Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2295: Liu Shunlong’s line up

Everyone has a time to be uncomfortable for a loved one. ""

But not everyone will be unwilling to care for the ones they love, maybe they will worry about this worry, consider it, consider the various advantages and disadvantages, analyze whether it is not worthwhile for the beloved to fight for the value, and then maybe time goes by, The beloved ones have long since disappeared.

Why did Zhao Tiezhu soler Wang Xiaoyue so much, so he helped Wang Xiaoyue, in fact, as Zhao Tiezhu and Li Linger said, he saw the past himself from Wang Xiaoyue’s body, almost like a shadow.

At that time, I tried revenge after Si Ru’s accident, but I could do nothing. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu fell and then went abroad. Fortunately, I encountered various things later. This is the current Zhao Tiezhu. However, not everyone like Zhao Tiezhu. Such good luck, there is such background support, like ordinary people like Wang Xiaoyue, when you encounter such a thing, if you dare not take revenge, then it is really only to swallow the voice, indulge your own path.

Zhao Tiezhu came out as a substitute teacher this time. Li Linger Linda and others were waiting for Zhao Tiezhu to relax and release some pressure. These things are understood by Zhao Tiezhu. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu does not have to move twice to change the fate of some young people. Feeling, it is as if you are God, you gently move your fingers, one's life, it is likely to be very different.

Zhao Tiezhu likes this feeling very much.

While whistling, Zhao Tiezhu left the school.

Back home, Li Linger is trying on clothes.

It is a set of long skirts.

"I am going to greet me when I am dressed up," Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Cut, tomorrow is not going to attend the party of Liu Shunlong? I want to wear any clothes." Li Linger said.

"Just wear it." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Whatever you wear is so beautiful."

"Iron brother, you can talk!"

Li Linger said with delight and sighed, "Let's say two more words."

"You are like a **** in the world, you are so fascinating..." Zhao Tiezhu extended his neck and praised him.

"Go and go, Tiezhu brother, how can you praise me, I will not play with you three people!" Li Linger said seriously.

"I don't want to play, not every time..." Zhao Tiezhu muttered aloud.

"Not all of you are forced? Hey, you and Lucy, you two are too bad, every time... well, don't say, I went upstairs to sleep, yes, iron pillar brother, next Monday is our last One day's class, it seems that you have to streaking it? I have already notified Fan Jian them, and tomorrow we will watch you together! Remember to run a little!"

Li Linger said, throwing a wink to Zhao Tiezhu, and then went upstairs.

"I go."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Linger’s back and cried, "Do you really call them all?"

"Of course, our classmates have to come see it!" Li Linger said.

"Oh, if the female students see the style under my body, then they don't have to fall in love with me." Zhao Tiezhu touched the back of his head helplessly.

Li Linger had a good hang and did not fall, then stood upstairs and looked at the following, saying, "Iron brother, are you not afraid of people seeing you?"

"What are you afraid of? I have nothing to see. I am serious that everyone can see my strong body and powerful limbs and straight legs. I should be happy! When the time comes a lot of beautiful women... Hey! Zhao Tiezhu said as he shook his head, Li Linger walked back to his room decisively.

It’s gone when there is nothing to say overnight.

The next day, Zhao Tiezhu did not go to fj first middle school again. Because it was a weekend, many people took a break. Zhao Tiezhu originally planned to go to the Blood Soul Hall to see it. The result was that Li Linger pulled out to buy clothes, which bought clothes. Buying is one day. In the evening, Li Linger and Zhao Tiezhu returned to the house with a day's victory, and then took a shower and changed clothes. The time soon arrived at eight o'clock.

"What car?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"qq." Li Linger said, "I always like your qq, low-key luxury."

"Isn't that despised?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Cut, Tiezhu brother, when are you so concerned about other people's views?" Li Linger said, "Open your own car, others despise a ball."

"Haha, that's it, go pick someone first."

Zhao Tiezhu said, carrying Li Linger first went to fj first middle school, in the dormitory downstairs, Wang Xiaoyue had already waited.

"Hey, wear a very human-like dog-like thing!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

Wang Xiaoyue sat in the car and said, "Let's go."

"You are very nervous?" Zhao Tiezhu turned his car to the outside of the school.

"I...not nervous." Wang Xiaoyue took a deep breath and said, "Tonight, let's get things done. When I graduate, I will go to sh and find Ma Lele."

"Haha, there are goals, there are ideals." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "But at night you have to pay attention. The people around you are not vegetarian, and this is at his head. If his aunt is also there, Then you have to pay more attention to it, but as long as you do it, then you can’t go tonight to be sure, but if you are beaten, if you are heavy, go straight into the police station.”

Wang Xiaoyue’s face changed and said, “Don’t scare me, I’m not afraid.”

"Isn't it really scary?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.


"Well, iron pillar, don't bully people." Li Linger couldn't see it, said, "The family is still a child."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and did not continue to speak.

Donghu Community is located on the other side of fj, the environment is very good, and it is very luxurious.

At this time, in the door of the largest villa in the Donghu Community, there are many cars parked. Most of these cars are good cars. In the back garden of the villa, several people are playing music on the spot, some people are holding wine. Ah, what you eat, and so on in the back garden, these are the second generation of the second generation of the rich second class in the fj first middle school that Liu Shunlong invited. Of course, Liu Shunlong also invited some people who have good potential to come over. This is mainly because Liu Shunlong is deeply affected by his father Liu Tianbao. Liu Tianbao is a major shareholder in the core circle of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. He has a lot of money and likes to make investments. This kind of investment is not only financial, but also in humans, Liu Tianbao. I also like to invest, and I have received a lot of rewards. Therefore, Liu Shunlong has also developed the habit of investors. If these people come out of the society, as long as they have become an elite, their investment will be rewarded even if they receive a return. In the long run, there is no prospective investment, and few people will do it. Most people are more accustomed to enjoying it. Therefore, the people who have enjoyed it have become wealthy people, and Liu Tianbao, who invested in advance, has become a rich man.

Liu Shunlong took a bottle of beer and stood in the crowd. His eyes looked at the exit from time to time, and he could see some urgent desires from his eyes.

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