Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2058: What can you do?

Several questions asked by the general manager are directly questioning Zhao Tiezhu’s legal rationality for the inheritance of Xiangrong Industry, and this person’s face has always maintained a humble smile from beginning to end, which makes Zhao Tiezhu have a bad start. The feeling, even if it is clear that this person is asking questions, is the speculation, but the so-called reach of the face does not smile, Zhao can not people laugh and ask you some common sense questions, then you thunder what? This has to be left to unsuspecting people. Maybe he thinks that Zhao Tiezhu is deliberately suppressing the company's old people to improve his reputation in the company.

If you can't fight, you can only answer the question, and some questions are really troublesome. For example, why did Xiang Rong never mention Zhao Tiezhu before, why did Xiangrong not give the industry to his loved ones but gave you Zhao Tiezhu? These are all unreasonable things. Although the CEO of the company is already Zhao Tiezhu, but if you don’t feel the emotions of the people below, it will be very difficult to do work afterwards, such as money laundering! If your general manager is not with you, when you come up to tell you or tell you about it anonymously, although it is not a big deal, it is also very influential.

Something like this in ancient times, in ancient times, even if it succeeds, there will be a lot of troubles, and the position of the emperor will be robbed, but those of the martial arts generals will never be able to kill all of them at once, if they are all killed. Who is still doing things for you? This is the case with Zhao Tiezhu.

"I met with Rong Rong very early, but I have been on the mainland. He has been on the Macao side." Zhao Tiezhu’s face is not as good as it was just now. The look is a bit cold. "We each develop their own, he It’s normal to not mention it to you. After all, some of the things I do are not very good to tell people. As for why I didn’t give the industry to his wife’s son or relatives, Xiangrong once told The woman's family, although able to help, but not enough to control the overall situation, and his children are still small, do not understand anything, so only let me inherit his clothes, anyway, the woman of Rongrong and the child, later I I will still take care of it. I will never treat them badly."

"Oh! Iron column, you are such a good person!" Yan Changsheng said with a smile. "Just, my nephew thinks that she also has the ability to manage the industry left to her brother. What should I do?"

"Well?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at him with a strange look.

Just then, the door of the office was pushed from the outside.

A mature young woman of about thirty years old came in from the outside.

This woman is very beautiful, even beautiful to a realm! That is a kind of beauty that can be completely matched with the woman in the villa. If the .com is not to find a comparison, the style of this person is similar to that of the red rhyme. It belongs to the mature shape, but this woman looks It is more enchanting than the red rhyme, and the phoenix eye to you, it gives you a most primitive impulse.

The woman wore a black cheongsam with a white silk scarf on her arm. Although it looked charming and enchanting, there was a slight sorrow between the eyebrows.

"The scorpion is good!"

Everyone stood up at the moment the woman appeared, and then shouted respectfully.

Zhao Tiezhu is the only person who has not stood up. His eyes are calm, but his heart is secretly Li Ge. Xiang Rong has such a wife. Li Ge did not tell himself in advance that this woman’s gas field, Zhao Tiezhu sat in his own In the position, I can feel very close to it, her gas field is very strong.

At this time, Li Ge is smiling and holding the phone.

"You mean, Xiang Rong his wife chased the office?" Li Ge asked.

"Yes, just got in, according to your instructions, did not stop." The voice came from Huang Rui.

"Haha, don't stop, don't stop." Li Ge said with a smile. "Yong Rong's wife is not good at all. For so many years, Xiangrong's film industry is basically in charge of her. The industry was transferred to Zhao Tiezhu’s head, but if the widow could not be tamed, then Zhao Tiezhu’s estimate would have been uncomfortable for a long time.”

"This... Li Ge, why don't you let me take this woman directly!" Huang Rui asked.

"Zhao Tiezhu is a gangster. You are also a gangster. You are a gangster. Although we are cooperative, we don't have to lay the road of Zhao Tiezhu. Seriously, it makes him a little trouble, so he Can you recite our good, do you say?" Li Ge asked.

"Li Ge is smart!"

The line of sight returned to the office of Huaxia Film Company.

After everyone shouted, the woman smashed into the crowd and said, "My devil has suddenly left, leaving such a big stall. I hope everyone can work together to help my old ghosts to belong to him. They are all in charge, and the people in the province are still not cold, and some people come up to seek his industry."

"Xunzi, we will definitely do a good job for the brother to do something he left!" Yan Changsheng said first.

"Yeah, blind, we must do it well, repay you and your brother for so many years of care!" Another person said.

Zhao Tiezhu crossed his hands and fingers, tied them together, put their heads on their hands, and quietly looked at the scene.

The heroine of this scene is undoubtedly the wife of Xiangrong who has not yet known the name of Zhao Tiezhu, and the hero of this scene is the long-lived man who has been talking with a smile.

When the two sang one and one, they directly regarded Zhao Tiezhu as a transparent person. At the moment, if Zhao Tiezhu could not take the initiative to his own hands, then even if these film industries of Xiangrong hang their own names, Zhao Tiezhu estimates I don’t want to use it anymore. It’s like an emperor who was emptied in ancient times.

The woman of Xiangrong thanked everyone again. It was as if she had just seen Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Is this?"

"I am the boss here!"

Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said to the woman of Xiangrong, "My name is Zhao Tiezhu."

"Old... boss?" The woman looked at Zhao Tiezhu puzzled and said, "Oh! I got a notice this morning, saying that the film industry under the glory of Xiang Rong was transferred to a person named Zhao Tiezhu. Is it you? Just I am very surprised, why have I never heard of my family, the dead ghost said about you? It will not be you... killing my old ghost, and then I have a plan for my family?"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at the woman and said, "Even if this is the case, what can you do?"

(Some things are written a lot, it is inevitable that a little forgotten, maybe there will be some bugs, but basically it is not important, such as the strength of Zhao Tiezhu, now in the top 50 of the dragon, it will be angry, but also the first fifty, because four Ten are also considered the first fifty, forty-nine are also the first fifty pairs. As for the killing, it is the top three in the dragon list. The top ten of the dragon list written before is a bug that has been changed. Hey, write these four More than one million words, I wrote less hair...)

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