Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2137: Broken hand (19 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,137, broken hands (19 more) [1/1 page]


Standing in front of Zhao Tiezhu, there were about twenty people in total. Xu Yin discovered that the people he brought, without exception, were caught here.

This time Xu Yin understands that he is a master of Mu Furong - female respect. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

Xu Yin’s master in his mind refers not to how high your martial arts are, but your ability to do security.

What is the most perfect security? Killing any possible danger in the cradle is the perfect security. If you wait until something happens, you can only explain that you are responding fast.

Zhao Tiezhu was able to capture everyone here before he could do anything. This requires not only careful monitoring, but also the need for thunder and a smart brain.

Xu Yin asked himself to go through the first two, which is the brain of wisdom, which makes Xu Yin weak for a while.

When he heard Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Xu Yin did not answer with his men.

"Welcome to you." Zhao Tiezhu squinted slightly and said it again.

Xu Yin and others continued to speak.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled helplessly and said, "One person interrupts a hand."


Xu Yin and all his men were shocked by the latest chapters of the days of the wild.

What is this scenario?

Just as these people were still surprised, the helpers of several Blood Soul Halls stepped forward. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

"What are you doing!" Xu Yin shouted.

"Don't call, the sound insulation measures here are very good, and the outside can't hear it." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I welcome you kindly and kindly, can you give me some reaction? Is it standing at that type?" OK? You are not the outside car model, so I will interrupt you with one hand, so you will not ignore me."

"Zhao Tiezhu, you dare!"

Xu Yin looked at someone walking towards himself, raised his hands and made a defensive posture directly, but shouted in his mouth, "If you do it to us, you will be retribution."

"Oh? What retribution?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Our boss will not let you go!" Xu Yin shouted.

"Your boss, who is it?" Zhao Tiezhu told the blood soul hall to stop, and then smiled and asked, "Our boss is not an ordinary person." Xu Yin's face with a slight sigh, said, "you have to know If you let us go, we will leave, if you want to leave, my boss will let you know, what is called a strong dragon does not suppress the head of the snake."

"Oh, are you threatening me?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the younger brother around him with a funny smile and said, "He is threatening us, isn't it?"

"Yes, Zhao Ge."

The younger brother replied respectfully.

"Two hands."

Zhao Tiezhu calmly extended **** and said, "I want to interrupt these people with one hand and two hands."

Xu Yin directly stunned, and Nima Laozi has moved out of the scenes behind the boss, you dare to ask the buddy two hands, is it not temper?

Around the blood soul hall to help the public heard Zhao Tiezhu's orders, directly to Xu Yin and other 20 people.

The 20 people naturally wanted to resist, but stood by a few blood soul halls beside Zhao Tiezhu to help the public, and took out a few pistols directly from their arms.

The muzzle of the black hole is aimed at Xu Yin and others.

Xu Yin these people suddenly stunned.

I went, even the guns were taken out?

Xu Yin looked at Zhao Tiezhu and wanted to say that you dare not to be so shameless. We, in order to enter you in this exhibition center, don’t say it’s a gun, the knife stick is nothing, but don’t say a knife stick, even Nail knives are not brought, you are still very good to take out the gun, there is no master's temperament?

"Who dares to move, interrupt the foot, you must know that if this hand is hit by a gun, it is very easy to cause a lifelong disability." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Xu Yin and so on, all stood in the same place, no one dared to shake the latest chapter list.

The helpers of the Blood Soul Hall directly surrounded these people.


A few minutes later, the really crisp sound echoed with the screams in the entire room, and this room is as Zhao Tiezhu said, the sound insulation effect is particularly good, the head is called like a pig, the outside is actually a little The sound is not heard.

Xu Yin and others were full of sweat on their faces, and their hands were hanging down weakly. Some people were already shaking in the sorrow. Some people almost fainted, but this was interrupted by a hard-working person. A huge sense of pain is not something that most people can afford.

Xu Yin, as the supervisor, is better. Although his hands have been interrupted, but mixed with the rivers and lakes for so many years, he has been hurt by this serious injury. This injury, Xu Yin asked if he accepted it.

However, Xu Yin’s face is pale and pale.

"Well, our hands have been interrupted by you. Can you let us go?" Xu Yin at this time already understood that Zhao Tiezhu’s goods were soft and hard, and he hardened with him. I was interrupted by my hands, and I am now soft with him. It should be fine.

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu stood up and walked over to Xu Yin's body, then gently touched Xu Yin's arm that had been interrupted.


Xu Yin screamed under the pain.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "When I knew this, why should I force it?"

"We don't know how to answer you!" Xu Yin said. "Don't you say thank you?"

"Of course." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This is a polite expression, and a polite person will not be bullied. Well, there is enough nonsense. You talk about it, it is money." Who sent you over? I will declare it first. If no one answers me within a minute, then I will start from left to right. One minute I will ask a person, if I don’t answer, I will interrupt my leg directly. Go on, until someone answers me, of course, you can choose not to answer everyone, so I can only send you to see Marx."

"You can't think we tell you!" Xu Yin said as he looked at the team around him. Fortunately, he was in the last one. It was his turn to be early. When he was his turn, there would be someone. Say, then you can leave safely.

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu picked up his eyebrows and said to Xu Yin, "Take it first."


Xu Yin is weak, don't you say that you started from the first one on the left? Laozi is because you said this, you will say a word that expresses your own integrity. Now it’s good, start directly from Laozi, what should I do? I mean, or do you still say it?

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