Zhao Tiezhu does not change his mind, but his heart is rapidly turning sharply. Why is he and Chen Yang blocked?

There are two possibilities. One is that those people come for themselves, and the other is those people who come to Chen Yang.

However, Zhao Tiezhu always felt that something was wrong, and he couldn’t say what was wrong. Those people were murderous, but this murderousness seemed to make Zhao Tiezhu feel another breath, as if this was murderous, a bit slick.

What is slick and murderous? Simply put, you are murderous and look great, but there is not much killing in it.

This is flashy.

When Zhao Tiezhu sometimes faces some masters, the murderousness of those masters, although not to the extent of the sky, but the murder is very sensible, can make you feel the kind of hair that is erected, and the murderousness of these people is It is very large, but under the perception of Zhao Tiezhu, these people seem to be just murderous.

To put it simply, these people are not really trying to kill themselves.

That Zhao Tiezhu is strange, why do these people look like they don’t want to kill themselves, but they are deliberately trying to get so murderous?

This is where Zhao Tiezhu can't solve it.

Right now, Chen Yang hides here, waiting for people to come to the rescue, Zhao Tiezhu’s mind has always been this problem.

Until Chen Yang said that those people came up.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes turned, he thought of a possibility.

Subsequently, Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes narrowed.

Although there is a faint guess in the heart, Zhao Tiezhu is not in a hurry to show it.

"Zhao Laodi, run!" Chen Yang said, turned and ran to the side.

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak, but stood in the same place and said, "Chen brother, nothing, these people will look like a dozen, let you look at my skills, one minute, destroy them."

Chen Yang’s face changed slightly, and immediately said, “Zhao Laodi, they have guns!”

"It doesn't matter if there is a gun." Zhao Tiezhu's face was full of pride. He said, "There are people who have guns. I have killed a lot of them. As long as they are not armed with machine guns, they are all right."

"Zhao Laodi, don't be excited, you are our Guangzhou guests. If you have any mistakes, then my sin can be gone!" Chen Yang tried to stop Zhao Tiezhu from confronting those people, but Zhao Tiezhu was More and more determined his own ideas.

Those people are probably arranged by Chen Yang!

As for why Chen Yang will arrange this, isn’t that simple? Marry a blame!

After people are chasing and killing, Zhao Tiezhu waits for the resentment after he escapes from birth. Then he has to check who is chasing himself. Then Chen Yang simply arranges it. It is possible to transfer Zhao Tiezhu’s attention to Xingyi. If you want to help yourself, then you may think that it’s Xing Yi’an or money to help you chase yourself. Then you will definitely be more determined to rely on the Triad. On the other hand, Chen Yang will certainly be quite happy if this is the case.

At the thought of this, Zhao Tiezhu intends to work with those people here, killing a few directly, seeing whether Chen Yang will feel bad, or what other performances, but Chen Yang’s performance is enough to confirm Zhao Tiezhu The idea, Imagine, what is the most powerful big circle? force!

Chen Yang, who is a big circle to help the gang, will be scared by twenty small gangsters to escape? Certainly impossible, not just a problem that is not afraid of fear. The head here also involves the problem of face. Later, people spread it out, saying that the big circle helping the host Chen Yang was scared by the twenty small gangsters and could not only run away. Where is Chen Yang’s face put?

Zhao Tiezhu has felt Chen Yang's gas field. Chen Yang's gas field is very rich, at least the same level as Lei Zi, such a character, will be beaten on the twenty gangsters?

That is to say that Zhao Tiezhu is actually a homosexual, completely absurd to not.

After thinking about this, Zhao Tiezhu will no longer insist on the idea of ​​staying behind to kill these people. After all, Chen Yang’s purpose may be to make himself more close to the Triad, instead of actually killing himself, if Really want to kill yourself, Chen Yang's best way is to ambush hundreds of people around here, all with a gun, and shoot yourself, this may kill yourself.

Although Zhao Tiezhu understands Chen Yang, he has not done the idea of ​​those who chase himself. However, Zhao Tiezhu does not intend to be designed so easily, but anyone who dares to design Zhao Tiezhu needs to pay the price!

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Chen brother, you are waiting for me first, I used to play with them for a few rounds."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu did not go to see Chen Yang’s face that had changed, and rushed straight toward the stairway.

"Zhao Laodi, slow down!" Chen Yang called, but his heart was annoyed. How did Zhao Tiezhu be so sturdy? This said that he would fight, and those who are all themselves, if they were killed by Zhao Tiezhu A few, what should I do? Did you turn your face with Zhao Tiezhu or hold back when you don’t know?

If you turn your face with Zhao Tiezhu, does that mean that these people are their own people? If you don’t know how to hold back, how can you be worthy of your own brother?

This time, Chen Yang is in a dilemma.

The speed of Zhao Tiezhu, but there is no pause, and instantly rushed into the stairs.

Then, the sound of the cymbal sounded.

With the sound of screaming, there are still screams.

That is, about ten seconds later, Zhao Tiezhu returned to the second floor, and then walked to Chen Yang's side with a look, looking at the strange face of Chen Yang, Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Chen Ge, those people, really do not worry Drop, but time is limited, I just played with them. Today, I went out to see the Huang Li, saying that today I should not see blood, I will not kill, let's go."

Chen Yang said strangely, "Okay, let's go!"

The two quickly ran to the other side of the exit, then ran out of the abandoned building, and continued to run on the street for a long time, they met the help of the big circle of support.

"It is safe!" Chen Yang said with emotion.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Yes, it is really dangerous."

"I really can't stop you this evening, Zhao Laodi." Chen Yang continued, "Just, just those people, I seem to have seen it."

"Oh? Have you seen it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, it seems to have been seen, but it is not very sure." Chen Yang said.

"Chen brother, you said those people, will you come to me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked like a smile. Chen Yang’s heart was happy, but his face was quietly saying, “This is also possible.”

(Finally two thousand chapters.)

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