Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2147: Interesting is very good (29 more)

Early charter

[vip] The 2,147th chapter is very good (29 more) [1/1 page]


"What is your name?"

Zhang Bei turned to look at the woman behind her.

"Zhang Ge is really, people just said it, people called Kiki closet. (Pure text" Beauty looked quite dissatisfied, grabbed a hand on Zhang Bei's chest, but because of that It is a sensitive point of human beings, so it doesn't hurt much. Plus this is a small hand of a beautiful woman, so Zhang Bei's desire for fire is suddenly ignited, and a direct turn turns the woman behind him.


The woman named Kiki screamed and just wanted to say something about adjusting the atmosphere. The result was that she saw Zhang Bei directly smashing her skirt with one hand and then pulling it down.

Kiki's **** were directly pulled down.

"Be gentle." Kiki quickly cried, as a woman who first sold out, she still hopes that her first man can be gentle.

Zhang Bei did not care, a face flushed red, the whole person seems to be desire. The fire burned in general, take off his pants, without any foreplay, directly into the hole.


The woman screamed, this first pain of breaking the melon will make countless women tremble with pain, and this Kiki is no exception. At this time, the average man should stop the action, wait for the special feeling to pass. To continue, except that Zhang Bei’s eyes could not see any contact, and the direct action took place. The woman was trembling, and her hands were on the back of Zhang Bei’s back. The tears in her eyes flowed out. Magic box txt download.

However, since it has already been sold and is going to be the female watch, it does not matter.

Zhang Bei was arbitrarily conquered in this adult woman. The woman’s body was captured by Zhang Bei’s hand, one red lipstick, chest, waist and hip.

After the initial pain, the woman slowly adapted to the enrichment under the body. For the tens of thousands of rewards, the woman stopped her tears, and then her legs hooked on the waist of Zhangbei, slowly catering to it. stand up.

In fact, everyone will become a master of sex, love, whether you are the first time or the hundredth time, this kind of thing is rooted in people's original nature, no need to teach others, naturally, will .

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, who has already left the basement with Socrata and others.

No one stopped Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhang Bei did not know whether he had forgotten or said that he did not dare to do that. Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu left the basement safely and innocently.

Then, after talking to Jinyao for good night, Zhao Tiezhu told him to take the smuggler and bring him away.

"Iron column brother, where are you going?" asked the murder.

"After a circle, after confirming that there is no tail, do as I said." Zhao Tiezhu calmly told.


After the car circled a large circle in downtown Guangzhou, it finally stopped at a place where there was no one.

Zhao Tiezhu got off the bus and said to the killing, "Go, go see our brother."

"Zhang Ge?" Seeing Zhao Tiezhu and arrogantly, Zhao Tiezhu turned directly to the front.

Not long after, the two returned to the private club where they watched the fighting dog.

"Iron brother, is this?"

Killing is even more puzzled.

"follow me."

I don’t know the head of Zhang Bei’s room on several floors.

Zhang Bei's movements are getting faster and faster. As a person who is immersed in rivers and lakes, Zhang Bei's body is still quite good. It needs strength and strength, speed and speed, and endurance and persistence.

The woman who tasted the taste of men and women was also lucky. The first time she met a person like Zhang Bei, so at the first time, the woman was high.

This kind of thing is very simple, but a woman with a cover of 40% does not know what it is like in the whole life. I have to say that this is quite tragic, but I have to say that this is called Kiki’s woman is lucky.

"Want...what..." Kiki’s body followed the movement of Zhang Bei, and his teeth twitched, his teeth tightly biting his lower lip, his eyes closed, and his hands were placed on Zhang Bei’s ass. Forced a bit of the latest chapter of Zhang Bei's **** white bird requiem.

The power and speed of Zhang Bei broke out completely at such a moment.

At this time, Zhang Bei feels like a general who is a horse, and this is his own horse. It is called a spirit.

Just when both of them reach the apex.

"Your interest, very good."

A calm voice came from the side.

Zhang Bei’s action jerked a bit, then turned to look around.

I saw it on the sofa next to my bed. I don’t know when there were two people.

One stood and one sat.

Two people, Zhang Bei are very familiar.

The person standing, called quit, is the top leader of the Blood Soul Hall, and his skills are very powerful.

The person sitting, called Zhao Tiezhu, is the ultimate boss of the Blood Soul Hall, the heir to the main vein of the Zhao family, the power of the sky, the underground emperor of the whole fj.

Zhang Bei’s heart cooled down in an instant, and even with the stuff underneath, it softened in an instant.

The woman under her body has been given the whipping desire of Zhang Bei to die, as if she did not hear the voice of Zhao Tiezhu, and pressed the buttocks of Zhang Bei to feel the violent impact.

Zhang Bei was a spirit, and quickly stood up from the woman's body, and then bent over Zhao Tizhu, respectfully said, "Iron Pi..."

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Let's continue, people can't keep up, blame immoral."

Zhang Bei’s face was awkward, but his heart was a shame. Any man was disturbed in such a situation and had no complaints but also had to smile and the people kept him in front of them. The face continues, and self-esteem will be severely hit, especially if Zhang Bei now feels that he is already quite remarkable.

However, now that he is quit, Zhang Bei asks himself that he is not an opponent to quit, so he has to accompany a smile.

"Still forget it, this...this is not anxious." Zhang Bei said.

"Really." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and held a hand on the armrest of the chair. Then he held his chin on his hand and said, "You look at it, it seems that you are not in a hurry."

"This... Zhao Ge, this is what you said." Zhang Beiyu said, "I... I don't have any urgency." "You said something wrong." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "You are now. Zhang Ge, naturally there is no urgent capital."

Zhang Beiyi did not know where to put it, so he was sitting on the bed with his red fruit and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. He said, "Zhao Ge, you... don't take it for me."

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