Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2017: Cataclysm!

"The head here, there are stars, there are directors, there are wealthy businessmen, hey, what is it? I use these people to exchange money with you. Should I have no opinion?" Mohamed smiled and touched it. I touched the pistol on the waist and said, "That's it, a total of one billion dollars, I want a billion dollars, you put the money into my designated account, then, I am receiving money, and put money After turning away, I will put everyone here, you said, this transaction is not bad?"

"Now, I will give you ten minutes to consider the time. If you agree, you will send me money. If you don't agree, we will bring these people together. If you want to delay the time, then every five minutes, I will kill a person. Let's take a look at it. Whoever has patience? Of course, you can choose to attack and tell you, we still have people looking at you outside, as long as you attack, it’s embarrassing, everyone can only Dead, I have explosives." After that, Zhou transferred the camera to Mohammed’s body. Mohammed pulled the clothes up and revealed the detonator tied together. It may be other explosives. It seems that the power should not be small. Then, Zhou clicked on the dv machine, and the signal disappeared on the big screen outside the hotel.

"Sorry, everyone." Mohammed said with a smile to everyone. "This time, mainly because our organization lacks funding for activities, so we will come here to find someone to get some money. Now, my men, I will come to you and take off all the jewellery from you. You can rest assured that we only need money and don't hurt people. Therefore, if you cooperate with me, I don't want unnecessary casualties."

After finishing the conversation, several big men entered the crowd and began to search for gold and silver jewelry.

Zhao Tiezhu’s position is just next to Sun Jiaying. When he walked in, Zhao Tiezhu specially chose this place.

Sun Jiaying's body is carrying a lot of jewelry, because it is a woman, so Sun Jiaying's face has a thick panic look.

"Let's relax." Zhao Tiezhu whispered, "These people give them money, and they have to keep their lives!"

"Yeah!" Sun Jiaying turned pale and shivered and nodded slightly.

When the big man came to Sun Jiaying, one of them seemed to know Sun Jiaying, happily grabbed Sun Jiaying's hand, and then pulled Sun Jiaying up and shouted, "Hey, this is Sun Jiaying!"


Mohammed looked at Sun Jiaying and smiled on his face. He said, "Haha, this is really an unexpected joy. Sun Jiaying, the queen of the music industry, will be here too. I just didn't see it! Bring it up! ”

"Well!" The man was holding Sun Jiaying's arm and was going out. Sun Jiaying shook his body and looked at Zhao Tiezhu for help. He called, "Iron Pi."

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes narrowed and looked at the rifles around him, pointing at his own, at least four rifles.

Sun Jiaying saw Zhao Tiezhu's look, somehow, suddenly felt a lot of peace of mind, the body's trembling a lot less, and then was caught by people to come to Mohammed's body.

"Oh, it's you!" Mohammed looked at Sun Jiaying and said, "Actually, I am your fan."

"Since... you are me... my fans, then... can you, let us go?" Sun Jiaying said with a trembling voice.

"What do you think?" Mohammed said with a smile. "Oh, unfortunately, today is our day of imprisonment, not allowed to be close to women, hehe."

When he heard the words of Mohammed, Sun Jiaying breathed a sigh of relief, but he followed Mohammed and said, "I can hardly see the real person. If I don’t leave anything, I can’t say it, Zhou, come up, give us Jiaying tied up!"

"Okay!" Nodded at the week, went to Sun Jiaying's side, and then tied a few detonators to Sun Jiaying's body, and installed a detonating device on the top.

"Do you see this?" Mohammed picked up a remote control and said, "As long as I press it on, we can go to see the great God together, of course, if my heart stops The sensor installed on my chest will also induce explosives. We can also see the great God, Jiaying. Do you feel particularly honored?"

Sun Jiaying bit her lip and dare not speak.

Mohammed continued, "Well, Jiaying, I am a little tired, I want to take a break, come and give me a massage."

After that, Mohammed turned and walked to the side. Next to the hall, there was a staircase. The stairs were directly connected to the upper floor. Upstairs was a seating area with several rooms to allow people to rest inside.

Sun Jiaying turned to look at Zhao Tiezhu, the latter cast a look of your heart, Sun Jiaying only shivered and followed Mohammed.

And on the side of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu observed the surroundings. At this time, there were a total of ten people guarding these people here, and his current position was in the back of the crowd, and about five meters behind him was a corner. Go inside and go straight to the bathroom.

The distance of five meters should be put in the usual time. Zhao Tiezhu’s time to put a fart is gone, but at the moment, there are several pairs of eyes that are almost at the same time watching the two hundred people. These terrorists are very professional. High, basically every second someone will look at Zhao Zhaozhu from here.

How can I get these people’s eyes off from themselves?

Zhao Tiezhu can be invisible, yes, but this stealth can not be used blatantly? A person suddenly disappears. Now everyone may not care too much. If everyone is safe when they wait, then somebody may start to arrest themselves.

And this kind of stealth ability is absolutely impossible to be made public. As long as people let people know, then Zhao Tiezhu will inevitably be chased by countless people. Among them, there will be Zhao Tiezhu’s former enemy as a killer, and there will be some others. If the state's special institution, stealth, can be researched, then this will bring a revolutionary change to the world, which Zhao Tiezhu does not want to see.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is not willing to be regarded as a white mouse.

Time is walking in minutes and seconds.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that someone was watching himself.

Moved his head slightly.

Zhao Tiezhu found out that Feng Gang was watching himself.

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