Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2052: Pair of plays

"Playing...acting?" Zhao Tiezhu took a towel in his hand and looked at Sun Jiaying so slyly.

"Yeah, did Feng Gang’s director say it? My acting is not very good, is it hard? I just think about it and practice it. Everything is practiced and refined. Isn’t it? I always believe that Qin can make up!” Seriously said.

Zhao Tiezhu wiped the sweat on his forehead. My aunt, Sun Jiaying was because of Feng Gang’s words and what kind of acting skills to exercise. Zhao Tiezhu thought that Sun Jiaying was suggesting that his acting skills would lie to his younger sister. Zhao Tiezhu’s most proud of his life. Two, one is their own martial arts super, although it has not reached the level of Qinglong, but basically it is also a small list of the mountains, and the other is outstanding acting, especially when picking up girls, Zhao Tiezhu’s acting is more like The fire is pure, such as Lu Xiaoman of the year, and Zhao Tiezhu’s acting skills are ignorant of the southeast and northwest.

"I am a person, it is very pure, you really know what you are doing? I don't know what to do," Zhao Tiezhu said shyly.

"I think that you are performing very well now!" Sun Jiaying said earnestly. "If I am a person who doesn't know your details, I will be blinded by your current performance. I really think that you are a special pure special. Sincere people!"

"I was originally!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying with innocent eyes and said, "I never lie, I really can't act."

"Additional points." Sun Jiaying held a hand on his chin and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. "Your present performance is very in place. There is a little bit of grievance in the eyes, and with that trace of innocence, it is simply Oscar. Level performances, and, iron pillars, you have the best, do you know what it is?"

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"You can let yourself enter the state of acting anytime and anywhere, and there is no such thing as entering the show. Every expression of every sentence, you will be like a stream of water, and you will not have any brewing process!" "Sun Jiaying said with admiration, "I have met several stars and I have seen those movie singers. However, you can use your expressions so perfectly. You are the first one. I think if you really have a movie this time, you Can be a male lead, absolutely fire!"

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu frowned, biting his lower lip and said, "I am this person, let me not say whether I will act, or my appearance, not an idol, I don’t know how to look good. Even if the movie is anything."

"Haha, this is just one of my proposals. Oh, hey, forget to talk about the right thing, iron pillar, you will accompany me for a while!" Sun Jiaying looked forward to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel and said, "This... well, just play for a while, can you?"

“You can!” Sun Jiaying nodded. “It’s just about playing. It’s just like feeling.”

"But, I am now surrounded by a bath towel. If I follow the study of drama, then we should be right, it is estimated that it is a bed play, are you sure that I want to play against you like this?" Zhao Tiezhu Asked.

"Ah?" Sun Jiaying only noticed that Zhao Tiezhu didn't seem to wear clothes at this time, and he said with a pretty face, "Well, you can change it."

"Actually, if the bed is not a play, I don't care. Seriously, the bed play is the most vivid way to show one's acting skills, the choice of position, the mobilization of expressions and the cooperation of words. It is very important, only All the way to the extreme, in order to make a good bed play, you know, really good bed play, what is it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"What is it?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"A really good bed play is to let you unnaturally integrate into it. It is like you are the person who wrestles on the bed. If you can't understand the truth inside, I suggest you go to see a person's movie. Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Who's the movie?"

"Koizumi Choi."

"Oh? What good movie did she play? I haven't heard of it!"

"There are a lot of good movies, such as a slutty teacher, three people, such as a wild adventure..."

"Go to death!"

Zhao Tiezhu was taken back to the room by Sun Jiaying. Not long after, Zhao Tiezhu changed a cool shorts and short sleeves hanged in front of Sun Jiaying.

"I have seeds, do you know that you are not? Xiaoquan Cai is one I like very much..." Zhao Tiezhu said tirelessly.

"You say it again! I will not be with you again!" Sun Jiaying said, Zhao Tiezhu said.

Zhao Tiezhu squatted and touched the back of his head. He said, "I am not doing this for you."

"Well, let's take a while." Sun Jiaying said, "It is a serious drama."

"What is a serious drama!" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“Just assume a scenario first.” Sun Jiaying said, “We can construct a scenario first, and then arrange the lines according to that scenario. The story is probably like this. I am a woman...”

"Don't you be a man?"

"Quiet!" Sun Jiaying said earnestly, "I mean, I am playing a woman!"

"Oh! You were not a woman, it was a woman!"

" are noisy, I really don't want to be with you!" Sun Jiaying glared at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Go on…"

"We are at the same table. Then, you like me, but I don't dare to confess with me. And I, I also like you, but I don't dare to tell you. Then, we are about to graduate, we have to go all the way." At the graduation party, we sat face to face together, I drank a few glasses of wine, a little drunk, you, also drank some wine, but no drunk, everyone else is playing games, two of us Just sit alone, well, the background of the story is like this, you have to choose to talk to me first, remember, you like me, but because you are not sure if I like you, and you are worried that the confession will be rejected by me. Finally, even friends can't do it, so you have to show the state of hesitation and entanglement, do you know?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"I understand." Zhao Tiezhu nodded, then closed his eyes tightly. After a while, Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes opened fiercely.

The original contemptuous eyes have completely disappeared, and instead they contain a look that does not know how many emotions are inside.

Love, cowardice, jealousy, entanglement, hesitation...

Zhao Tiezhu fully integrated these emotions into his own eyes, then looked at Sun Jiaying, and he said, "We... can I..."

"I agree!"


(I just experienced the killing, the next is a small fresh chapter, oh also)

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