Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2056: Zhao Tiezhu is a gentleman!



Another scream of women.

Zhao Tiezhu was once again awake from his sleep, and then, with the same speed and action last night, Zhao quickly rushed into Sun Jiaying's room.

Sun Jiaying's hair was scattered on her shoulders, her eyes filled with tears and fear.

"What's wrong? Have a nightmare?" Zhao Tiezhu sat next to Sun Jiaying and asked Sun Jiaying's shoulder in one hand.


Sun Jiaying nodded and said, "I dreamed that you killed a lot of people, so many people..."

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu’s squatting back with Sun Jiaying’s hand, said, “I will leave first, otherwise it’s not good to stay here to scare you.”

Sun Jiaying shook his head and put Zhao Tiezhu’s hand on his shoulder and said, “It’s just a dream. I woke up and slowed down.”

"Really?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with concern.

"Well, really." Sun Jiaying nodded, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron column, can you kill less?"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "I killed all the people who can kill. Some people, if I don't kill him, it is likely that more people will suffer because of him. I never kill." Killing people."

"Really?" Sun Jiaying stared at Zhao Tiezhu with her big eyes and said, "If one day, you find that your brother is actually a killer, why are you killing him?"

"No..." Zhao Tiezhu replied simply and neatly.

"Why? You are not saying that you only kill the killer?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"I am not a Guardian. I am only killing the murderer. It is necessary to kill him if I have a conflict with that person. Then I will kill him, my brother, as long as One day is my brother. Even if he really did something that people and gods are angry with, I will be with him. What is a brother? It’s not a brother who drinks together and spends money together. It’s not that I give you a cigarette. I am a brother of a bottle of wine, the real brother, is the kind I can give you life you can also give me life." Zhao Tiezhu explained with a smile.

"Oh, it's not selfish!" Sun Jiaying said with a wrinkled nose.

"Oh, I have lived for so many decades, making money, expanding my power, what is it for? Is it not to make myself more comfortable, in order to make my relatives and friends better?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Okay." Sun Jiaying leaned back on Zhao Tiezhu’s body and said, "At night... can you accompany me?"


"I... I used to sleep, I used to sleep and have a sense of security." Sun Jiaying said, "In the big bear in my room, should you have seen it?"

"Well, I have seen it." Zhao Tiezhu recalled that Sun Jiaying's room seemed to have a big bear who was tall.

"Looking at him to sleep, I have a sense of security." Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu and prayed for general saying, "You... can you play a big bear?"

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu touched his nose. Could it be that Sun Jiaying likes to play role-playing with that person after he likes someone? It used to be a play, and now it is a big bear. Don’t wait for tomorrow to let yourself play something seven or eight.

"You don't even agree," said Sun "I also know that it's hard to be a strong man, and...Is it a bit shameless..."

"Ah? How can this be!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively.

"So seduce a man who has a girlfriend or even a girlfriend and is pregnant, sleep with me, I am not shameless?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"Haha, sleep, we didn't really do anything, nothing to pull, don't think too much, so, I will lend you my arm, and you will sleep with my arm at night!!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This is good!" Sun Jiaying nodded happily and said, "Come on, give it to me."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled helplessly, and lay down his body, then moved his arm to Sun Jiaying.

Sun Jiaying clasped Zhao Tiezhu's arm directly with his hands. Although the fullness of his chest could not be said to be close to Zhao Tiezhu's arm, it was slightly squeezed.

Sun Jiaying did not come into contact with the man like this. Although Zhao Tiezhu is the man she likes, but it is also a excited, holding Zhao Tiezhu’s arm for a while, this slowly got drowsiness, then slowly I slept.

Zhao Tiezhu can be entangled here, but he is a great man with very good sexual function, so he is held by a beautiful woman in the age of the queen, and the chest is still in his own hands. This is how it will be one night. Then, I still have to swell and die.

"It seems that this good man is really not something that ordinary people can do!" Zhao Tiezhu could not help but feel a little emotion. Now he really does not say that he is interested in being a woman and is keen on it. In his opinion, he The woman really has enough, and there are still a few who are waiting to be pushed down. If you count those few words, then it is really close to ten. It’s going to be one day, and one person will have to work for nearly ten days. This, this is really arrogant and arrogant.

"Iron pillar, save me."

Sun Jiaying suddenly hugged Zhao Tiezhu’s arm, and the plumpness directly pressed Zhao Tiezhu’s arm.

Zhao Tiezhu put another hand on Sun Jiaying's head and gently stroked it twice, calming Sun Jiaying's emotions and sighing.

Taking a step is a step. If there is such a fate, the push really has to be pushed. After all, this year, the fate is the biggest, and the fate makes you push or push, then you really have to swear. .

Zhao Tiezhu decided to give everything to the so-called fate. Although it was a little bit moving, but in any case, Zhao Tiezhu did not have a pair of bed games with Sun Jiaying on such a night. Perhaps this is Zhao Tiezhu’s ability to attract so many women. One reason.

He, after all, is not an animal in the true sense of thinking.

One night, it was so ecstasy and nervous.

On the second day, Sun Jiaying went to bed together. The bed was already out of the picture of Zhao Tiezhu. There was a cup of milk, a loaf of bread on the bedside table, and the milk on the milk was still hot.

Sun Jiaying sighed and got up and walked into the bathroom.

On the other side, Zhao Tiezhu has already appeared at the door of Huaxia Film Company. At the door of Huaxia Film Company, there is a young man standing in front of Huang Rui and Hong Xingli who Zhao Tiezhu once encountered.

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