Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2131: You are like me (13 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2, 131, you are like me (13 more) [1/1 page]


"Hold it?"

Many people will not understand, my blood soul hall is sharply beaten and still have to endure?

"As long as he did not destroy the order at the scene, then he hit you, you will endure the general thief's thief!" quit and said, "Of course, you are not white, let him fight, and then revenge after he leaves. , you know?"


Everyone suddenly realized that some people had a smirk on their faces and said, "Just kill the brother, then how can we take revenge?"

"If someone hits you with a slap in the face, you will interrupt his hand. It's as simple as that." The murderer said, "In any case, I look at the iron and iron column in the exhibition center. If this is not done well, give iron. Zhu brother is shameful, then don't blame me for not paying you this month!"

"Is the iron column brother looking at us?" Some people asked in surprise.

"Of course, Tiezhu brother took his girlfriend to participate in this auto show. When you are lucky, you can see the blind!" said the murder, "and this time the scorpion is responsible for one of the cars." Show the event, you remember it for me, the iron pillar brother and the blind man are watching you, you have to give me a good job, of course, for those who try to destroy the order of the scene, take it away, but remember, don’t Killing, when we first arrived, it’s not time to see blood."

"Know the latest free chapter on the rise of pirates."

After the teaching of smuggling, it is only after the gangsters of these blood soul halls are facing each other with a smile on their faces. Otherwise, according to the temper of the blood soul hall, this time has already started. .

Seeing that these people are not moving at all, Xu Yinang wants to say something, but someone can't see it. {Fiction}

"Hey, I said, I will wait for a while, this is not the time for opening the exhibition yet? Ten minutes, I can't wait for you, don't wait, all of them are born, what are you doing?" Said the young man.

Although Xu Yin is stupid, but his temper is big, he sees others saying that he wants to get angry when he is on the road. He just thinks about it. If he is arguing with someone or fighting, he may have to give away these security guards. So I glanced at the man who said that, then stood in the same place, pouting, not talking.

Although Xu Yin does not speak, but the brain is turning fast, it is obvious that this first set of methods is a complete failure, then you can only wait for the second set of methods.

The second method is actually very simple. When you open the door later, you join forces with your own desperate squeezing to the door, and then try to drive the people around you. When people crowd, it is easy. There will be problems at once, and if there is a problem, then I can do it myself.

at this time.

"Everyone noticed that in five minutes, we will open the library. Now, please have all the friends stand in a row, then enter the hall in order." A man in overalls shouted with a microphone.

With the voice of this person, several staff members came out of the convention center and then began to help people on the scene start to line up.

Xu Yin wrinkled his brow, how could this be? Going into a car show, I have to queue up? If this is the case, wait for these people to go in one by one, how can you mess around?

Seeing that the team will soon be arranged, Xu Yinang wants to say something, but inadvertently saw a bald head.

The bald head stood at another entrance about 50 meters away from him. The bald head only looked at himself calmly. Xu Yin felt that he was staring at the eagle, and the hair was so erected. .

Xu Yin can be a supervisor of this security company. He is still very capable. At least his body is not weak. Xu Yin is confident that he can play a dozen or so. It should be no problem, but at this time. Xu Yin feels that she seems to have become a child, and the bald head is a big man, like a hill, watching himself, so that he does not dare to shake.

The so-called second set of plans in Xu Yin’s mind directly disappeared.

I don't know how, Xu Yin was arranged for the team, and then the 20 people who Xu Yin brought over, seeing that Xu Yin did not have any instructions, had to follow along with the team to tie the latest chapter of Tianhu. List.

At this time, the ceremony inside the venue was finally finished.

Zhao Tiezhu followed Li Ge to send the Ouyang Jie from the other side to the exhibition center. After Ouyang Jie left, the two returned to the hall.

"Okay, time is up, open the door."

The sound of smuggling came from every security intercom headset. The spirit of these blood soul halls seemed to be the commanded soldiers. They quickly opened the doors and then stood on both sides of the entrance to maintain the team. Stable.

Xu Yin did not know, and followed the brigade into the convention center. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, but has already followed Li Ge to the second floor.

The second floor is not an exhibition hall. It is just a rest area. At this time, there are not many people in the rest area. Zhao Tiezhu and Li Ge are standing on the side of the railing and looking down. It is clear that the crowd has poured into the exhibition center from the outside.

"There are more people than expected."

Li Ge looked at the crowd and said.

“How much?” asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"About 20% more."

Li Ge said, "But it is still within the controllable range. This exhibition has already done a lot of publicity work in the early stage of the auto show. Therefore, this time the number of people exceeds expectations, it is understandable. However, the more people there, the preservation of the scene. Work is even harder to do, and your people can be tired."

"Nothing, my people are not afraid to work hard." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Oh." Li Ge smiled. Instead of watching Zhao Tiezhu, he squatted on the railing and looked at the people below. "Iron column, tell you the truth."

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Ge curiously.

"Do you know why I will help you all the time?" Li Ge said. "Besides the reason why I am optimistic about you and want to cooperate with you, do you think of other reasons?"

"Don't you be impressed by my charm?" Zhao Tiezhu also looked down on the railing.

"Oh, if you change it, Ling Xue said this, then I will nod." Li Ge said with a smile. "Actually, you are very similar to me, with me twenty years ago."

"You twenty years ago?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Ge with a puzzled look. "How old are you 20 years ago?"

"I am forty-five years old this year." Li Ge said with a smile. "Twenty-five years ago, twenty-five, it was about the same as you."

"How come you like me?" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "We don't like it, our life is too much."

"No, we are very similar." Li Ge said seriously. "I told you before, now I have time, you listen to me."

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