Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2043: Second wave of ambush


When Xiangrong’s younger brothers ran into the roof of the rooftop and rushed into the roof, the entire rooftop could not see any figures.

People go to the hollow.

And in the alley.

Xiang Rong hurriedly gasped. His position at this time was about 50 meters away from the entrance of the alley. He could only see the lights outside the alley.

"What? People didn't catch it?" Xiang Rong heard the report from his men, and immediately took the unlucky man to the side, then roared. "I almost got killed, you didn't even catch people, I Are you all eating white rice?"

The people around me looked at everything in front of them silently. No one spoke. The woman who was originally glory, just shivering slightly, then standing next to the glory, even dare not look at it. Glory.

Xiang Rong’s face was flushed, and a **** mouth on his forehead had been bandaged. However, in the heart of Rong, it is full of anger, what is his character? That is the godfather of the underworld in Macao. People like this are coming out to find happiness today, not only losing money, but also hitting the sniper’s assassination after losing money. What the **** is this? How did the unlucky things come across in a day? And this time the person who assassinated himself could even engage in a sniper rifle. The backstage of the background is naturally not much. Although it is not afraid of things, there is such an enemy hidden in the darkness staring at himself. How can you be so happy?

Xiang Rong stood in the same place, his face was cloudy and uncertain. He couldn’t figure out who was going to kill him. Why didn’t he know? Because there are too many people who have reason to kill him, the first one is Li Ge, but because of moral reasons, Li Ge can't kill him. Of course, Li Ge can also hire a murderer, but For many years, I have nothing to worry about. Will Li Ge suddenly want to kill him?

There is another nature that is the enemies of all kinds of mischief. Xiangrong went all the way to today, and the enemies are naturally numerous. If you look for one by one, you may find the Year of the Monkey.

As soon as he thought of the enemy, Xiang Rong suddenly remembered a person.

Zhao Tiezhu.

Looks like, that Sun Jiaying is with Zhao Tiezhu, and today when he went down to tie Sun Jiaying, it seems that Zhao Tiezhu also came forward to save Sun Jiaying.

Will it be Zhao Tiezhu who will let him assassinate himself?

Xiang Rong’s mind came up with such a guess, but then he shook his head again.

A woman only, Zhao Tiezhu, unless the brain is kicked, or how could he be offended by a woman for such a gangster? There are a lot of mixed gangsters, and the woman is the most, a woman who looks better than Sun Jiaying. It is really easy to find. If you want to change yourself to be Zhao Tiezhu, it will definitely not offend a huge woman because of such a woman. The forces.

If this is the case, Zhao Tiezhu is not suspected!

Xiang Rong’s brow wrinkled more and more tightly.

"To brother, do we want to go out quickly? There seems to be no one outside?" asked a younger brother.

"Mao!" Xiang Rong said, "Ghosts know that there are no snipers outside. Who are you familiar with this alley? Can you go out?"

"This, I am familiar." A younger brother stepped forward and said with a low head. "To brother, I lived here when I was a child. I am very familiar with this alley."

"Oh!" Xiang Rong glanced at the younger brother in front of him and nodded. "You are responsible for taking us out. If you can safely take us out of here, I will give you one million!"

"Thank you for your brother, I can help you to help my brother. It is my honor!" The younger brother smiled and nodded.

Xiang Rong waved his hand and said, "Let's go, don't sharpen it."

"Good!" The younger nodded and turned and walked in front of him. However, Xiang Rong did not see that after the younger brother turned around, his face flashed a strange look.

Several people around Xiangrong opened flashlights and illuminated the way forward.

This alley does not know how many years of history, it is very old, but it is not too dirty. If you want to come to the local community, you often come here to clean. Next to the alley is a poster for treating sexually transmitted diseases or paying for it.

The alley is very deep, but the road is not very difficult to walk. The younger brother leads the way, and Xiangrong and his more than ten bodyguards are behind him. Later, there are some younger brothers who are proud of these younger brothers. Rong did not intend to bring it. In such an alley, many people are not necessarily useful. Moreover, Xiangrong is confident that the quality of these bodyguards around him can definitely cope with any unexpected situation. Even if someone is playing ambush here, Xiangrong You can also ensure that your bodyguards will surely pay a painful price to those who are not.

Of course, if someone holds the three or four micro-crushing in front of these people, then these people are still dead and upright, but now is the age of peace, who dares to really take the three or four micro-rush to the front of the two Thirty people are giving up? That is really looking for death.

The younger brother in front is not walking fast, and the people behind him are not very close. I can see that the younger brother who leads the way is really familiar with the alley. Basically, at every turn or fork, there will be no excessive pauses. Twenty or thirty people, no one speaks, only has a rush of footsteps.

Xiang Rong was tightly surrounded by the woman, and the woman fell behind. At this time, Rong Rong would not care about the woman’s life and death. The most important thing at the moment is to leave here as soon as possible and then return to his own camp. Then find out who is behind the scenes and then take revenge!

Just thinking about these things in the glory.

The younger brother who led the way, when passing a corner, suddenly disappeared.

A group of people followed and stunned.

Just then, a few black mans flashed.

Puff puff

The sound of the knife into the meat.

The first few people were cut down in an instant, and the flashlight fell to the ground, and the white light flashed.

"Grass! There is an ambush!" Xiangrong saw his own person fall down, and instantly knew that he was pitted again. Xiangrong felt that he was really sad about his mother. This day, one after another, encountered such a thing, is it Did you go out to worship the gods of heaven today?

Just when Xiang Rong felt that he was very tragic, it was the sound of several knives into the flesh.

"Don't do them, they are all stupid!" Xiang Rong saw that his own person seemed to be beaten, and quickly cried.

Several bodyguards quickly stepped forward and fought with the people in front.

Xu Ping was very clean and slashed, and he cut down the people in front of him, and then looked at the glory that was protected by everyone, and the eyes were filled with excitement.

"There is us, the third wave of attacks, can't use!"

(I hope that the college entrance examination friends have a good grade!)

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