Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1982: Liu Changfeng's mind (115

"Thank you, Governor Liu." Zhao Tiezhu said with a slightly flattering smile on his face, "Liu Governor, you are very kind to me."

"Haha, what do you say, you come to us for investment, I should deal with you better, and, I heard about the legend of your previous days in the capital, this is really shocking, but unfortunately. I didn't know that in Beijing during that time, otherwise I have to know you, but you don't want to abandon me. Although I am more than 50 this year, my heart can still be young!" Liu Changfeng laughs Said.

Zhao Tiezhu squinted his eyes. I don't know if Liu Changfeng said that this is a metaphor, or just inadvertently speaking, because it can be understood that Liu Changfeng still wants to work for a few more years, and even wants to make progress.

why? According to the state regulations, the retirement age of general cadres is 55 years old, and now Liu Changfeng seems to have a 52-year-old look, and this counts, Liu Changfeng probably has to retire in two or three years, provided that Liu Changfeng has been staying in this position, and if Liu Changfeng can go further, to the governor's step, then the retirement age will be postponed to 60 years old, although there is an insurmountable gap between the governor and the deputy governor. However, if there is a background in the organic context, it is not impossible to go up.

That thing is very simple. If Liu Changfeng really hints at himself, it is estimated that he hopes to have further communication and communication with himself. If it is just unintentional, then Zhao Tiezhu thinks too much.

And Zhao Tiezhu does not think that a deputy governor will say this kind of unintentional words that can make people ambiguous.

Reminiscent of why Liu Changfeng was so enthusiastic about himself when he came in, Zhao Tiezhu had a faint guess.

Another person who wants to catch the Zhao family aircraft carrier.

These thoughts of Zhao Tiezhu just turned over in a flash, but the face was not said anything different. "You are still young when you are the governor of Liu. I have come to your place for the first time. I also hope that you can give me some guidance and point the way!" ”

"Haha, you kid, interesting, really interesting, cute, very, come, go one." Liu Changfeng said, pick up the glass that had been poured, and respected Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu quickly took his cup and touched Liu Changfeng. After a while, then a glass of white wine was drunk, and Liu Changfeng was also very heroic to drink the white wine in the cup, although the amount of the cup is about two-thirds of the cup of Zhao Tiezhu, but can make A deputy governor has given all the drinks to him. This is still very rare. At least in Guangdong Province, the deputy governor who is toasting and a boring person can count one hand.

Liu Changfeng, this person, has to say that the means of communication is very good. After doing a glass of wine with Zhao Tiezhu, I chatted with Zhao Tiezhu for a while. I talked about Zhao Tiezhu’s investment this time, and also talked about other gossips, etc. By the side of the levy, the words are also funny, so that Zhao Tiezhu and the people next to him are a burst of laughter.

Liu Ruoxi is a bit embarrassed. Liu Ruo, who is very strong and cold, has been ignored by Liu Changfeng from beginning to end. Moreover, the jokes that Liu Changfeng said, the funny words, Liu Ruoxi really can’t smile, but everyone laughs. You Liu Ruoxi can't help but laugh? Therefore, Liu Ruoxi can only hold his face with a sly face.

This is the legendary smile of the skin.

Zhao Tiezhu obviously saw Liu Ruoxi’s embarrassment. In the inadvertently, Zhao Tiezhu blinked at Liu Ruoxi’s eyes and made a face. Liu Ruoxi’s uncomfortable face was stiff and stiff. Seeing Zhao Tiezhu’s face, Liu Ruoxi’s sly look. Just laughed, and at this time, Liu Changfeng just said, "Hey, that year, when the flood relief, our brother happened to be on a hydroelectric power station, the result was full in three or two minutes, and it was necessary to cross the dam, I With a few brothers immediately put into the rescue and relief, and soon, the PLA soldiers have come, hey, you do not know, that day we are a few, tired and just like a fight. Really It’s too hard, and the body is full of injuries.”

Just talking about this broken word, Liu Ruoxi smiled and laughed. This was originally a very touching and sensational bridge. As a result, Liu Ruoxi’s untimely smile made the atmosphere created by Liu Changfeng completely broken. .

Liu Changfeng’s face turned black, then turned his head and looked at Liu Ruoxi, who was grinning and could only smile, and asked, “Mayor Liu, what happened? Don’t you think that I said this thing, is it funny? ?"

"No, no... there." Liu Ruoxi said that when he smiled, he knew that he was in trouble. He wanted to suppress himself and not let himself laugh. Just laughing at this kind of thing is often the more you squat, the more powerful he is, so Liu Ruoxi While answering Liu Changfeng’s question on one side, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Liu Changfeng’s face is even darker.

"Mr. Liu, this is my experience of participating in flood relief and disaster relief. If you feel ridiculous, you can tell me that you have been doing this, and why not laugh, I am very troubled!" Liu Changfeng wrinkled Said the brow.

"No, no, Governor Liu, I think what you said, I am very touched, but I feel very happy when I think of a happy life now, because I have someone like you, we have us. Now a healthy and safe life, I... I thought about it, I was so happy that I couldn’t help but laugh.” Liu Ruoxi finally found out a more compelling reason. Liu Changfeng stared at Liu Ruoxi’s eyes and turned his head. Said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Comrade Tiezhu, wait a little while, do you have time? I intend to invite you to sit in my house. I have a good Wuyishan Dahongpao, and Mao Taizu's favorite thing."

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am free, very free, I will definitely go to you later!"

"That's good, there is something wrong with me here. After a while, my secretary will pick you up. I will go first, Comrade Tillar, eat well."

After that, Liu Changfeng stood up, and Zhao Tiezhu and the people around him quickly stood up. Not far away, people who were watching this place also followed.

Zhao Tiezhu Cao Ziyi and Liu Ruoxi and others in the first seat sent Liu Changfeng to the outside of the hotel. When Liu Changfeng got on the bus, the talents returned to their position once again.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Liu Ruoxi and said with a smile, "Mayor Liu, you just laughed, it is really beautiful."

Liu Ruoxi took a look at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "The beauty that you can't do without your face."

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