Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2034: Do you make a movie?

"Cut. Are you willing to fire me? I will lay golden eggs!" Sun Jiaying said proudly. It’s just an outlet. Sun Jiaying felt that something was wrong.

"Haha. The subtext of your words is. You are a hen. Is it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smirk.

"You bastard!" Sun Jiaying licked his mouth. Ignore Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu smiled. However, he did not continue to tease Sun Jiaying. Instead, I called Feng Gang. Joon just came out to have afternoon tea.

Feng Feng, who was on the phone, agreed.

"Go together?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Sun Jiaying. Sun Jiaying hesitated. Haven't talked yet. The phone rang.

Sun Jiaying looked at the phone. Frowning and picking up.

I don’t know what to say at the end of the phone. Sun Jiaying's face is getting worse. Finally, I snorted directly at the bastard. Then I hung up the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying's face was wrong. Whispered. "what happened?"

"Dongxing's people called me again. They threatened me to make movies for them. If you don't shoot them, you must kidnap me!" Sun Jia. Still doing this kind of thing. Humph! ”

"Dongxing. Hehe." Zhao Tiezhu smiled. Said. "It's okay. You are safe with you. That's fine."

"Yeah!" Sun Jiaying nodded. Said. "I believe in you. The landlord."

"Let's go." Zhao Tiezhu said. "Go and see Feng Gang together. Try to make a decision on filming."

Sun Jiaying nodded and agreed. And was pulled by Zhao Tiezhu to do some hard work. Zhao Tiezhu intends to set up a film company directly on the Hong Kong side. after all. Although Sun Jiaying’s entertainment company also has a film company on the mainland. But the mainland's film industry is obviously not in a hurry. Playing movies on the Hong Kong side. In general. It is more promising than the mainland. And it is also easier to enter the European and American markets.

Zhao Tiezhu and Sun Jiaying have no cars. So I plan to play a taxi. Perhaps it is because of too much drink in the afternoon. After Zhao Tiezhu. Just said to Sun Jiaying. "I went to the public toilet on the side to get a urine. You wait for me for a while!"

Sun Jiaying nodded. Said. "Yes. Don't talk about urine easily. You have to say it is convenient."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled. Said. "I am still elegant."

Said. Zhao Tiezhu went to a public toilet on the side. Sun Jiaying is wearing a big sunglasses and standing on the side of the road playing with a mobile phone.

at this time. A white van suddenly rushed out from the side.

The speed of the van is very fast. When I rushed to Sun Jiaying. The van suddenly braked abruptly.


A sound of infiltration came. Sun Jiaying looked up. The strange look on his face has not dissipated. The door of the van opens quickly. Several big men quickly rushed out of the car.


Sun Jiaying screamed. Those big men are reaching out to catch Sun Jiaying.

at this time.

A bald head. I don't know Jiaying's side.


The bald head is folded in both hands. After chanting a Buddha. Extend with one hand. Grabbed on the hand of one of the men. Then one button and one pull. The man was instantly pushed away by .com. then. The bald head stepped over to Sun Jiaying. Everyone has a throat.

"The idea is hard. Go!"

Seeing one side of the side of the side being pushed a few meters away, one was caught in the throat and was about to die. The remaining three or four rear vans started. Quickly rushed out to the front.

at this time.

It is another figure. Suddenly appeared next to the van.

This figure is very thin. The driver drove. It was the man who was just next to the goal.

Zhao Tiezhu!

The speed of the van is fast. But Zhao Tiezhu’s speed is not full. Almost the same as the van.

After rushing out nearly a hundred meters. Zhao Tiezhu’s body slammed into the van. then. Hey. Jumped up.

Next. Zhou. I saw such a scene. This is a scene that they have never seen before.

Zhao Tiezhu’s whole person jumped about two meters high. Still high. such. Zhao Tiezhu jumped directly to the top of the van. then. Zhao Tiezhu’s body slammed down.


The roof of the van was trampled by Zhao Tiezhu. Then the entire roof. It collapsed in an instant.

If it's just a depression, Zhao Tiezhu's power under this. Very powerful. Powerful to the wheel of the van can not support the power of Zhao Tiezhu.


The sound of the tire bursting.

The whole van seems to have been nailed to the ground. After a slap in the face. The van stopped!

"My grass. Superman!"

Someone saw this scene. Shocked.

Zhao Tiezhu does not care. Here is Hong Kong. Not a state. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu does not have to take care of that much. Although my performance is a bit inhuman. But when it comes time, people here are collectively illusory. That's okay.

The van was nailed to the ground. Come. It is necessary to disperse and escape.

As for resistance. These people have not thought about it. joke. The whole car can be nailed to the people on the road at once. Is it that these mortals can play?

Zhao Tiezhu put his hand in his mouth. I made a whistle.

A sharp voice came from Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth. The few figures that were running away suddenly exploded from the crowd.


A few muffled sounds. These few escaped from the collapsed big man were directly carried into the van.


The van didn't stay much. Just left here.

Zhao Tiezhu turned and left. Disappeared in the sight of the crowd. If the van on the ground is still smoking blue smoke. Many people are able to make this an illusion.

It didn't take long. The police station is coming. Then I said that it is actually making a movie or something. You don't have to panic or the like. Then someone on .com suddenly realized. No wonder that the man is as powerful as Superman. What kind of help is sure to be useful!

Do not say anything here. Zhao Tiezhu is after doing these things. It came to Sun Jiaying. Sun Jiaying has not been scared. The face is more doubtful. She looked puzzled at the bald head in front of her eyes. Asked. "who are you?"

"I am a subordinate of the Iron Pillar. My name is to quit."

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