Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

: The first thousand nine hundred and forty-five hundred miss (78 more)

One day, Zhao Tiezhu can be said to be busy, but it can be said that it is actually a very leisurely life. In the villa, Cao Ziyi is not there. Zhao Tiezhu sits alone in the living room downstairs, watching TV, but in his mind, he is involuntarily I remembered the days before, such a villa is full of women's days, but now, the villa, but only one person.

Li Linger is still in the capital city, Su Yanni is also in the capital city, Lucy is in the United States, I don’t know when the visa can be done well, Sun Jiaying is filming in Beijing. It seems that she has not heard her news for a long time, and Cao Ziyi has gone without a trace. I called and said that I was going out to paint outside. Zhao Tiezhu naturally didn’t worry about it. If anyone dared to disregard Cao Ziyi, it would really be a word of death.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt a bit cold.

I yawned and Zhao Tiezhu was trying to go to sleep.

At this moment, Wang Cai, who did not know where to go, walked in from outside the villa.

I don't know how long I haven't seen Wangcai. Zhao Tiezhu only thinks that Wangcai seems to be more and more beautiful. A white leather bag shines intoxicating white under the light.

Wang Cai slowly walked to Zhao Tiezhu's side, then lifted his front foot and pressed it on the sofa. He walked a few steps forward and straddled the legs of Zhao Tiezhu. Then he lay down and lie on Zhao Tiezhu. On the legs, squinting, and Zhao Tiezhu's wretched.

Zhao Tiezhu reached out and touched Wang Cai’s head and said, “Now you can accompany me alone.”

"Proud." Wang Cai seems to understand Zhao Tiezhu's words in general, proud of a voice, and then spit out his tongue in Zhao Tiezhu's hand smashed twice.

"You are a farmer, always staying at home, and you haven't touched the dog team outside?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

Wang Cai did not bother to snoring. It seems that even if he encountered the so-called dog-catching team, he did not care.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled silently, feeling the warmth of the warmth from Wang Cai, and the inexplicable cold on his body gradually dispersed.

"Hey, when will they come back?" Zhao Tiezhu thought about each of his own women, thinking about what happened to them in the villa, and suddenly felt that it was a bit of a feeling of embarrassment.

It’s as if a woman has a bad temper every month when she comes to aunt, men, sometimes it’s easy to be particularly emotional, like Zhao Tiezhu.

The villa is so big but there is no one. This feeling of desolateness, Zhao Tiezhu feels particularly boring.

Slightly closed his eyes, Zhao Tiezhu put his hand on Wang Cai's body, so he slept.

I don't know when Zhao Tiezhu was awakened by the sound of birds from outside the room.

Open your eyes, a sun shining through the glass on the wall to Zhao Tiezhu's face, so that Zhao Tiezhu's eyes unconsciously smashed.

Zhao Tiezhu yawned and wanted to stretch out, but he found that his body did not know when he had covered a blanket, and Wang Cai had no idea where to go.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled, stood up and collected the blanket, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

A pretty figure is busy in the kitchen.

"When did you come back?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

The figure turned his head and said, "Early, you got up very early today."

"The weather is good today." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked behind the woman, then said, "Zi Yi, where did you go last night?"

“Go to the hills of the suburbs.” Cao Ziyi said, “I was recently hooked on the night scene.”

"That's not to be tired of yourself." Zhao Tiezhu said, "It is not good for women to stay up late."

"I understand." Cao Ziyi said as she gave the breakfast to her, and then said, "Hot it, I will go out later!"

"Continue to paint?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yeah, I seem to understand something recently, so I have to draw more." Cao Ziyi smiled and blinked, then asked, "How did you sleep on the sofa last night?"

"It’s boring, the TV is watching and falling asleep." Zhao Tiezhu twisted his neck and said, "However, sleeping on the sofa is really uncomfortable."

"Oh, think about them, is it?" asked Cao Ziyi.


"It will take a long time for everyone to come back." Cao Ziyi said, "Linger estimates that he will be back in three or two days. Lucy is also similar. As for Jiaying, it is not very clear. Yanni seems to have been for several months. ”

"Hey, now you are living with me." Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"Oh, every separation is for a better gathering next time."

After eating breakfast, Zhao Tiezhu did not get too tired with Cao Ziyi. He drove directly to the company of Hongyun.

Today is what the field expansion activities, Zhao Tiezhu has promised the red rhyme, naturally will not put people pigeons. As for the things in the school, Zhao Tiezhu really did not have much interest to go, anyway, I have to get Sun Ruilian, then have to wait The people in the center are coming down, and it doesn’t make much sense now.

Into the company, Zhao Tiezhu was first stunned by the sportswear of the shape of the **. In the past, the people in the company wore uniforms, men's suits and women's skirts, today's sportswear, this difference, still It's not really small.

Zhao Tiezhu went to a small group with dust and other people. After talking to people for a few days, Ling Xue appeared in front of everyone.

Today's Ling Xue is also wearing sportswear like everyone else. The pink sportswear makes Ling Xue look a lot warmer, at least not giving a cold feeling.

Simply do a speech before departure, Ling Xue took about twenty or thirty men and women down the stairs.

Downstairs, a bus has been waiting for a long time, everyone went to the bus, and then went to a wilderness training base on the outskirts of fj.

As an assistant, Zhao Tiezhu is naturally sitting next to Ling Xue, and Ling Xue is looking out the window on the way to maintain the image of her cold face goddess. Basically, there is no communication with Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu really felt a little uncomfortable between the moments. Fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu was sitting next to some familiar people, so Zhao Tiezhu did not suffer anyway.

After chatting and farting for more than an hour, the bus finally came to this field development training base. Ling Xue first got off the bus and Zhao Tiezhu followed.

Zhao Tiezhu, the field development training base, is still coming for the first time. Looking around, the whole venue is very large, and it is similar to the training ground in the army!

(Jiangnan Dragon 8000 VIP, continue to add 10 more)

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