Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2159: More than people (39 more)

Early charter

[vip]The second two hundred and fifty-nine chapters are more than others (39 more) [1/1 page]


"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu raised his eyebrows and said, "Would you like to give me your five fields? If it is such a field, I can only have four of you."

Zhao Tiezhu pointed to the Shenzong Ilang txt download of the floor slam dunk. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

"You think it's too good." The prince shook his head and said, "Now it is on my site, my home, here are my people, you... are not qualified to tell me the conditions."

"Oh? Don't you have these few people?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at the people standing behind the prince and said, "With these few people, have you seen me before?"

"How do you know that I am here?" The prince said disdainfully, then slammed the person at the side and the man went straight to the side.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at it all funny. Not long after, about twenty people appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

"See no, now, I have more people than you." The prince said with a smile. "Let's go on, let's talk about what you call me today."

"I hang up your phone, make you resentful?" Zhao Tiezhu's face with a relaxed smile.

"Hey, my prince's phone, is it that someone else can hang it?" The prince said proudly. "If you don't give me a statement today, you really don't think about getting out of here." ”

"What? Is it going to be strong for me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"This depends on your performance. I will give you two choices, one. I apologize to me now, then you call me, I will hang you once. (Pure text" said the prince.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face showed a strange look. Did the prince even ask for such brain damage?

"Second. You were interrupted by me and thrown out." "What about our bet? My five games?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Do you want five more games?" the prince said disdainfully. "If you can go out from here tonight, it will be awesome. As for the scene, don't even think about it!"

"It seems that you are a banquet this evening!" Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly. "Hey, why didn't I see it? How come I was so stupid!"

"I can figure it out now," said the prince. "You immediately write down the proof and say that you automatically give up my five fields. Then, you have to apologize to me and apologize until I am satisfied!"

"This... can't you get through?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No." The prince said proudly. "At my home, my people are more than you, I am not accommodating, what?"

“More than people?” Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly. “It’s all ages, and it’s more than people.”

"I am more than a lot of people, there is a kind of you than I am? Maybe in the fj you Zhao Tiezhu is very strong, but in Guangzhou, your hair is not counted!" said the prince, "I don't know why my dad he gang I am not willing to kill you, but you should not think that the gangsters in Guangzhou are vegetarian. You are thinking of being able to triumph in our Guangzhou? You are stupid."

Zhao Tiezhu sighed again and said, "How much more do you want to be with me?"

"Hey? Do you still have someone to call?" the prince said disdainfully. "Come, I will give you time, let you call, see how many people you can call!"

I have to say that the prince's news is still very narrow and very backward. Basically, whether it is Xiao Tianhu or Xing Yi'an or the emperor, I know that Zhao Tiezhu has stayed a hundred elites from fj directly to Guangzhou, right now Zhao Tiezhu The number of people available under the hand is at least 100, and this one hundred, all of them are elite in the elite, basically all can be a dozen!

The backwardness of this news made the prince suffer a loss in the back.

"Then I am really awkward?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a phone call.

"Call, this time I asked you to break your throat and you can't call three people to help you, hehe!" said the prince proudly. "Dare to be more than me in Guangzhou. You are a bit of a big knife in front of the public." Fans! "Zhao Tiezhu did not answer, but took the phone directly and made a go out.

Not long.

The same manager who had come in with Zhao Tiezhu had quickly rushed in from the outside.

"Wang brother, not good, not good!" The man rushed to the front of the prince and said loudly.

"What's wrong?" asked the prince in confusion.

"Let's go, the door of our bar has been blocked, and it stretches for a long time. The gambling of the door is completely thorough, the guests can't get in, and no one dares to come in, and some guests can't get out!" said the man.

“What happened?” the prince asked. “Who is this?”

"Those who are blood souls!"

"Blood Soul?" The prince looked at Zhao Tiezhu with amazement and asked, "How many people?"

"About about a hundred people."

"My grass!

The prince decisively broke a foul mouth and said, "Are you sure there are so many people?" "OK, so I said it is so dense! There are so many people! The brothers at the door can't stop!" The man said.

at this time.


There was a loud noise from the entrance, but because the dance music on the scene was too loud and too intense, so many people heard this sound.

More than a dozen people with a cover ran straight in from the entrance, and then rushed to Zhao Tiezhu.

The dozens of people soon came behind Zhao Tiezhu and then stood in line.

"How much more people than me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I have a hundred people now. What about you?" "My grass!" The prince once again came out and said, "Zhao Tiezhu, you are a neuropathy, a Little things, you call so many people out, is it a good show? Tell you, brother is not afraid of you!"

"I didn't say that you are afraid of me." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I am afraid of you. You have pulled more than 20 people to come and call me to kill. If I don't call a few people out, then You don't have to be bullied by me. I am a person who is afraid of being bullied when he is young."

"I..." The prince still wants to continue the grass, just seeing the dozens of people behind Zhao Tiezhu, and one thinks that Zhao Tiezhu seems to have dozens of people outside, and immediately swallowed the words.

"Nima, you have time to give me time, let me call again!" cried the prince.

"Silly is giving you time to make you callable." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "If I were you, I would have been a guy, and I was stupid to give people time. You are making a movie? Now, the prince. Put your mobile phone down, I want to talk to you well, about the five nightclubs that you last smashed with me and lost to me. When are you going to give it to me? Give it to me?"

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