Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2047: Belief in quit

The so-called madness is actually to let your spirit fall into some extreme excitement, and then through this excitement, let your body reach a certain degree of reinforcement, a simple example, some people are oppressed After a long time, if a certain day suddenly broke out, it would be like turning into a madman, killing people and killing ghosts, a performance of .com, of course, if you follow the more popular way, madness can understand For the nerves.

The butcher was slain and took up two cheap ones. The originally distorted psychology suddenly became more distorted. Under the distortion, the butcher was maddening. Of course, it can be said that the whole person is nervous.

This nerve, butcher's speed and strength directly overwhelmed the killing, although the use of Buddhism's strange body and skills, can also support, but if this continues, quit killing That is a matter of time.

The body of the smuggling slowly oozes sweat. The butcher's movements are getting faster and faster. At first, he is still able to parry. The result is now stretched, and several of his body are cut off by the butcher's knife.

"What should I do!"

After killing Zhao Tiezhu, I haven’t experienced such an uncomfortable time. In fj, basically no one can take advantage of the, but I have to meet someone who can’t beat myself. I have to say that this It’s still a bit of a blow to killing a lot. Imagine that those who used to abuse anyone who had no problem in the past were instead abused. Under this gap, how much has it been lost?

But when the moment is not lost, the body is flashing fast, but the heart is calculating, in the end how to break the situation.

I have thought for a long time, no solution!

There is already blood in the smuggling, although many of them are only scratched, but the whole person seems to be bloody, and the clothes are even drawn into rags.

Can't beat it!

The heart of the murder is more and more anxious. This person suppresses himself in any aspect. Just now, he can still grasp the weakness of the butcher's wrist by Zhao Tiezhu's reminder. Now, this weakness obviously does not exist yet. What should I do? Hall's Blood Soul Hall is actually being beaten by guerrillas. Is it too shameful to say that going out?

At this moment, the sudden killing suddenly felt that it was useless. When I was just with Zhao Tiezhu a few months ago, I was able to follow Zhao Tiezhu a few strokes. The outcome was probably around four or six, and a few months. After the present, Zhao Tiezhu has stabilized into the top 50 of the world's **** list, but he has not made much progress.

Killing and feeling that I feel a little dragged Zhao Tiezhu.

At the thought of this, quit killing and looked up at Zhao Tiezhu next to him.

Zhao Tiezhu’s fist has been shook up, and the momentum on his body has also leaked out. It seems that Zhao Tiezhu is going to help himself.


"I don't want to!" After killing and hiding from the butcher's attack, he snorted in his heart. He really didn't want to be a person who could only drag Zhao Tiezhu back. When he encountered such a small matter, he needed Zhao Tiezhu to take it. He also What face has continued to stay in the management of Xueshentang, when he will enter the management of Xueshentang because can't catch up with Zhao Tiezhu, and even can't help Zhao Tiezhu too often, does that mean? Can he quit from the management of Xueshentang, and then let Zhao Tiezhu promote more powerful people to come in?


Killing and killing is a stubborn person. From the very beginning, he dared to run away with the white tiger and he could see it. So, when you saw Zhao Tiezhu’s slap in the face, the body that quit was violently exploding tremendous power. The man, then the whole person stepped back, first escaped the attack of the butcher, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu and shook his head.

Zhao Tiezhu, who had planned to take the shot, saw the performance of quit and then stunned, but then quickly understood the meaning of quit.

"I don't shoot!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and put his hands together, then said, "Just kill, kill him, not a pig!"

"Grass mud horse!"

As a murder of the monk, he suddenly yelled at the national squad, and immediately, the momentum of the whole person suddenly came up!

The eyes that quit, instantly become red, and the muscles of the body also show a strange red.

Killing and killing is also mad! Of course, it can be said that killing is also a nerve.

Killing this nerve, it is really a god-killing. Whether it is speed and strength, it directly pulls up a large section. It can only be beaten by the butcher. After killing the nerves, decisive Putting the butcher's attack to the perfect parry, and finally pressed the butcher to the side of Rong Rong.

If it is more mad than no one, there is no one who has faith in the heart. After the day of being out of the house, the belief in the heart is the gods of the gods, and as time goes on, this belief is getting deeper and deeper, though Killing and killing people, arson, drinking, eating meat, everything is done, but in the current era, how can you not be a monk without drinking or eating meat? Even the abbots of Shaolin Temple have opened a luxury car to find a younger sister, let alone other monks? The murder of the murderer is quite right. The wine and the meat have passed through the intestines.

As long as there is a Buddha in his heart, then what he does, it does not matter.

It is because of the belief in the heart that the abstinence is more decisive than the butcher after the outbreak of madness.

"how is this possible!"

The butcher waved the kitchen knife in his hand to block the attack of smuggling. Every Buddha's big handprint that was quitted, his knife and his hand trembled, and his own special material to kill the pig knife was quit. The big handprint hit, and there will be a squeaking noise, as if it is crying.

The butcher's body was slain and pressed back to Rongrong, but Xiangrong also saw it wrong. One face was full of surprises. He didn't understand why the people who had been beaten before would actually It seems to have eaten Wei. Brother, strong pressed against the people on his side, although it can not figure out, but it does not hinder the escape to Rongrong!

Yes, Xiang Rong is going to run! Because the attention of the people present at the moment is placed on the butcher's body, and he will not run at this time, then if the butcher is really being shackled, how can he run?

Just as Xiang Rongzi moved to the side and wanted to drive, a thin man didn't know when it appeared next to Xiangrong.

"Don't run."

Zhao Tiezhu’s enchanting voice sounded, and Xiang Rong’s face changed dramatically.

(michaelc, thank you ~ for you to add more two chapters, and those friends who voted scattered, thank you ~ and insist on giving me a friend every day to cast flowers, I used to have a daily Hundreds of flowers are very satisfying. Now more than 2,000 flowers a day, it is really awesome! Thank you. I wish you a happy weekend. The friends who finished the college entrance exam can have fun!)

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