally thought of letting others partner with Ling Xue, but if you want to go, you can still live in Ling Xue. And it looks like you have a relationship with her. It has been greatly eased. With such an opportunity, I naturally need to give it to you! It is impossible for me to let Ling Xue match with others, and then the whole event is hugged and held?"

"Hey? You created an opportunity for me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Hong Yun charmingly looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Ling Xue is my good sister, and in my opinion, Ling Xue is the only woman who can be close to Ziyi on the gas field. There is such a woman who joins us. The women camp outside these villas is always good for us."

"This... what camp is not camping, are you not all my women?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"This is true, but you can't always send all of us to your house? You have to have a division of one, three, five, two, four, for a week? We are with the women in your villa, There is no hostility, we just want to have a look at each other, there is a reason for us to stand in front of your women without looking timid." Hong Yun said with a smile, "Of course, we are lovers, I am still mainly For Linda to consider, however, Linda seems to have entered the genealogy of your Zhao family. I did not expect that your speed is really fast enough, all of a sudden let Linda also go in, want to come to Linda can also be a lot of peace of mind ""

"Then you don't plan to... Do you have any more in-depth development with me?" Zhao Tiezhu squinted and looked at the red rhyme and said, "Still, you have been thinking about being my lover for a lifetime?"

"Oh, I know what I am." Red Yun shook his head. "I’m a good young woman. I’m a mature woman. I’m a little bit of a widow, your home, that’s not my lonely little widow. If you can climb, I will still be your lover, so the province will give you pressure, and the province will make me uncomfortable."

"I don't like listening to you." Zhao Tiezhu walked to the side of Hongyun and sat down on the arm of the red rhyme chair. Then he rubbed the shoulder of the red rhyme with one hand and said, "Although our beginning is very sudden, More is just based on a kind of **, but, for a long time, what have you helped me, what have you done for me, I have kept it in my heart, if I can, I hope that you can become my real Woman, not a lover."

The red rhyme stunned, and a charming smile appeared on his face. "It’s enough to have you, but I will talk about it later. I am actually a person who is insecure. Now I am young. Good-looking, energetic, and comfortable in bed, but when I am old, my lower body is slack, you don't have to be like this to me, and when you let me regret it, it is not as good as we are now. ”

"You, you, the heart of the young woman, really more rational than the girl's heart, but so rational, often make the young woman become a qualified bed partner instead of a qualified woman, red rhyme, no hurry, you are mine Woman, my life is my woman. I will not say it if I have said it. I only hope that you will remember that I will give Linda an explanation. The same, I will give you an explanation. This is my Zhao Tizhu as your man. , give you the promise." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

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