Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2161: Psychological cues (41 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,161, psychological suggestion (41 more) [1/1 page]


The prince didn't know why he had to sign a contract. Anyway, it was a strange sign.

I have to say here, why the prince will sign a contract, many people may feel very inexplicable, it is incredible the latest free chapter of the princess in the scorpion. [\'Fiction`.com]

In fact, this has to say something in psychology, or it can be called psychological cues, or it can be called other.

Anyway, when people are under some external pressure, they will have a stress response to find decompression, and in this case, if they are subjected to some external speech, it is easy. It will bring your own thinking and actions into the traction of others.

This is scientific research. It’s like you are going to drown and die, then there’s just something floating around you, you’ll definitely grab him. It’s a subconscious move, even if you hold that thing, it will eventually bring you a crocodile. Pool, you will also catch him, because that is the only thing that will make you live now.

When Zhao Tiezhu was on the prince, he first used the advantage of the number to suppress the prince. Then he used the verbal guidance to let the prince's whole thoughts be brought in by Zhao Tiezhu. This is similar to hypnosis. But it is not as deep as hypnosis, it is just a flower-lover who is a conscious guide to behavior.

If you have the conditions, you may wish to try it.

stop bullshitting.

After the prince wrote his name on the contract, Zhao Tiezhu did not know where to make a printing mud, and then directly pressed a handprint on the prince contract.

After accepting the contract, Zhao Tiezhu was satisfied with the hand and fanned the contract book, let the words on the contract book go early, then collected the contract and said to the prince, "Thank you so much, now this place is My, welcome to my place to be a guest. {Fiction}"

"Okay." Prince Muran nodded, but then the whole person slammed a fierce spirit, a pair of a little confused eyes, and suddenly recovered the Qingming.

"My grass, what happened to me!" The prince stared at Zhao Tiezhu with a big eyes, and said, "You hypnotize me."

"Who is hypnotizing you?" Zhao Tiezhu grinned disdainfully and said, "Do you find evidence for me?"

"You, you!!!!" The prince pointed at Zhao Tiezhu and shouted, "Zhao Tiezhu, I am not finished with you, go up! Give it to me, who killed Zhao Tiezhu, I will award him 10 million!!"

The so-called rich money can make the ghosts push, although the number of princes is a little less, but since they can be mixed with the prince, then these people are definitely not what they are, so after the prince’s order, these people decisively rushed to Zhao Tiezhu. I rushed over.

"Let them kill." Zhao Tiezhu stretched out his index finger and pointed to the other side.

"Dry them!" The people standing behind Zhao Tiezhu yelled and rushed up.

It’s awkward.

For a time, there was a battlefield between Zhao Tiezhu and the prince.

On the battlefield, countless people were playing there, drinking bottles, plates and flying, and people who were drinking and dancing next to the bar saw the chaos here. The crowd quickly retreated to the distance, not How long has it been, the originally crowded bar hall, suddenly a big chunk of it, whether it is drunk or not drunk, all hide in the distance, and then look at the chaos here.

Zhao Tiezhu is very calmly sitting in the position, less than two meters in front of him is the battlefield of the chaos, but this chaos fights fast, and the end is faster.

Zhao Tiezhu’s people here are all good players. Although there is no shortage of good hands on the prince, this is more than a few. Zhao Tiezhu still has an overwhelming advantage. Not long after, the people brought by the prince are all knocked down. Of course, Zhao Tiezhu also has several hangings on this side. After all, this is a modern city. No one is a superman or a martial arts master.

However, Zhao Tiezhu’s victory here, the reinforcements of the prince also came.

This bar still has a lot of people watching the show, but these people are scattered around the bar, and these people did not know what happened here, but after seeing them, even these people even Slower, I also understand that there are people fighting here, and one of them, or their own boss bubble chain.

Therefore, the people who watched the entire bar rushed over at once, and they probably had about thirty.

"Give me all, turn them over!"

The prince was already angry at this time, and he signed the contract on the contract, and it seems that he is giving Zhao Tiezhu with the other two bars of the same size outside the bar. If you let yourself know, Can't interrupt your legs?

Although the emperor said that he did not manage the prince recently, the king’s industry was very strict with the prince’s industry.

When he thought that his son might be angry, the prince could not help but fight a cold war.

On the other side.

The leopard-print female Shuya has squeezed her sister and came to the side of the murder.

"Forget Zen Master, your friend just left with the prince, don't you go see it?" Shuya asked.

"It's okay." Killing and shaking his head, he said, "He said nothing, it's okay, hey, everyone drinking, come."

While talking, killing and pouring a glass of wine into his mouth, and then kissed a woman, the two people's wine directly made an excessive in the mouth, the woman was quit this glass of wine That is called a charming eye with flowers.

"Your friend, is it really okay?" Shuya asked.

"It's okay," said the murderer. "If the prince's old man comes over, then I may have to pass, just a prince. He is already there to give the prince a face."

"Oh? Your friend, what are you doing?" Shuya asked curiously.

"He? He is... a secret." The murder suddenly revealed a smirk and said, "Do you want to know?"

"Think!" Shuya nodded seriously.

"Let's drink, I will tell you when I finish drinking."

at this time.

There was a loud noise in the bar.

Everyone followed the sound.

I saw a box not far away, and I was playing a big fight.

"Ah, it is Wenxi!" Shuya called.

"It's okay." quit and shook his head and said, "If there is something really going on, it will be useless for me. Let's continue drinking."

I don't know how long it has been, and the fighting voice is slowly getting smaller. Finally, it completely disappeared.

It’s a pleasure to quit smoking with a group of girls, and a voice with a slight smirk came from the side.

"Haha, forget the Zen Master, have fun?"

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