Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1965: Fan X of Fan X (98 more)

"Welcome Secretary Wang Zhang to visit our school to guide the work!" Sun Ruilian stood openly at the side of Wang Changchuan and Zhang Yihuang, and bent slightly, exactly the same as when Jiang Yangqiao spoke to Sun Ruilian.

"Little Sun, Minister Wang is here in a busy schedule. I hope that your school will not let the Minister Wang disappoint!" Zhang Yihuang said with a smile.

"Must be sure!" Sun Ruilian nodded busy, although she had a provincial party leader in the gd side is his own cognac, but these are the existence of the yak x, and the minister is more directly concerned. To his own future, Sun Ruilian does not mean to bow down.

A few of the school leaders behind Sun Ruilian are equally charming. The people of Shenzhou are basically like this. When they see people or officials who are more than their own cows, they are generally flattering like grandchildren, and they are grandsons. A lot of Chinese people will have a skill, even Zhao Tiezhu will.

"Little Sun, know why we are coming this time?" The bald middle-aged man, Wang Changchuan, asked with a smile.

"I really don't know this." Sun Ruilian smiled and shook her head. "I also asked Minister Wang to instruct."

"We are here to eat for you!" Wang Changchuan said with a smile. "What is the hardware of a school? Actually, you don't have to look at other things. You can see the canteen. Do you mind if we have a meal on your side?" ”

"No problem, we welcome, welcome! Minister Wang, I don't want you to say, our canteen, that level is not covered, things are delicious and cheap, many students would rather eat at school, do not go home to eat "!" Sun Ruilian said.

"Ah? Then I have to taste it. Lao Zhang, how are you, don't you mind eating a canteen together? I seem to have eaten the school cafeteria more than 20 years ago, but I have never eaten it again!" "Wang Changchuan said to Zhang Yihuang.

Zhang Yihuang naturally smiled and answered, and the teacher who was watching the school at the side of the school, after hearing these words, quit the crowd and then called the cafeteria.

“All the vegetable prices are halved and doubled,” the man said.

The phone was a bit boring, so when Wang Changchuan and others had not yet arrived at the cafeteria, the price of the canteen was all half of the original price. In addition, many people found that today, the cafeteria, playing the dishes It seems that the dishes are hateful to them. The sweet and sour meat of the previous three dollars, it is not bad to have two or three pieces. Today, I will give you a big spoon at once, and the price is only one piece.

Soon, several teachers came to the cafeteria and began to educate the students on the spot. Then, several student unions came to the cafeteria.

In any school, there is no shortage of students who follow the school firmly and follow the teacher. These students are arranged to come over to eat at the student union. If there is any problem with the minister, these people can give perfection. s answer.

If you use the words of professional points, it is to support, the Shenzhou officials go to the place, some want to really understand something, but helpless, people have not arrived, care will come first, then do not want to know anything.

The same is true of fj University under the direction of Sun Ruilian.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly followed behind the brigade, and sent a text message to Fan Jian, giving Fan Jian an instruction. Then, in the dining hall, there were some more people inexplicably.

Wang Changchuan and Zhang Yihuang are both at the forefront. Sun Ruilian is behind, while walking and talking about some achievements of fj University, or the infrastructure construction, anyway, it is good for 7788. Something introduced a big push. Wang Changchuan listened frequently and looked at the surrounding campus environment. He said, "Sister Sun, the style of study on your side is still quite good."

"Fortunately, it is all the instructions of the provincial leaders!" Sun Ruilian said with a smile.

Wang Changchuan nodded, did not speak, but continued to walk. Not long after, the group of people came to the cafeteria. The mighty crowd probably had nearly a hundred people. Fortunately, the canteen of fj was very large, so this hundred people It’s not too crowded to get into the cafeteria.

Wang Changchuan curiously looked around and said, "You are not a lot of people here."

"This is the case, Minister Wang, there are many canteens on our side. This is our first canteen. There is a third canteen in the second canteen. There are a total of 50 canteens in our school. But here is It belongs to the nearest, so I will bring you here. The things are the same and the price is the same.” Sun Ruilian explained.

Wang Changchuan smiled and went to the place where he was cooking. Then he looked at the price of the vegetables and said, "Hey, your food is very cheap. Is an egg only 5 cents? Doesn't it cost?"

"Oh, there are special financial allocations in the province. We basically lose money when we sell eggs. However, if we can make the burden of the students lighter, we will not complain if we owe it again." Sun Ruilian This is beautiful, Wang Changchuan naturally listened to the nod, but Zhang Yihuang looked around and did not see Zhao Tiezhu.

Under the leadership of President Sun, Wang Changchuan took the rice dish and then made a few kinds of vegetarian dishes. He spent about ten yuan in total, and then found a place to sit down. It happened that there was a fat man next to dinner. Seeing this fat man, Sun Ruilian’s face changed.

This person... is not Fan Jian!

I don't know if it is fate or something. Fan Jian is eating here. Wang Changchuan can sit next to Fan Jian, which is enough to see that Fan Jian is quite attractive to men.

Fan Jian’s turn is a lot of food, meat, and more than Wang Changchuan’s plate.

“Classmate, have lunch?” Wang Changchuan asked with a smile.

Fan Jian looked up and glanced at Wang Changchuan, then looked at the person next to him and said, "Is it not lunch or dinner?"

Wang Changchuan stunned and immediately smiled. "Oh, disturb you to eat, sorry, sorry."

"It's okay." Fan Jian wiped his mouth and said, "I told you that today's dishes are cheaper and more numerous. I will finish it later, and I have to eat some more!"

"Oh? Today's dishes are cheaper and more expensive? Is this the case today?" asked Wang Changchuan.

Fan Jian stopped the chopsticks and looked around. When he saw Sun Ruilian, Sun Ruilian was really a bit of a wink.

Fan Jianyi smiled and said, "Today's dishes are more than half cheaper than usual, and the amount has doubled. Don't eat more, how?"

Sun Ruilian's face was directly blacked out, and then she gave a look to the side, and a person left quietly.

(Today, a total of 76,320 votes, just learned that duduu is invested by 20,000, that is 25 chapters, counted today, I have to have more 123 chapters, plus yesterday's 31 more, two days 154 more, more than 150, I want to bear fruit Photo, everyone listens to my meager, I will be in the violent fruit. · Everyone really cattle x·· I admit, I was blown up by you. · Still 25. Come right away.

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