Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2119: Telephone spring

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2, 119, Phone Spring (first) [1/1 page]


Zhao Tiezhu took Sun Jiaying directly back to the hotel. Two people began to kiss as soon as they entered the room. Zhao Tiezhu’s hands were restless on Sun Jiaying’s body, and Sun Jiaying also enthusiastically responded to Zhao Tiezhu.

The two people seem to be a long-term dry and sunny, and they want to dissolve the other side into their own body.

Just when the fire of the two people was the most popular, Zhao Tiezhu’s mobile phone rang out of time.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the call reminder on the phone.

Ling Xue’s phone.

The other side of the phone.

Ling Xue took the phone and his face was a bit strange.

She had previously refused Zhao Tiezhu's request to let her go to the car model. She didn't feel anything, but after waiting for the phone call, she remembered that Zhao Tiezhu had not done enough to force himself, although the relationship between the two had already happened. It’s not the same as before, but who knows if Zhao Tiezhu will force himself to squash himself, and he is now involuntarily in the field. If he is bullied by Zhao Tiezhu, it’s really called calling every day. The ground is not working.

Therefore, Ling Xue thought about making a phone call to appease Zhao Tiezhu, or to test Zhao Tiezhu’s tone, to see if he had the idea of ​​letting him go to the car model. If Zhao Tiezhu had to do the car model himself, then he would not You can sacrifice it to exchange Zhao Tiezhu’s favor, and you can’t help it.

In fact, many things are changing. To change to the previous Ling Xue, it is absolutely impossible to think about what to do in exchange for Zhao Tiezhu’s favor. With Ling Xue’s character, I don’t do anything, then I will not do anything. Even if you kill me, there is no way for me to do it! But now, she will call Zhao Tiezhu to explore the wind because she is afraid that Zhao Tiezhu will force her. What does this mean? Is it really Ling Xue afraid of Zhao Tiezhu?

In fact, even Ling Xue did not know. It seems that Zhao Tiezhu has become more and more a king of the Golden Triangle in her heart. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

The weighty performance is that you will worry if he will be angry, and Ling Xue’s so-called worry about Zhao Tiezhu’s pressure is just an excuse.

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect Ling Xue to call at this time, and he and Sun Jiaying are passionate about burning, what are you calling here?

Zhao Tiezhu directly pressed the phone.

At the end of the phone, Ling Xue heard the busy line from the phone and his brow wrinkled.

In her life, she really didn't get over the phone.

"It seems that he is really angry!" Ling Xue secretly thought.

A few seconds later, Ling Xue once again dialed Zhao Tiezhu’s phone.

According to Ling Xue’s character, after being pressed once, it is absolutely impossible to play a second time, but... Isn’t she worried about Zhao Tiezhu’s bad thoughts about himself? Well, Ling Xue’s self-consolation is like this. In order not to let Zhao Tiezhu’s bad thoughts on her, now she can only please Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu just put his hand into Sun Jiaying's clothes, and the cell phone rang again in the plump and upright mountain peak.

Zhao Tiezhu angrily picked up the phone and looked at it, or Ling Xue’s phone.

Zhao Tiezhu instinctively wants to press it, but it is not going to change his mind when thinking about people. What kind of car model do you want to do for yourself? Therefore, after Zhao Tiezhu hesitated, he pressed the answer button.

At this time, Sun Jiaying was watching Zhao Tiezhu with dissatisfaction.

"What is it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked as he gestured to Sun Jiaying.

"No, it will be finished, call you to report the results of the meeting." Ling Xue's voice is still very cold, people can't hear anything wrong.

When Sun Jiaying heard the phone coming from the woman's voice, her mouth was awkward.

Suddenly, Sun Jiaying’s eyes turned, and then his face was red, and he looked at Zhao Tiezhu charmingly.

While Zhao Tiezhu was talking to Ling Xue on the phone, he suddenly saw the change of Sun Jiaying's face. He was curious. He saw Sun Jiaying squatting directly in front of himself.

Yes, Sun Jiaying is in front of himself, his upper body is straight up, and the upper body of Sun Jiaying’s dress has been taken off by Zhao Tiezhu. A pair of delicate peaks sway in the air. Zhao Tiezhu looks down from the top and feels for a while. Sun Jiaying’s chest seems to be very large.

Sun Jiaying looked up at Zhao Tiezhu with a little shyness, then reached out and used the wooden and index finger to gently pinch the zipper of Zhao Tiezhu's pants.

Zhao Tiezhu was dealing with Ling Xue while watching Sun Jiaying. Suddenly, he seemed to think of what the grandfather had experienced in the latest free chapters of the eccentric ghosts of childhood.


Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying with his eyes wide open.

Sun Jiaying’s face showed a smirk and pulled the zipper slowly.

"The main thing we said at the meeting is this," Ling Xue said.

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I know, do you still have anything?"

"This..." Ling Xue hesitated and said, "What is your car show?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying and pulled his zipper completely. He quickly raised his head and prevented himself from seeing Sun Jiaying’s face full of charm. He took a deep breath and tried to make his breathing calm and toneless. So rushing.

"It is like this. The auto show is opened by Li Ge’s company...ah!"

When Zhao Tiezhu was talking about it, he felt that his small iron pillar was directly held by a small hand, and it was difficult to control it at a time.

"what happened?"

Ling Xue was shocked by Zhao Tiezhu suddenly, and asked quickly.

"Nothing." Zhao Tiezhu said, he wanted to stop Sun Jiaying. He did not expect Sun Jiaying to grab Zhao Tiezhu with another hand and wanted to push her hand, and then put his face to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that the whole person's pores seemed to stretch out in an instant.


Zhao Tiezhu’s long sigh.

"what are you doing?"

Ling Xue is not a little girl who knows nothing about Bai Ling. When she heard the voice of Zhao Tiezhu, Ling Xue decisively thought about it.

"No, I am peeing." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the head and his head, and closed his eyes, trying to relax his body.

"Hello, you are disgusting..." Ling Xue said. "You said that the auto show, is Li Ge invited me to do the car model?"

"Well... um, yes!" Zhao Tiezhu swallowed and said.

"Since Li Ge is invited, then... then I will go. After all, people are the sons of Hong Kong's richest man." Ling Xue said.

"Ah... um... um, ok... ok, then... that's it... it's fixed." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What happened to you?" Ling Xue asked curiously as he heard Zhao Tiezhu speak intermittently.

"No, let's do it first, bye!"

Zhao Tiezhu said, just click on the phone directly, then throw the phone to the side, grab a head in Sun Jiaying, and say, "I am going, I dare to play like this, you are finished!"

(As usual, 8.10.12 points are guaranteed to be more than three. After the completion, add more, and add 17 more yesterday. Everyone continues to give strength.)

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