Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2121: Compensation fee (3 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,121 Compensation (3 more) [1/1 page]


"I didn't expect you to be very principled. You can't read the full text!" Ling Xue took the phone and listened to Zhao Tiezhu's words. The face could not help but reveal a smile. Although Zhao Tiezhu was awkward, at the crucial moment, it was also a There are men who have the principle to be responsible, and I don’t want to pay anything for him to let him know.

However, Ling Xue is too happy to be too early.

On the phone, Sun Jiaying said that because Zhao Tiezhu refused to tell Ling Xue’s story, he was dissatisfied. “Then you really have no idea about her?”

"It's really nothing." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively. Even if there is really an idea at this time, it must be said that there is no idea. It is unwise to talk about another woman in front of a woman.

"Hey, you won't lie? Ling Xue, I have seen it a few times, but I have seen the girls who are all heart-warming!" said Sun Jiaying. "That face, I have never seen such a big look better than her." That, the figure, the coordination of the whole body up and down, is simply the golden ratio, that wearing the taste of the dress, even I have to admire, such a woman would actually exist in this world, in the woman I know, It seems that only Ziyi sister can compete with her gas field to crack the txt download. You say such a woman, you will not be tempted, this should not?"

"You also said that people's gas fields are too strong, and they can compete with Ziyi. How can I have extra ideas?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"But she is not the same as Ziyi sister, the temperament of the family is too dusty, and Ling Xue, it is still good, the temperament lost the son Yi Yicheng, the appearance of winning the son Yi Yi one point Such a woman is more suitable for bed!" said Sun Jiaying.

"I am going, you seem to know quite a lot!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "You said that I want to think of other women while doing it with you, is this appropriate?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter if it's suitable for pulling, it's just yin, it's just that the so-called sinless yin is reasonable!"

"You are a singer. Niang."

"You are a little yin. Baby."

The other end of the phone is a long paragraph of children's unsuitable words, which naturally have a variety of meanings to Ling Xue, such as Zhao Tiezhu said Ling Xue's chest is how big, how much ass, ah, bed combat power It won't be strong, like anyway, it is to talk to Sun Jiaying.

Zhao Tiezhu did not know that Ling Xue actually listened to the phone. Zhao Tiezhu said that he was very happy. Ling Xue was listening to the red face.

This kind of very lang. Swing, it is best to say when two people ooxx, on the one hand can stimulate each other's senses, on the other hand, can also adjust the atmosphere, you can't always say two political and economic when you go in and out Topic? For example, when the subprime mortgage crisis has passed, such as when the European economy will recover, unless the brain is disabled, the average person can't do it.

This kind of words is only suitable for talking at ooxx, but Ling Xue is not at ooxx at the moment, so when I hear these words, it is even more embarrassing, and finally I can’t help it anymore. It is.

"Shameless, mixed, rogue, **!"

Ling Xue directly slammed into the phone. Zhao Tiezhu’s words were left in Ling Xue’s ear. This made Ling Xue, who had never experienced the human affairs, resist the stimulation. Ling Although the snow mouth is squatting, but underneath it is a feeling of faintness.

After a few minutes of squatting, Ling Xue stood up helplessly and walked to the bathroom.

Zhao Tiezhu did not know that everything happened between him and Sun Jiaying. They had a live broadcast of Ling Xue by telephone. After a few hours of fighting, Zhao Tiezhu and Sun Jiaying were both decisive and tired. Sun Jiaying Zhao Tiezhu was sent to the peak several times in a row. The whole person was lying lazily on the sofa, and Zhao Tiezhu was sitting on the sofa, letting Sun Jiaying's upper body lean against his body.

"Hey, you can kill someone." Sun Jiaying is so red fruit really upper body, hands out and hugged around Zhao Tiezhu's neck.

"The body bone has not fully recovered, otherwise it is not so simple." Zhao Tiezhu wiped the sweat on his body. I did not expect this injury to have an impact on doing this. Fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu’s original combat power is very strong, but now it has weakened a bit. But it is enough to make Sun Jiaying want to stop.

After two people were warm on the sofa for a while, Zhao Tiezhu only took Sun Jiaying back to the room, so that Sun Jiaying, who had not much physical strength, had a good rest for a while, and Zhao Tiezhu himself was going to go out to do things.

Zhao Tiezhu first went to the municipal government of the city, and he studied with Liu Ruoxi in the end to find out how they planned to compensate themselves.

"This...three years tax-free, isn't that okay?" Liu Ruoxi frowned, looking at Zhao Tiezhu, who looked like a profiteer, asked.

“It’s only three years’ tax-free.” Zhao Tiezhu said, “How much can I earn more if I don’t pay taxes for three years? At most, how many thousands?” I came to invest in Guangzhou this time, in the spirit of benefiting you. As a result, my investment has just landed. I was assassinated by others. If it wasn’t for me, then I might have been under the head. You said that I want to be spiritually soothing? Let’s lose time. Do you want a disability allowance?"

"Five years!!!" Liu Ruoxi's decisive opening organized Zhao Tiezhu to continue.

“The deal!” Zhao Tiezhu smiled and stood up and said, “I will let my people come over and sign a contract with you. Within five years, all of my Zhao’s industries are tax-free in Guangzhou.”

"Hey." Liu Ruoxi sighed and said, "Your business is highly valued by our municipal party committee and municipal government. I have ordered the Municipal Public Security Bureau to carry out an investigation. I believe that I will be able to give you a reply soon. Why are you asking me to bargain again?" ""

"Businessmen are profitable." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Every penny, we must fight."

"So I hate dealing with businessmen most." Liu Ruoxi wrinkled his nose and said, "Because it is hard to feel human touch on you."

"Haha, fortunately." Zhao Tiezhu shyly touched his head and said, "Your thing, I have always kept it in my heart."

"My business?" Liu Ruoxi looked at Zhao Tiezhu puzzled. "What am I doing?"

"Don't you let me help you with money?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Liu Ruoxi and said, "I am always ready for this."

"You...what do you know?" Liu Ruoxi looked at Zhao Tiezhu on alert.

"There is nothing, nothing more than you are being teased by the boss of money." Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

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