Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2098: How to be responsible!

This dizziness comes very fast, especially fast, very fast, and very sudden.

Suddenly, let Zhao Tiezhu not have time to make any other moves.

And this is a sudden, let Zhao Tiezhu's small inside, shameless, hateful, hateful, without the fucking, was pulled down by the Braun.

"I am grass!"

Zhao Tiezhu resisted dizziness, sat down directly, and then lifted the underwear that was pulled down.


Braun had been excited to pull Zhao Tiezhu's inner .com pants down and wanted to see what Zhao Tiezhu had hidden in the end. As a result, I didn't expect the pants to be pulled down. Zhao Tiezhu suddenly sat up and then sighed. words. Therefore, Braun was shocked.

"Making hair!"

Zhao Tiezhu glared at Bailing and said, "You are shameless and shameless, and you are stunned by people who are comatose and make such a sloppy thing. Do you have never educated your mother and woman to give it to you? Your father has not educated you. Are you taking off your men's underwear? You are not me, how can you do this kind of thing!"

"Ah?" Braun looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You... are you not a woman?"

"You, he is a woman, your whole family is a woman. Where do you see that I am a woman?" Zhao Tiezhu said with anger, he was really angry. After living for so many years, Zhao Tiezhu’s woman has been ridiculed thousands of times. Wan, but it was just like a woman giving a teasing and taking off her underwear. Zhao Tiezhu was the first time she met. The nature is Zhao Tiezhu, a macho man. It is difficult to tolerate such a thing happening to him. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu is angry. I’m angry.

"You... I just touched you and you didn't catch fire..." said the grievance. "My grandmother said, the man's body will catch fire if he is touched by a woman. If you don't have a fire, it means you are not a man." !"

"I grass, your mother touched your father? Didn't your father catch fire?" Zhao Tiezhu said, yelling at Bailing.

"But my grandmother said, as long as two people fall in love, then touch the man's body, he will not catch fire, ah! According to what you said, you are a man, and I touched you, you again Didn't catch fire, isn't it... Do we fall in love? But... but I don't love you anymore...Oh, what does love feel like?" Bailing helplessly scratched his head, grabbed his clothes with both hands, and pulled clothes from time to time. .

Zhao Tiezhu is completely speechless. He has seen pure, and has seen pure, but has never seen such a pure, or can be called stupid. For a time, Zhao Tiezhu’s anger has disappeared by more than half, no matter who, In the face of such a girl who really does not understand anything, even if there is a fire, there is really no way to send it.

"Nervous disease, what your mother taught you!" Zhao Tiezhu frustrated and touched his head and said, "I told you that Laozi is a man, a man who is a good man, a woman who touches a man, there will be fire, but not The kind of fire that will come up, you know? It is an internal fire that causes the body to produce some kind of internal fire."

"You are really a man?" Bailing looked at Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"Of course, it is a man. Have you ever seen a woman with a chest like me?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed to his chest, and then thought that this woman seemed to be playing his own microphone, and felt a little annoyed at the moment. With shame.

"Yes... I have a poster in my house. There is a man named Chun Ge. Everyone says that she is a pure man, but she is a woman. Her chest is the same as you, flat!" said Bailing. .

"Can Chun Gena be comparable to the average person? Xinchun brother is full of resurrection in the original state. Do you know? Xinchun brother does not hang up, do you know? How can I compare this kind of ordinary **** with the super **** of Chun Ge? In a few billion years, there will be a spring brother. You can't look at him with a secular look. Do you know? Although Chun Ge is a pure man, the essence of Chun Ge is still a woman, and I am a thoroughly thorough Man!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Oh!" Bailing seemed to understand Zhao Tiezhu and said, "That is to say, are you really a man?"

"Of course, the whole body is up and down, completely men are!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded seriously.

"Oh..." Bailing was on the side, but he was lost in thought.

After a while.


Braun suddenly yelled.

"Don't be surprised, sister, I am still sick!" Zhao Tiezhu touched his head helplessly.

" are really a man!" Bailing stretched his finger at Zhao Tiezhu, a face full of horror and panic with a shy look.

"Yeah, what happened to me?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"That... then I just... I just kept...have...touched..." Braun originally wanted to say that he always touched your body, but if he thought that Zhao Tiezhu was a man, he would always feel like he couldn’t say it, so he was decisive. Closed his mouth.

"What have you been trying to touch?" Although Zhao Tiezhu knew what Bailing wanted to say, but now he saw that Bai Ling closed his mouth again, and he could not help but ridicule his mind.

"No, no, no, nothing!" Bailing's teeth bit his lip and shook his head in desperation.

"Say, don't hide it, what do you touch?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No, really, I don't touch your body." Bailing said seriously, "Absolutely not."

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the Bailing without silver, and said, "You have touched my body!"

"Who said it, I didn't touch it, I really didn't touch it!" Bailing stood up and shook his head and walked back. He said, "I am not so bored. My grandmother said, can't easily touch the man's body. of."

"Since you haven't touched it, what are you panic about? Do you have a guilty conscience?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Bailing with a taste.

"I didn't panic, nor did I have a guilty conscience. I... I just hungry and I have to eat something." Bailing said.

"Oh! Hungry? Isn't this an excuse?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "You want to be hungry and then escape, irresponsible, right?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Upon hearing Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Bai Ling stopped to step back and then walked in front of Zhao Tiezhu in three or two steps and said seriously, “I told you, I will not make excuses!”

"Then you said that you touched me without touching me?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... touched it." After a moment of hesitation, Braun nodded hard.

"Then you said, after you touched my body, are you responsible?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

Bailing looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a small mouth and grievances, "I am... how do I take responsibility?"

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