
The fourth Philippine soldier had not had time to say a line that Zhao Tiezhu could not understand. He was thrown to the ground by a flying leg of Zhao Tiezhu.

Five hanged four, but there is one!

The man decisively pulled the trigger.


The AK47's gun head burst into flames.

Zhao Tiezhu's hand was almost caught in the barrel of the AK47, and then pulled to the side, while pulling, Zhao Tiezhu's other hand, but also caught the owner of the gun.

Lock the throat.


In two simple steps, the owner of the gun did not have a chance, and the soldier in the green military uniform just wanted to stand up, and he was held by the hand of Shura, and he could only stare at the incredible thing in front of him.


Looking at one that has fallen in a pool of blood, Zhao Tiezhu’s fire suddenly rose. Although he and Shura’s speed is fast enough, they can’t stand many people’s family. Just a bunch of bullets, successfully hit a person!

Zhao Tiezhu cursed as he squatted and checked the person who was hit by the bullet. He didn’t know whether it was a good life or a bad life. The gun actually only penetrated the arm, and the blood did not come from the arm. Stopping out, but as long as you bandage it, there should be no danger to your life!

Zhao Tiezhu pulled a piece of cloth directly from the pile of dead people and wrapped it on the wound of the man.

After finishing these things, Zhao Tiezhu cut off the ropes tied to these people and said, "Let's wait until the outer deck is waiting, someone will come to meet you."

"thanks, thanks!"

The rescued people thanked and ran to the captain's outdoor head, while Zhao Tiezhu walked to the man who was tied to the water pipe.

"Who are you?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“I am an expert in oilfield exploration!” said the man. “My name is Li Bin.”

"Oh!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and waved the rope on the man's body and said, "Hurry and follow me, and the ship that has arrived is already here."

"Wait a minute, I will copy the information!"

Although the man named Li Bin had a wound on his body, the action was also very good. He went straight to the computer in front of him and then drummed on the computer.

"Bastard, you are provoking the war between the two countries!" The man in the green uniform was forced to hold his throat with his hand, but the mouth was still not soft, and his eyes were wide open, glaring at Zhao Tiezhu. .

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Shura and said, "Kill it."


The man in the green military uniform did not respond, and his neck was opened by Shura. He couldn’t understand why, these people could actually say that they would die under the death of a naval officer of Fei Libin. Don't they know that they can be a hostage if they are alive? Don't they know that they can bring themselves back to China, can they get the Philippine Bin's naval intelligence from their own mouth?

Regardless of how unwilling the man in the green military uniform is, he can only helplessly hit the soy sauce, and even the name has not appeared.

The green military uniform will always live in our hearts.

"Well, no?" Looking at the Li Bin knocking on the computer, Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Happy, three minutes!" Li Bin said.

"Then let's go first." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the time and said, "I will take away your copy of the good things later."

"Cough. Then it will trouble you!" Li Bin coughed and said, "When you have finished copying, you can take this USB flash drive. I have set up the self-destruction program for this computer. What will be useful to others!"

"This is the USB flash drive, isn't it?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed to a USB flash drive next to the computer and asked.

"Well, this USB flash drive records all the information we have visited this time, it is very important!" Li Bin said, "I hope that you can keep it safely, my physical strength has been seriously overdrawn, so I will not be with you."

After that, Li Bin had a direct eyeball and was soft on the ground.

"I am grass, saying that overdraft is overdraft!"

Looking at Li Bin, who has passed out, Zhao Tiezhu said to Shura, "Bring this person out, let's go first, and then I will swim by myself, and what changes will happen in the province!"

"Yeah!" Shura nodded and directly took Li Bin to the waist and then walked out of the captain's room.

Zhao Tiezhu pulled a chair and sat next to the computer, watching the progress of the copy.

In the past, one minute and a second, due to a lot of information, the copy lasted for three minutes.

At this time, under the bow.

The number on the time bomb has turned into 0: and it falls down in one second and one second.

Zhao Tiezhu defended Lang's hand, but he did not know how to catch the cockroach, and there were people behind Liu Xingfu. Therefore, at this time, Zhao Tiezhu was not in a hurry.

After the completion of the copy, Zhao Tiezhu took the USB flash drive and then walked out of the captain's room with ease.

At this time, the sea breeze was already very large, and the waves reached a level of one or two meters, and the sky began to occasionally flash some lightning.

"It's going to rain!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the sky, then put the USB flash drive into the tights and walked to the side of the deck.

Looked at the direction, Zhao Tiezhu jumped, jumped directly into the water, and then swam to the agreed assembly point.

Just after Zhao Tiezhu swam about a distance of about ten meters.


Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that it was cold, and a chill came straight from the soles of his feet.

Zhao Tiezhu had not had time to react, and he heard a loud noise coming from behind.


The fire of the sky.

That whole ship exploded!

The powerful impact of the explosion directly pushed Zhao Tiezhu's body into the water, and the steel plates and the like that were ejected along with the explosion also plunged into the water.

"My grass!"

Zhao Tiezhu only had time to curse, the whole brain was a burst of dizziness.

This impact is too great, because on the ship, not only a solid **, Zhao Tiezhu also put a ** on the top, and there are some ammunition in the ship, although they are some things that are not dripping, But when it exploded together, its power was quite amazing. Under this power, Zhao Tiezhu, who was only ten meters away from the explosion center, almost completely suffered the impact of the explosion.

With Zhao Tiezhu’s physical strength, it was also dizzy by this impact, and she lost consciousness for a short time.

And in the distance. The gathering point of everyone.

Liu Xingfu and others are still waiting for Zhao Tiezhu, and they will see the fire of the warships, and the explosion will be heard.

"What is going on!" Liu Shoufu looked shocked at everything that was not far away.

"Is it a fire?" Lang asked in surprise.

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