Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2117: Li Ge's commission

Early charter

[vip]The 2,117th chapter of Li Ge's commission [1/1 page]


Zhao Tiezhu always felt that after returning from the capital, there was something very important to forget. Now, after Liu Xingfu said this, Zhao Tiezhu understood that he had forgotten the Qinglong.

Qinglong, the **** of the top three in the gods list, his brother was crippled by himself. Do you say that Qinglong can sit still and ignore it?

It is absolutely impossible to make it difficult for txt to download!

Then why did Green Dragon have not come to revenge yet? Zhao Tiezhu estimated that Qinglong was recuperating in the Forbidden City in the previous stage. Now it is finally cultivated, and this is coming out. {Fiction}

And according to Zhao Tiezhu’s guess, Qinglong’s estimate is even more powerful than before.

Because this is a normal normal law, every villain who hides and practices for a period of time and then appears, will be even more powerful than before.

"His mother."

When Zhao Tiezhu thought that he might be stared at by Qinglong again, he felt the pain of the first time. This Qinglong is not a cat or a dog. People are the cows on the gods list. They have been abused several times before they encounter the Qinglong. Fortunately, their own character is good. Everyone came out to help themselves, but this time? This time, Cao Ziyi is not there, and his father and mother are both in Beijing. It seems that one can use it to kill oneself. Although it is quite powerful, it is only a mob in front of people like Qinglong. A person can skill in seconds.

"It seems that this buddy really has to rely on himself, the latest free chapter of the split marriage!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked serious.

"Iron column, if it is really a dragon, you have to remember to protect yourself! How long is the heart. " to see the fastest free novel," Liu said.

"Well, I know." Zhao Tiezhu said, "What happened to Lang Lang?"

"What else can you do, stay in the capital." Liu said, "This mission is completed, and he also got the task reward. Right, have you rewarded you for this mission?"

"mission rewards?"

Zhao Tiezhu was stunned, and he was ambushed when he came back. He really didn’t hear any mission rewards.

"You didn't take it?" asked Liu Xingfu.


"Oh, then you remember to go to the office of our National Security Bureau in Guangzhou. This mission reward is a bottle of special medicine, which helps to improve the strength of the body." Liu said that this is the central for us. The second action is more satisfactory. Moreover, the central government has completely restored you to your identity, including military immunity."


After talking with Liu Xingfu for a while, Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone.

Zhao Tiezhu was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Although he was still tied with a bandage, it did not prevent Zhao Tiezhu from doing things.

After handling some things on hand, Zhao Tiezhu received a call from Li Ge.

"Auto Show?"

Zhao Tiezhu frowned, listening to the voice of Li Ge in the phone, said, "Would you like to open a car show in Guangzhou?"


Li Ge said, "Recent car companies that I have recently participated in have new products to promote. Naturally, getting a car show is a must, and you know that if I want to open a car show in Guangzhou, then I have to have a complete set of security measures, so I plan to give you this security task."

"Give it to me?" Zhao Tiezhu stunned.

"Yeah." Li Ge said, "I used to give money directly to help, but don't you need support at this time? I will give you this task, so in the eyes of outsiders, that taste. It’s not the same.”

"This..." Zhao Tiezhu is heart-warming. If he wants to open up his own territory in Guangzhou, then he must have a legitimate reason. Can't you say that I am pulling a group of people and chatting here? This time, Li Ge drove the car show, and then let himself do the security work, then he can bring his own people to the bright and bright.

Although it is not necessary to have a big bright belt, but everything is well-known to a teacher, and Zhao Tiezhu’s mind can not help but emerge a plan to become the latest free chapter of the bead.

"How? Any thoughts?" asked Li Ge.


Zhao Tiezhu said, "When did your car show begin?"


Li Ge said, “Tomorrow will be held in a large commercial center in Guangzhou. At that time, there will be many new models on display, and they are all luxury brands! Your people can be responsible for the order of the scene, you have to I know that when there is a car show, there are naturally a lot of car models, and some people will always have some bad impulses when they see those car models, right?"

"Oh, there are a lot of people on the brain," Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, yes, there is still a little thing." Li Ge said, "Can you let your Ling Xue, the CEO of your company, help me?"

"What busy?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Let her give me a car model, how?" Li Ge asked.

"Ah? Car model?"

When Zhao Tiezhu listened to Li Ge’s words, he immediately stopped. “You mean, are you going to let Ling Xue give you a car model?”

"You don't want to worry, I don't have any thoughts about her. Although she is very beautiful, I know she is your woman, so... I just want to make her my car model, she is so beautiful, her Pretty more than any woman I have ever seen, and for this auto show can have a relatively large influence, I specially brought a set of diamond-studded skirts from South Africa, if you can give this dress Your Ling Xue puts on it, and then makes a debut at the auto show. I estimate that the influence of this auto show will spread to the whole of China, and the snow with you can also follow the fire, right? ”

"Ling Xue is not a person who likes to show his face." Zhao Tiezhu said, "What is her temper like cold, let her be a model, unless the end of the world."

"Things are artificial, aren't they?" Li Ge said with a smile. "Of course, this is just a small request from me. If there is no way, I can find someone else. After all, this year's beauty is too good to find."

"Then let me try." Zhao Tiezhu’s request for Li Ge is not too blunt to refuse. This is the gold master. If you have a place in the Pearl River Delta, you want to go to Hong Kong. Those capitalists are Huangtian. If you avenge your revenge, you can't do without Li Ge.

"Thank you. I will send a text message to your mobile phone. I remember that there are more people. I have already applied to the Guangzhou Municipal Government. When you get as many people as you can, it is!" Road.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes groaned and said, “I know this.”

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu was not in a hurry to find Ling Xue, but a phone call to the Solitary.

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