Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2176: Confrontation! (56 more)

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[vip] The 2,176th chapter of the confrontation is different! (56 more) [1/1 page]


"Oh? When did I start with your son?" Zhao Tiezhu’s face was slightly confused.

"You lied to my son's three games. Isn't this the start of my son?" said the emperor. "Although the three fields are not big venues, it is also the property of my royal family. You I don’t want to give me a face when I don’t talk to my family owner in advance.

"This, I think..." Zhao Tiezhu said after a while, "I think people must be honest, are you right?"

"Yes. (Pure text" Wang Di nodded and said, "Walking the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is integrity."

"That's it. Since people need to be honest, then your son is driving with me. His bet is 5 games. My bet is my top private club. Your son lost. The five fields are natural. Give it to me, is it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Wheeling?" Wang Di’s face was full of doubts and turned to look at his son.

The prince’s face was very ugly, saying, “Dad, they are swindling.”

"Oh? Which of your eyes saw me swindling?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You..." The prince still wants to say something.


Another slap.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the prince’s already swollen face. Is it a hobby for the emperor to abuse his son?

"If you have something to do with my prime year, I will read it for free. [\']" Wang Di calmly looked at his son and said, "What is the car?"

"This..." The prince hesitated and said, "I was with Li Ge and he had a car and took something to make a color."

"That is to say, the three games you lost this time are actually just the things you gambled to others, right?" asked the Emperor.

"No, Dad, this man colluded with Li Ge, and Li Ge finally deliberately hit me with a car, I lost it!" the prince said quickly.


Still a slap in the face.

"These things, you should have told me long ago, remember, don't have any concealment for me!" said the emperor calmly.

"I..." The prince squinted and said, "I know."

Wang Di% said, "My son, I did not tell you about your car." "Oh, it’s not too late to know." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Why would I find your son to take the spot because he was driving? Lose me, and I am a man, my heart is good, so as long as your son's three places, this is the case, do you still say that I lied to your son?"

"My son lost you five places, do you have evidence?" asked the emperor.


"Then, what words can you have?" Wang Di continued to ask.

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"Then how do you prove that my son's three fields are really lost to you by car?" said the emperor.

"There is no way to prove it." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Since you have no way to prove it, can you return those three fields to us?" asked the emperor.

"No." Zhao Tiezhu still shook his head.


"Do you have any evidence to prove that the three fields of your son were taken by me?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

The emperor’s glimpse, %% said, “Is Li Ge also lost?”

" Lost.

"What did he give you?"

"Casino! People have words and believers." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You two colluded, I am grass!" cried the prince.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the prince disdainfully and said, "If it is not the woman in the old car, I have no motion sickness, you have not known where I am going, I am so, do you still need to collude with you?"

"Prince, don't say it."

The emperor said with a voice, "Iron column, Ming Ming people do not say whisper, these three fields, I can not give you."

"That's my ass, anyway, the latest chapter list of the black and white stunt player game." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "have your son's signature, and your son's handprint!"

"I am willing to buy those three fields back!" said the emperor. "You can convert those three fields into RMB, and then I will buy them directly. Even if you want to earn more, it doesn't matter. The three fields." , can't give it to you anyway."

"I want 10 billion pounds, can you give me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"To be practical," said the emperor. "According to the estimate of the market value, the three fields will be converted into RMB for around 80 million. I will use 90 million to buy those three fields. You See how? Get 90 million performance at a time, which is enough for you to do a lot of things."

"I still have two billion yuan in the high-tech industrial park." Zhao Tiezhu said with amazement, "If you told me at the beginning, I would buy it for you, but this time, I don't sell it."

"Why?" asked the Emperor Wang.

"I don't need money, I don't have a place." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I plan to get down and manage myself in these three venues. This is a hen with golden eggs. Why should I sell it to you to make money?"

"Then you think, without my money to help, your field is in Guangzhou, do you survive? I let people go to your field every day to make trouble, I directly arrange a few people standing at the door of your field, not letting people go in, who Go in, then I will fight when I come out from inside, so it will take less than a month to go down, and your field will have to close down. If so, then you might as well take a hurry to get a piece of money!" Said.

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Mr. Wang is this... threatening me?"

“It’s not a threat,” said the emperor. “In Guangzhou, if you want to start the game without communicating with the people who helped me with money, then you will probably have a lot of trouble, I Ninety-nine percent of the entire Guangzhou city has a report with my money, and my money help will be responsible for a large part of the security work. If you have to go it alone, I don’t say anything else, I am at least Let you buy a bottle of wine locally in Guangzhou."

"It's very domineering." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I have never been threatened so much. Otherwise, let's try it and see if my people can look at my field." "It is not necessary." ”

Seeing that Zhao Tiezhu was not convinced, the Emperor Wang was somewhat helpless. He was determined to win the three games, but Zhao Tiezhu, the little fox, did not even blame himself. Didn’t he know that if he returned the third brother to himself, Do you owe him a favor? Although everyone is an enemy, but the rivers and lakes are righteous and owe people, they always have to pay back.

"You propose a way, see how you are willing to return the scene to me!" Wang Di finally stepped back, not to die with Zhao Tiezhu.

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