Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2134: Marvel (16 more)

Early charter

[vip] The 2,134th chapter is amazed (16 more) [1/1 page]


"It’s also very interesting to look at it." Li Ge said with a smile. "Is there a feeling that everything is under control?"

"There is a little bit of anger and bad wife's full-text reading. "Good-looking>" Zhao Tiezhu smiled straight and said, "Just, let's see the people downstairs on the second floor. Is there anyone on the third floor on the fourth floor? Let's talk, then say, look at the 2b, I thought I was already at the top."

"Haha, you are very interesting." Li Ge said, looked up at the sky and said, "Fortunately, there is only two floors at the highest level. It seems that we are standing at the top now."

"It can only be regarded as the apex of this place." Zhao Tiezhu pointed to his feet and said, "We must try to go out, and then we will find out that we are in the first few layers."

"Well, we are all going out." Li Ge said with a smile.

"It is indeed climbing..." Zhao Tiezhu nodded with approval.

Downstairs, Xu Yin got rid of the security guards, but a heart was jumping.

"Almost, I was detained by people." Xu Yin’s case was relieved. The three security guards were obviously the ones that you will send you out if you talk about it. If you really say it again, then you may not be able to Being caught and sent to the convention center, although he can take the opportunity to make a big noise, the intention of this trouble is too obvious, it is easy to give people a handle, and at that time things have not been big, maybe their own The person has not come over, he was sent out by the person to go out of the wrong room txt download.

Although Xu Yin can play a few, but the security guards here are not ordinary people, Xu Yin does not dare to support. {Fiction}

After spending a long time in the exhibition center, Xu Yin focused on a booth covered by a big scorpion.

The perimeter of this booth was covered with scorpions, and several security guards stood around and watched around.

The first feeling that such a scene gave Xu Yin was that there was something good here.

As for what is a good thing, Xu Yin does not only understand, it is estimated that it is a super-luxury car, but there is nothing to explain near this booth, so Xu Yin can not be sure what the head is, but this The people around the booth are the most crowded.

Xu Yin casually took a personal inquiries and realized that this booth will be opened at three o'clock. Inside, it will be a super car that everyone can't see once in a lifetime. At the same time, there will be a supermodel. This car is a car model.

The people waiting here are waiting to see the super car on the one hand, but on the other hand, they are waiting for the supermodel. Some people say that it will be Sun Jiaying, and some people say that it will be a female model actress in Hong Kong and Macao. Anyway, there are different opinions.

Xu Yin’s swallowing reveals the finest light, which is obviously the most ideal goal of the third set of programs. Wait until the first time the exhibition begins, he will go up and take a photo, then take the opportunity to pick up the oil, then I can use the title to play, and then I can complete this task.

For a time, Xu Yin’s heart was a little excited. This is an excitement that the task is about to be completed. As for whether he will be angered by Zhao Tiezhu, who is angry with him, he will be directly destroyed. Yin didn't think about it. As a person who always had only one rib in his mind, thinking too much is definitely a lang fee for youthful lang fees. Moreover, on the land of money, Xu Yin is really not afraid of someone. Dare to directly deal with him.

It was already two and a half in the afternoon.

Under Xu Yin’s instructions, the people he brought this time have come together, and Zhao Tiezhu’s brow is slightly wrinkled.

"What's wrong?" asked Li Ge.

"The other side seems to focus on the gold car." Zhao Tiezhu said, "You see those who are suspicious, all around."

"Well, but what can they do with this?" Li Ge said with a smile. "Is it hard to drive the car away?"

"They probably just want to find a thing to play with, and then screw up this auto show. By then, the person responsible for security, you have to be responsible for the latest chapter of the flames. And my first business. It can only end in failure. This will definitely hurt me." Zhao Tiezhu said, turned and walked to the stairs.

"Why go?" asked Li Ge.

"Go down and watch." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I will come up after these people have finished processing."

"it is good."

Soon, three o'clock will arrive.

A man in a professional attire with a manager's two-character brand walked over to the front of the booth and said to everyone. "I am sorry to have kept you waiting. For this auto show, everyone can have a good time, so our boss I specially spent a lot of money to bring back the things from abroad. I hope everyone can like this car."

When the voice just fell, the dice automatically retracted to both sides.

Then, a few seconds later, all the people around the booth made a loud exclamation.

A dazzling golden car that appeared in the explosion appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The car **** of this car is more dazzling and dazzling under the light of the deliberately made lights.

Numerous men and women have been stunned by this car in a flash, and many cars are painted in gold, but this kind of gold-built car is basically the first time everyone sees it.

The scorpion slowly opened all at once.

Everyone on the scene took a breath of cold air.


In the eyes of everyone, there is a beauty.

The height of this beautiful woman is about one meter seven, and she is wearing a shiny dress that looks like a diamond-length dress. The woman's body is perfect to the extreme. When people look at it, they understand what is called the golden ratio. The woman's face is enough to make countless people crazy. The slightly cold face is proud of the silk. It is like The queen, despising all the people in front of me.

Ling Xue is the first time to do this kind of thing, but she has no experience, but fortunately, her temper is cold, and the incident is very calm, so this is just a debut, Ling Xue will do the action. There is nothing wrong with it.

"This is our beautiful car model, Miss Ling Xue, and Miss Ling Xue's dress, set with hundreds of diamonds, the total market value is about 100 million yuan!" the manager said loudly.

The people around the booth were making a burst of exclamation, a skirt of 100 million? This is much more valuable than the skirt made by the renminbi!

"The car that everyone sees is called a gold car. It is said that driving 100 kilometers will consume 50 years of gold..." The manager seemed to be a commentator, and he said everything about the gold car. The audience screamed from time to time.

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