Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2002: Power smoked heart

"This Zhao Tiezhu, can be awkward." Xiao Tianhu sighed and said helplessly, "I have been an ally with him, and I have been an enemy, but no matter what I do, I have been completely defeated by him. In this regard, I said that I am very helpless. Now, I just want to manage my three-point land."

"Oh, Xiao Boda, this does not seem to be your character!" said the monkey.

"You have not handed over to Zhao Tiezhu." Xiao Tianhu said, "No matter what you do, Zhao Tiezhu can suppress you everywhere. This time Zhao Tiezhu came to Guangzhou to invest and make money. I don't want to provoke him."

"Xiao boss said this, it would be boring." The monkey said with a smile. "The purpose of Zhao Tiezhu’s coming to Guangzhou has long been the heart of Sima Zhao. Everyone knows that this kind of investment is just an official reason. Isn't Xiao boss really still so simple?"

"This... maybe Zhao Tiezhu really just wants to make money!" Xiao Tianhu said.

"When I came, Master Zhao told me to, if you can, communicate well with Xiao Lao, after all, everyone is a friend, but Xiao Lao seems to be willing to live in his own world, since this is the case. Then, let us go to the wrong place!" The monkey said, turned and left, without any stop.

Xiao Tianhu didn’t feel that he continued to be patient at this time, but he hurriedly shouted, “Monkey brother, don’t go so urgent.”

The monkey stood up and turned to look at Xiao Tianhu. He smiled and said, "The second division, is there anything else?"

"Ha ha ha, monkey brother, you are really humorous!" Xiao Tianhu laughed. "I think, what is going on in this year, you can slowly communicate and negotiate slowly. What do you say?"

"This is true." The monkey embraced his chest with both hands and looked at Xiao Tianhu, saying, "Xiao boss, let's not talk nonsense, how do you plan to deal with Zhao Tiezhu?"

"This, it depends on what you think." Xiao Tianhu said in a deep voice. "Now, Zhao Tiezhu’s relationship with the Triad and Xing Yi’an is very embarrassing. I originally thought that Xingyi’an might be because of the little sister’s business. Zhao Tiezhu has nothing to do with it. I didn’t expect anything to say nothing. The relationship between the two sides seems to be very good. It’s really unclear whether Zhao Tiezhu is united with the Triad, or with Xing’an. ”

"With the triple association." The monkey said confidently.

"Oh? Why?"

"I naturally have my judgment. Zhao Tiezhu and the Triad Association have already secretly joined the alliance. As for Xing Yi'an, it is only Zhao Tiezhu to confuse the audience." The monkey said.

"That is also troublesome." Xiao Tianhu said, "There is a big circle behind the triad, plus a Zhao Tiezhu, the combat power can be far more than our money, so we even plan to do something, but not that Ability!"

"Since Zhao Tiezhu will unite with the Triad, will you not unite Xingyi?" asked the monkey.

"Joint Xingyi'an? Xingyi'an is a not very good partner." Xiao Tianhu said, "Their bosses are abroad, and now the four kings are quite united and very insidious. If you are not careful, you are easy to be They are guns."

"Oh, always afraid of the tiger before the wolf, how do you do it?" The monkey said, "Xing Yi'an, I can help you to contact, as long as you are united, plus our family The support of the prince, to get rid of the triad and Zhao Tiezhu, is not difficult, our goal, not to kill Zhao Tiezhu, at least let Zhao Tiezhu a lifetime torment in fj can not come out!"

"This is up to you!" Xiao Tianhu said with a big smile. "If this can be done, it will definitely be a big blow to Zhao Tiezhu. From the beginning to the present, Zhao Tiezhu basically did not encounter any setbacks. If we give him a head start, It is very likely that his sharpness will be completely suppressed. At that time, even if he can hold fj, Zhao Tiezhu can't do it!"

"Well, then let's do this!" said the monkey. "I am going to Xingyi'an now, let's keep in touch."

“No longer sitting? Drinking a bar?” Xiao Tianhu invited.

"The wine will make people's spirits become paralyzed. I don't like wine. Let's go. When we're fine, let's drink again, Xiao Bo, goodbye!"

After that, the monkey turned away with a few people turning directly.

Xiao Tianhu watched the monkey leave, and then asked the man who stood by his side, "Jing Wei, what do you think?"

"Zhao Wangye floating astronomy network pressure Zhao Tiezhu, and we just need to borrow Zhao Wangye's hand to deal with the triad society big circle to help Zhao Tiezhu, have a common goal, can cooperate." Jing Wei calmly said.

"I think so too." Xiao Tianhu said with a smile. "Zhao Wangye has a bad relationship with Zhao, and Zhao’s biggest sword is the Dragon Gang. Now the Dragon Gang basically does not listen to Zhao’s words. Zhao Tiezhu has become a sword that is still being honed by the Zhao family. And we are the whetstone. However, a sword must be polished into a sword. It is not so simple, one is not good. The sharpening stone has broken the sword, and that can be interesting."

"Oh, I think so too." Jing Yan said with a smile.

In the near future, the scene similar to Xiao Tianhu’s side also happened in Xingyi’an, but Xing’an’s attitude was a bit embarrassing, and he did not immediately agree, and the monkey did not insist, just finished the matter. After that, I left. As for where I went, no one knows that Xing Yi’an and the money help have people follow the monkeys, but unfortunately no one is coming.

The money to help with Xing Yi'an happened quietly, while on the other side, Zhang Bei, but has been able to move freely, although tied with a bandage, but Zhang Bei's face is good.

Next, what should I do?

This is a difficult problem for Zhang Bei.

However, just when Zhang Bei was puzzled, he received a notice from Xing Yian.

This notice is very simple. Let Zhang Bei, within one month, take his people to the Xingyi’an headquarters to report, and there seems to be something like there.

After receiving this notice, Zhang Bei instinctively thought of something.

The war, it is estimated that it will not erupt for too long!

And do you want to tell Zhao Tiezhu this news, this is the place where Zhang Bei is entangled.

Zhao Tiezhu came to Guangzhou, Zhang Bei knows, and now, if Zhang Bei tells Zhao Tiezhu about this news, then Zhao Tiezhu is likely to be able to infer something, and if it is inferred, he is likely to get some benefits. And if you don't tell Zhao Tiezhu, and turn to Xingyi'an people to say their identity, then Xingyi'an people are also likely to give themselves some benefits, and then let yourself give Zhao Tiezhu fake news.

I have to say that power is really easy to blind people's eyes and mind.

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