Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2101: Tangled Bailing


The Braun stood on the deck and looked at the sun that was about to sink into the sea. He sighed.

She didn't know that her behavior had caused such a big injury to Zhao Tiezhu. She was a person who didn't like to hurt others. This is why she didn't like martial arts from childhood to age. Later, she would plan to practice martial arts. Because she wants to avenge her own people, she just didn’t expect that when she came out to find Zhao Tiezhu’s revenge, this magical thing would happen. The twists and turns of this are bizarre, and they have not been flexible for so many years. I have encountered it.

Zhao Tiezhu’s grief-stricken eyes have made Bailing seem to be still in sight. Bailing will grab the hand on the railing of the bow and look into the distance.

The sea breeze nodded, and Braun didn’t know what to do.

Give up revenge? Then, when I came out this time, I wouldn’t go back to nothing if I didn’t do anything.

Continue to take revenge? However, I just did something bad about others, and if people have saved themselves before, and then continue to avenge, can they not say it?

"Bai Ling, what are you thinking about?"

Lao Li’s voice came from behind Bailing.

"Li Shu." Bai Ling turned around and looked at Lao Li. He smiled and said, "How come you came out so early."

"Today's back, what to lose, so I won't fight, how do you stay outside, don't take care of the kid inside?" asked Lao Li.

"He woke up, there was nothing about me, I went out and went through the wind," said Bailing.

"Look at your face, it seems that it is not so simple. What happened? Tell the uncle?" Lao Li went to Bai Ling's side and asked with concern. Then his face changed slightly and said, "Is that kid waking up?" Bullying you?"

"No, no!" Bailing quickly shook his head. This is what he is bullying himself. It is obvious that he is bullying him.

"Then why are you full of thoughts?" Lao Li frowned and said, "Young people, you should be sunny, you are called Bailing, the Lark is not like you!"

"Well, La, I just want to be auntie!" Braun said with a smile. "It hasn't seen them for a few days!"

"Then you call me and call them. Anyway, I put a phone call in your cabin." Lao Li smiled and patted Bailing's head and said, "Hurry up."

"Know it!" Braun smiled sweetly, and after telling the individual, he turned and walked to his cabin.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, who had already called the caller, had some important news. The first one was Zhao Kunlun’s business. The second one was naturally Li Linger’s business. Li Linger has already returned to the university of fj. Now she is the first school flower of fj University. It is being pursued by those admirers all the time. Zhao Tiezhu said that it is very calm. This is the no-tiger monkey in the mountains, and he is not at fj University. Naturally, there will be those men who are ill-intentioned. Every man is actually good at lurking in nature. Especially for women, when there are men around the woman, maybe he will show no feeling to you, but as long as the woman When there are vacancies, all kinds of diligent pursuits will follow.

Of course, for Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger, any pursuit is a cloud.

The other news is the two things of Qian and Sun. After the two families passed the calm and low-key of the early days of Zhao Tiezhu Li Jing, they seem to want to look up a bit recently, but they are firmly restrained by Zhao and Li. Live, as for the Zhou family, although the relationship between Zhou Shishi and Zhao Tiezhu is good, but it is not very stand-right, standing on the Zhao family side, but on both sides, regardless of the meaning of the two sides are not completely separated, simply put, It is squatting.

These are official business, and there are many private matters. For example, Lucy finally returned to fj. This Lucy visa is not the last visa. This visa can make Lucy stay in China. For a long time, now in the villa, Lucy and Li Linger both took Wang Cai, and two women and a dog lived happily in the villa. Of course, Lucy also expressed a certain degree of miss on Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu can quickly go back to the husband and wife.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally said that he would go back to the Pearl River Delta. Lucy expressed a certain degree of understanding, but told Zhao Tiezhu that if Zhao Tiezhu came home, he must do a good job.

As for what to do, this is a benevolent person.

Next is Cao Ziyi's business.

Cao Ziyi expressed her calmness about whether Zhao Tiezhu would have an accident. After Zhao Tiezhu told her that she was on a ship now, Cao Ziyi simply smiled and said that she was confident that Zhao Tiezhu would not have an accident.

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart is full of emotions. He is thinking about whether he should hurry to find Cao Ziyi’s wish to see if he can beat her. This may be able to get what he wants. As a result, Cao Ziyi said that he prepared a gift for himself and waited for himself to really When the war with the Pearl River Delta, this gift Cao Ziyi will personally give Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu is naturally very curious about what gift Cao Ziyi will send himself in the end. I wonder if it will be dedication. As a result, Cao Ziyi said nothing, let Zhao Tiezhu ask questions, Cao Ziyi just said, Zhao Tizhu also had no choice but to wait for the mystery to be revealed. That day.

"Come back soon, I miss you."

When approaching the hanging phone, Cao Ziyi suddenly lowered his voice and said to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and said with a smile, "I miss you too."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu also called other people, such as red rhyme, blossoming, Lin Leilinsi, etc. Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu felt that there were too many people who needed to call.

After this pass, Zhao Tiezhu felt that he was a bit dry and dry.

Just after Zhao Tiezhu finally felt that the fight should not be played, he was trying to put the phone down, but the phone was ringing.

A look at the number is quite familiar.


"I am Ling Xue."

At the end of the phone, Ling Xue’s cold voice came.

"Oh, how do you know this call!" Zhao Tiezhu asked curiously.

"Red Yun sister told me. I heard that something happened to you, so I will call you and give a greeting."

At the end of the phone, Ling Xue spoke, and took off the high heels. The tiny feet wrapped in black stockings were so exposed in the air. Ling Xue’s body leaned slightly on the boss chair. Inside, then the foot was tilted to the table, and the gray-white uniform skirt was shrunk to the thigh by the action of Ling Xue.

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