Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1962: Emperor's enemies (95 more)

After Jiang Yangqiu thoroughly slammed it, Zhao Tiezhu decided to return to his home. As for what to do next, Zhao Tiezhu has already explained it, can you do it well, that is Jiang Yangqiu, and Zhao Tiezhu did not go upstairs to find Linda, but directly called a solitary dragon. .

"Those people wait for you to ask them to call their master, say things are done, and then they have to run." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, I know!" Duo Huangtian replied calmly.

"When these things are done, turn those people off, check the details, and see if Xing Yi'an is coming over." Zhao Tiezhu continued.

"Well, but, Iron Pillar, are you really going to use this to deal with evil in Xing Yi'an?" asked Solitary.

"Do you know that there is something in the ancient times, called the name of the cast?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.


"Since we have crossed the river and want to take root in the Pearl River Delta region, it is bound to need to be united with a certain local power. The Triad Association is our best joint object. Since we are determined to mainly follow the triple and joint, then In order to dispel their doubts about whether we are sincere and sincere, it is inevitable to do something, and of course, we must not sin in death. Therefore, I don’t want Sun Ruilian’s life, and Sun Ruilian’s cognac is still in the province of gd. High-level figures, offending to Xing Yi'an and the top, are not a wise choice." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Then you are not afraid of Xing'an people to see it?" asked Solitary.

"What do you see?"

"See that you are deliberately slap in the face, in order to please the triad."

"Oh, look out, how about?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "I have already fanned down this slap, even if they know that I just want to see the triad, they can't help, it's impossible for us to After fanning him a slap in the face, he also bounced on the other side to give us another fan. In fact, these things, we can't lie to the real high-level, but many people just need to look at a representation, at least On the other hand, we are not on the road with Xing Yi'an. At least on the surface, we are a group with the Triad. This is enough."

"Really, yes, Zhang Bei, has been successful in the upper position." Du Gu Huang Tian whispered.

"Oh? So fast?" Zhao Tiezhu asked a little strangely. It seems that there is not much time in the past. This North is actually a successful upper position. This is actually incredible in Zhao Tiezhu’s view.

"Zhang Bei has killed the most competitive person." Solitary Heaven said calmly.

"Oh, when he was still in the ward?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yes, the hand of the people we went to follow, the man was directly sinking into the Pearl River."

"Too enough." Zhao Tiezhu leaned against the car and gave himself a cigarette. Then he said, "Imperial, what do you think of Zhang Bei? I am talking about Zhang Bei."

"This is like a leopard that is released. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of results. The first one is that he goes out to give us a **** road and bring us a fat prey."

"Another kind?" Zhao Tiezhu squinted and looked at the sky, night, very quiet.

"The other one, that is, really become a leopard, not subject to our control, and it is very likely that we will bite us." Duo Huangtian said.

"Then you said, Zhang Bei, which one?" Zhao Tiezhu continued to ask.

"This..." said Solitude, after a moment of contemplation, "If our whip is long enough and powerful enough, Zhang Bei will still be our excellent hunting partner, and if we have not done anything else in the Pearl River Delta, then Zhang Bei is likely to choose another way out."

"What is the way out?"

"For example, relying entirely on Xingyi'an, doing Xingyi's traitors."

“Is it a counter-measure?” Zhao Tiezhu smiled and threw the cigarette butts on the ground, stepped on the tread, and said, “Comrade Huang Tian, ​​we must believe that every comrade who goes out from our side, at least, on the face, must fully believe ""

"I understand." Duo Huangtian said, "I haven't met a white-eyed wolf. However, I estimate that Zhang Bei will not be a white-eyed wolf."

"Do you rely on intuition?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Maybe, you know, my instincts are very accurate."

"Well, I don't have much to say." Zhao Tiezhu looked at his hand and said, "Emperor, wait for the Pearl River Delta. When we go to Hong Kong and Macau, I will always go shopping. I know that you have been I remember the people who made you fall into the rocks and made you powerless. Although I helped you kill a lot of people, some people can’t do it. I don’t know how to make a living, at least half a year. I will definitely return you to the Hong Kong financial market."

"Oh, yes!" said Solitary, and hung up. Then I watched the cockroach that was playing with the computer. Huang Tian smiled and said, "Hey, take a break early."

"Yeah." He nodded and asked, "Imperial, you...what are there in Hong Kong?"

The solitary emperor stunned a bit, floating astronomy network words? ”

"Listen a little."

"Oh, in fact, there is no enemy." Duo Huangtian said, "I was pitted in the past, and everything was taken. In fact, if only those people hang me, I will not be ignorant, but There are a few people in Hong Kong who are not very good. When I saw that I was falling, I stepped on my feet. The iron pillar helped me to avenge my hatred, but these little grievances were not taken care of because Those people, how to say it, is far more powerful than the so-called financial giants on the market."

"Then you are planning to take revenge?" He turned around and looked at the Solitary.

"Maybe, this is the iron column." The solitary crown shrugged.

He licked his lips and said, "Then you really want to take revenge. You can't rush to the front and let Zhao Tiezhu rush in front. The man's body is hard and can't be killed. You can scream in the back."

The solitary emperor suddenly laughed and said, "This... not good."

"What's wrong." He walked to the front of the Solitary, and then reached for the clothes of the Solitary.

"What?" asked the Solitary.

"I am going to you next night, let's change the pattern." He smiled and pushed the Solitary Emperor and decisively rode up.

The sorrow of Queen Fan’s, it seems that it’s really a complete surrender to the lonely dragon who walked the Chuanfeng route!

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