Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2164: I am compassionate (44 more)

Early charter

[vip]The second thousand one hundred and sixty-four chapters I am compassionate (44 more) [1/1 page]


1. I smacked my sleeves as if I had worn a piece of scorpion.

There are many people on the opposite side, more than one hundred. If more than one hundred people can attack and kill, then it is not the opponent of such people. However, the fact is that more than one hundred people cannot attack at the same time. Killing, this is not the same as online games. You are a hundred online friends who are throwing skills at the same blame. They are all lazy and can climb the wall for free reading. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

Therefore, the expression of quit is very easy. His goal is not to kill more than one hundred people, but to give the prince a good look.

If he is allowed to kill more than one hundred people by himself, it is a bit unrealistic. After all, more than one hundred people are holding guys, and these people are not a cat or a dog. If you are not injured, you have to be tired. fart.

Seeing the smuggling of a person coming across from the opposite side, the prince’s face showed a disdainful smile.

"The monk, are you looking for death?" cried the prince.

"The donor, do not speak out madly, but now the world is too peaceful, why bother to scream and kill." quit killing his hands together, walked to the prince about ten meters or so.

Some people behind the prince quickly walked forward, blocking in front of the prince, there are dozens of people, the prince to block the strict, even let the murder of people who can not see the prince.

The face of the murder is with a smile, and the smuggling will not be so pretentious, but now, there are a lot of beautiful women behind them, and it is necessary to install them after quitting, so that after some time, they really fight. The impact of that formation is strong enough to read your full text.

I don't know why, I have always had this kind of flower intestines.

I have to say that the near-Zhu people are close to the black, and this is still very reasonable. The good smuggling was completely tarnished by Zhao Tiezhu, the evil Martian. {Fiction}

I don't know if it is lucky to quit, or is it unfortunate?

Only after many years, watching his children and grandchildren, the smuggling once said that if Zhao Tiezhu did not pull himself into the water, the first time he experienced the beauty of men and women, perhaps there is no current smuggling.

These are all words.

"The donors, I have something to ask for." The killing and laughing said to the dozens of people in front of him.

"Seeking Nima," cried a younger brother. "If you want to die, let's come."

"Since the donor is not willing to talk to me more, then forget it. I am waiting for the Buddhist monk, always with compassion..."

When this word was just falling, the smuggling slammed and moved.

This time, Zhao Tiezhu came to the Pearl River Delta. The decisiveness of the smuggling has a relatively high improvement. At least according to Zhao Tiezhu, the squad has already had the top three strengths.

Why is rushing to progress so fast?

In fact, it is very simple, because the murder is the brother of Zhao Tiezhu. According to the protagonist's halo law, the protagonist is very powerful, and the protagonist's brother will naturally be very powerful. Of course, if you have to say the reason, it is to kill the last time with the butcher, the small universe broke out, and the result is very powerful now.

The body that quit was instantly rushed to the front of the group opposite.

The group of people on the opposite side is not vegetarian. Seeing that this bald monk dared to rush over to himself, there is a reason to say hello, and the guy directly rushed to the squad.

The first iron rod, headed to the head of the smuggling.

Killing and not killing, not hiding, one hand stretched out, gently rubbing on the iron stick.

The iron bar didn’t know why, but he was directly arrested and arrested, and then he smothered the iron bar to the side. A man holding a machete and slashing and killing was decisively given by this iron rod. Hit, can only sing to conquer.

Killing the fast flashing body, the whole person seems to be a gyro. Under the siege of dozens of people, while dodging, while advancing, while beating, while still reading Amitabha.

"My Buddha said that if you are a monk, you must be compassionate."

Speaking and killing, while a big handprint pressed on the face of a person in front of him.

With a bang, the nose of the man was broken, the whole nostril was sprayed with blood, then he flew out and knocked down several people behind him.

"My Buddha said that you should not compete with others for the latest free chapter of Murong Asura."

Killing an iron fist on a person's stomach, the man slammed down.

"My Buddha said, "Pudu people."

Quit a kick and let a person on the side who wants to sneak up on him fly out, then jump, and directly escape the iron bar underneath, and the body ran forward, already close to the prince within three meters!

Behind the smuggling, although you can't say that the corpse is everywhere, but it has fallen down to no less than ten people. As for the other people, either because people are crowded, they can't catch up with killing in time, or because they are being The smuggling skills were frightened and did not dare to move.

At this time, in front of the murder, it is a wall of people.

The densely packed lines are in two rows, about twenty people.

These people also know that many people are not necessarily useful, because you can stand up to so many people around you, so if you have too many people, it is easy to have a feeling of hindrance.

"You come, you come!" Although the prince was shocked by the smuggling skills, but there is no fear, you are more powerful, buddies here two rows of people, more than 20, hundreds of behind, afraid of you hair? There is a kind of you rushing in, and you will know when the flowers are so red.

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"I am arrogant, what can you do?" The prince looked disdainfully, "There are many people!"

There is not much talk about killing, but a step forward.


With this step out, the smuggling took a deep breath.


Killing this foot on the ground, even a muffled sound, even let the prince feel that the ground shook.


Another step.

This step to kill the forward cross, directly stepped forward to the front of the prince, although there are two people in front of the wall blocking, but the straight line distance from the prince is already within two meters!

The two people on the wall did not rush to fight, directly **** the guys waiting to kill, this is called constant change. Especially for such a person who then has to go to his side, it is like playing cs, the police can directly hide in the next package, because you must come to the band, you do not come, time is up, then you Even if it is lost.

After the smuggling step, the whole man pushed his hands forward.

The smuggling of this pushdown is too fast and too fierce. At such a speed as quit, some people simply can't have time to react.

A person on the wall of the first person was directly slain and seized, and then... he was arrested and arrested directly. You really, quit killing is going forward.

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