Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2078: Sudden task

Telephone number of the National Security Bureau.

Moreover, it is the telephone number of the three groups of the Special Operations Division of the National Security Bureau.

At this time, the people of the National Security Bureau called and let Zhao Tiezhu be very confused. However, the doubts were doubtful, but Zhao Tiezhu also picked up the phone.

The phone is a low male voice.

"Comrade Zhao Tiezhu, hello."

"Hello there."

Zhao Tiezhu replied calmly.

"I heard that you are in Guangdong now." The man on the phone asked.


"This is the case, there is a task to be handed over to you this time." The man on the phone said, "I hope you can live up to the trust of the organization."

"What mission." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I have to see if there is time."

After the voice on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, he said, "I believe that even if you don't have time, you will take the time to do this task."

"Oh? Tell me."

"This is the case," the man said. "At the recent time, our country and Southeast Asia Philippine have had a lot of friction on Hongyan Island. Just yesterday, the Philippine government sent their patrol ships to Hongyan Island to announce. Their sovereignty over Hongyan Island, although these barbarians often provoke us, but this time, they are detaining the fishing boats that our Shenzhou operates in the Hongyan Island area, and your mission is to rescue the compatriots on these fishing boats."

"Fishing boat?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned slightly and said, "Those people are fishermen?"


"I am not used to being shackled." Zhao Tiezhu said, "When can we use the special operations of the National Security Bureau for several fishermen?"

"This..." The voice on the other end of the phone said a little embarrassed. "The fisherman is also our compatriot, isn't it?"

"What is the identity of the person being detained?" Zhao Tiezhu asked. "Give you three seconds. If you don't say it, then I don't think we need to continue."

"Don't..." said the phone quickly. "That's really a fisherman."

"three two…"

"Well, I said I said!" The man at the other end of the phone said helplessly. "You think it is right. There are three boats that were hijacked this time. Two of them are just normal fishing boats, and the other one is above." However, there is a scientific research ship in China, and there is a lot of data on Hongyan Island. According to our original plan, this ship disguised as a fishing boat to conduct scientific research near Hongyan Island, and it has achieved great results in the scientific research. When I didn’t know why, Philippine suddenly appeared and seized three fishing boats. According to the news from our crew on the ship, it seems that the Philippine government is also looking for our branch. Check the information on the ship and hope that you can bring the information back before they find the information and take it away. If you can't bring it back, I hope you can destroy the information."

"Oh! What about that person?" Zhao Tiezhu asked. "If I get the information, do people want to save?"

“The researchers on the scientific research ship are given priority to rescue.” The phone said, “They are all very good scientists. I hope that you can bring them back. Similarly, if you don’t bring them back, you don’t want them to fall alive. In the hands of the Philippine government, I think you understand what I mean."

"..." Zhao Tiezhu is a bit speechless. It seems that this time his main goal should be to take the so-called information, and saving people becomes a secondary goal. Although it is reasonable to say that the country is doing this, it is a bit of a country. At the level, it is understandable that if those people are captured by the Philippine government, they will not say whether these people will be treason. If these people are controlled by Philippine, in the international community, then they can give China Bring a lot of passiveness.

However, understanding is understood, but Zhao Tiezhu is still a bit uncomfortable, why not? Everyone understands this.

"Comrade Zhao Tiezhu, this mission is very serious, and now in the National Security Bureau, you are most capable of this task, I hope you can accept this task."

"I think about it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "At the latest ten minutes, you will call me again."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu slammed the phone and immediately frowned.

I am really busy now, but I can’t get away from it. The Pearl River Delta is like a tight bow. It can be launched at any time, and the offensive on the side of zj province has already started. If this time, I will run. To the red rock island where the birds are not pulling, who are these things? If you happen to encounter something bad and get hurt by it, then it will be a big blow to both yourself and to the Blood Soul Hall.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu can choose not to take this task, but the National Security Bureau has a lot of benefits for Zhao Tiezhu, including some help in the underground affairs of fj, as well as the benefits on the face, etc., if I refused at this time. , will it be a bit uncomfortable?

When Zhao Tiezhu hesitated, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone rang again. This time, the phone was called by Zhao Ergou.


"Yeah." Zhao Ergou’s voice on the other end of the phone said a little low. "Is it the iron column, did you tell me about the National Security Bureau? About the mission of Hongyan Island."

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and said immediately, "That said, your news is really good."

"That is natural." Zhao Ergou said with a word, then said, "Is this mission, have you received it?"

"Not yet, still considering." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This task makes me very entangled, because he has time conflicts with many things about me."

"Those things are put aside." Zhao Ergou said seriously. "This time the central government also attaches great importance to it. It is said that the scientific research ship found a large oil field in the area of ​​Hongyan Island."

"Oh? Large oil fields?"

"Yes." Zhao Ergou said, "The large oil field is very large. As for how big it is, I am not very clear. I only know that if the large oil field can be developed, it will at least bring trillions of benefits to the country. ”

"Oh, so Dad, do you want me to do this task?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.


"I don't believe you have no other ideas." Zhao Tiezhu said, "The oilfield **** horse has little to do with us."

"Hey, son, or you know my thoughts best about you." Zhao Ergou said with a smile.

"That is, I don't see who I was born, Dad, talk about it, why do you want me to pick up the task? Let's Zhao Jia can get the benefits from the inside?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"There are some benefits, but not many. The main reason is that I don’t think that Philippine is upset. This time, you used to get them and let you cool me."

(Two days in June, that is, the next Saturday and Sunday to do the outbreak activities, of course, every time there are friends in the event to give tickets in advance, this time the vote on the 22nd will be counted as an activity, and also give time Even more. In the words, friends who have spare cash will throw votes. Those who are not rich will not vote. Keep kb to subscribe to the chapters that I broke out. See the friends who have stolen them. Hello, you are also rushing for a five-dollar ten-dollar kb to subscribe to the chapter that I broke out. It is to give me some strength and support. This time is for the impact subscription list! The most important subscription, how many VIPs Second, I hope everyone will give you strength.)

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