Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2103: Smart old plum

"I... I want to apologize to you." Braun said a little embarrassed. "I... I did something wrong, I shouldn't escape, I came to apologize to you."

"Apologize?" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "You and I are enemies, why bother to apologize."

"No, the enemy is returning to the enemy, but since I have done something wrong, then I should apologize. You must accept my apology, otherwise... otherwise..." Bai Ling looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a tangled look.

"Otherwise?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Otherwise, I will be upset, and I will not be able to find you again." Bailing said.

Zhao Tiezhu was shocked by this statement, screaming east, is it difficult for this silly girl to retire with himself and then find himself revenge? That decisive can't make her apologize!

Zhao Tiezhu’s face showed a scornful smile and said, “Do you think that you have touched and touched a man’s body and a part of the **, can you solve everything by simply apologizing? If it is so simple, is it that I have touched it now? You will show you the light again, I just have to apologize to you?"

"That... how can you forgive me if you want to!" Bailing said in a dilemma.

"Oh..." Zhao Tiezhu sighed for a long time, but then suddenly he made a nap and said, "It's a bit cold."

"Ah! I am looking for a blanket for you!" Braun quickly went to the side of the cupboard, then took a blanket from inside and handed it to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu put the blanket on his body and said, "Apologizing for this kind of thing should not be just a form. If everyone just apologizes after making a mistake, what about the law? Right?"

"You... you mean to ask me to do something to express my sincerity, is it?" Although Bailing is simple, it is not stupid.

"But I don't have anything I want you to do for me now." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head, but then suddenly snorted and said, "Yes, my clothes?"

"Your clothes, Li Shu, they took it away." Bailing said, "What?"

"If I can, I hope that you can bring my clothes back to me." Zhao Tiezhu said, "That is what I spent a lot of money to buy."

"Clothes..." Braun wants to say that you should focus on the point, don't pull any of these, but just look at Zhao Tiezhu's red fruit, only the underwear, Bailing can only say, "That I am going to help you get your clothes back, can you?"

"This... naturally, it is ok. There are still some things in my clothes. When you remember to bring them back, don't lose them, you know?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"No, no, good. I am going to find your clothes now. You are waiting here. This is one of my sincerity. When I get the clothes back, you will say what you want me to do!" "Bail said, turned and ran out of the cabin.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Bai Ling disappeared in the doorway, and he was happy, this little girl, really good to call.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu was elated and waiting for Braun to send his clothes back, a middle-aged man appeared in the cabin door.

"You are awake."

The man's face has a faint smile.

"You are..." Zhao Tiezhu frowned at the man.

"Everyone calls me Lao Li, Bai Ling calls me Li Shu." Lao Li went into the cabin and looked at Zhao Tiezhu's body full of scars and said, "You...should not be a person who wants to live on the sea."

"Oh? How do you see it?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and wrapped his blanket around his body.

"People who want to live on the sea, the skin will not be so white, and ... you wounds, not people at sea will have." Lao Li said with a smile.

"Oh? Why are these wounds that I wouldn't have at sea?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Do you think that a person who mixes at sea all the year round will have a grab? Is there a knife wound? We usually have the most bruises and bruises." Lao Li went to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Bai Ling that small The girl doesn't know, and the people of us know it at a glance. When you were drifting at sea, I didn't advocate saving you because you didn't look like ordinary people."

"Why am I not an ordinary person?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lao Li with a taste.

“Would the average person wear a diving suit?” asked Lao Li. “And, the average person who experienced the storm last night, can still float on the water?”

"It turns out that you are not planning to save me!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"If it wasn't for the little girl of Braun, I wouldn't really want to save you." Lao Li smiled and said, "Can tell me, what are you doing?"

"I am a person who has no troubles to sneak out of the sea." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"You just let Bailing go out, is it for you to take things?" asked Lao Li.

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lao Li with a little surprise.

"Is this thing?" Lao Li's hand turned over, a Zhao Tiezhu is still a familiar USB flash drive appeared in the hands of Lao Li.

"It is not a glorious thing to steal people's things." Zhao Tiezhu is not in a hurry. This old Li is at best a suspected fisherman. It is not a so-called hostile person, so there is no need to be true with such people. .

"This USB flash drive just tried to pick up the computer and found the encryption." Lao Li said, "It seems that there should be a lot of important things here."

"Yes, it is very important!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"It happened that something happened near Hongyan Island yesterday. It is said that a warship has exploded. Can I think that you are related to that thing?" Lao Li continued to ask.

"Your reasoning ability is really good." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Continue."

"We have only heard about the things on Hongyan Island. We don't understand how it is, but we can be sure that you are either the person on our side of China or the person on the side of Fei Libin. Right?” said Lao Li.

"Yes, you see me like this, what kind of person like Philippine?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is not allowed." Lao Li shook his head. "It is said that yesterday's Hongyan Island incident, only there was casualties on the Philippine side, and you are floating in the water, it is likely that you are on the side of Philippine. A spy in our state."

"Ha ha ha." Zhao Tiezhu heard Lao Li's inference and decisively smiled. "I have to say that your imagination is very rich."

"Maybe these are just what we imagined. However, some things are more credible and not credible. In case, just in case, we will return tomorrow. I hope that you can stay here tonight." Said.

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