Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2315: Financial battlefield (10 more)

The next day's fj morning newspaper has such a news. ""

Fj first prison detainee Li Moumou, using the prison guards shift time, attempting to escape, and finally found out, for a moment can not open, jumped from the four-story high place, died.

"I am very curious, why did you kill him?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

The prince drove the car and said, "Because Zhao Ge took me, just to let me kill him, Zhao Ge’s order, I listened once, I did it again, I don’t need Zhao Ge to say the second time."

Zhao Tiezhu stunned, but then he laughed.

After a while.

"Prince, prince, you really grew up, let me look at you, right, you Laozi, go to find strength?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"My dad has already gone to wz, and he is helping the big brother to do things." The prince said with a smile.


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "I will let you follow me for a month, one month later, if you can, you will follow your dad to do things."

"I only hope that Zhao Ge can let me stay with you for a while." The prince said, "I can learn more with Zhao Ge."

"You don't want to hold me, now you are much smarter than you were a month ago, haha, interesting and interesting, it seems that you are not always so sloppy." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

The prince said uncomfortably, "It used to be a straw bag. Now it is also a straw bag. It’s just being run over once. I know that I’m a few pounds, so it’s like this.”

The prince sent Zhao Tiezhu back to the West Lake community, then parked the car, and got off the bus and left the West Lake community. Zhao Tiezhu looked at the prince thoughtfully. This person grew very fast. When he first saw him, he still It’s just a dude, but now it’s a lot more sinister than it was. This kind of person is very malleable. If you can use it well, it’s really a good tool.

The next day, Zhao Tiezhu finally returned to the long-lost fj university. At this time, the fj university study atmosphere was very strong, because the mid-term examination of fj University also came, and this mid-term examination related to several times. The university is a place for exchange students. Danfu University is the top school in the country. It is a gold-plated exchange student.

Zhao Tiezhu is bored in the school to pass the time. Under the care of the Pearl River Delta and Zhang Beihuang, many things are on the right track, and Han Dali is also well-organized with the help of the Emperor. Infiltration, of course, this kind of penetration is not effective in three or two days. To put it simply, if you don’t talk about business for ten days and a half, can you talk about business? Han Dali is actually doing business with various people in the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce.

The Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce said that it is a huge collection of interests. The people inside have money to make together. For example, if you want to do construction, that steel is just for steel, and the other is just for metal trade, then the three people will unite and the cost will definitely be Lower, and the cost is low, the profit will definitely go up.

This is the essence of the existence of the Wenshang Association. Han’s method of infiltrating the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce begins with doing business. On this side of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, a shareholder wants a batch of foreign furniture. Han vigorously directly lets people go out from the port of fj. Then, from the port at the side of wz, the furniture becomes foreign, and then a percentage of the profit is sold to the shareholder. The shareholder adds more profit to the consumer, and the two earn a profit together. The pot is full, this is a win-win situation, and win-win can bring more friends.

In the eyes of many people in the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, the identity of Han Dali is a big businessman who does import and export trade, and has a good relationship in the customs. As for the previous scene, Han vigorously said that he was bored to play, but did not expect to play in the back of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce.

No one has gone too far, because Wenzhou is different from the gang. He is a collection of businessmen. Everyone is doing business. As long as they can make money, where do we care? Of course, the Wenshang Chamber of Commerce can't enter the business. First of all, you have to contribute to the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. If you don't have any contribution, then why do people give you money to make business opportunities? Money is flying around the world, but I am not familiar with you. Why do you tell me where the money is?

It is still relatively simple to enter the temperature chamber, and it is difficult to become the shareholder of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. Because the shareholders of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce are financial tycoons, at least on the south side, they all have the right to have money. Characters, when everyone makes voices, it is not just a simple trade. What people do is to do relationships and do things, and Han vigorously is now actively moving closer to this side, using Zhao Tiezhu to create all the opportunities for him. .

Zhao Tiezhu is sitting in the front row of the classroom. Li Linger is taking the class seriously. Zhao Tiezhu is on the table, thinking about the things that are not there. The time is too fast. Occasionally, the mobile phone vibrates. It may be a text message sent by Su Yanni. It may also be other women, of course, there are text messages sent by these people, and Zhao Tiezhu will return, it is quite fun.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu planned to bring his own woman to eat something delicious tonight, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly received a text message from Solitary.

The text message is short, just a few words.

"problem occurs."

Zhao Tiezhu stood up straight on his stomach and said to the teacher who was in class. "Teacher, my stomach hurts, I have to go to the bathroom, I am sorry!"

After that, not waiting for the teacher to agree, Zhao Tiezhu rushed out of the classroom directly, and then called the Solitary.

"What happened??" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“Our funds moving upstream in the financial market have been attacked by a strong source of unknown origin. Now, the stock price of about 30% of the companies we hold is falling rapidly, and more than 15 companies have fallen. !"

The solitary king said coldly.

"Ah? Was attacked?" Zhao Tiezhu is a bit wrong. In this year, the main reason for making money is two aspects. On the one hand, it is the entity and the entity, and on the other hand, it is in the financial market.

The financial market is said to have a wide range. In fact, it is simply about stocks, funds, foreign calls, and futures. Most of Zhao Tiezhu’s money is in stocks and futures.

The financial market is a sea, and Zhao Tiezhu’s capital is the shark, eating small fish in the ocean and growing himself. In the popular words, Zhao Tiezhu is the banker. Through the capital operation, the retail investors' money is eaten, which is Zhao Tiezhu's other way of coming to the money.

But now, according to the words of the Solitary Emperor, several bookmakers, that is, several giant cannibal sharks have seen themselves and intend to eat themselves. Now, they have almost been bitten out of a big mouth. .

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