Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2337: Make an idea

Zhao Tiezhu does not know that this nv person named poetry will almost change the whole world of Zhao Tiezhu in the later days. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu thinks that this nv person is too strange to play too badly, and you ignore it once. I, ignoring me twice, ignoring me three times, can, but you can't ignore me like this, and... and Nima, you don't have to be so beautiful, beautiful, I can't make fire, I grass, nv A person is really a kind of creature that is méng by the grace of heaven. A species that can't die if blood is left for a few months a month is really not a man can provoke.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu intends to transfer his goal to the professor. At least from this professor, Zhao Tiezhu can find a little pleasure.

"Hey, even my apprentice, you can't fight, do you dare to fight with me?"

The professor is not good at all. Naturally, Zhao Tiezhu is not cheap in poetry, and he seems to be taken advantage of by Zhao Tiezhu. Therefore, this story is turned to the poetry.

"Professor, I don't dare to fight with you. You are called the beast. It is the Taishan Beidou in the academic world. I am just expressing my point of view and expounding my thoughts. That's all. I don't allow anyone to insult my alma mater, even me. It's just one of his countless children."

Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The professor did not know whether the TV was much more or the martial arts novels were much more. I always liked to learn those super-sounds, and the sound was steady and loud, and the people who were full of laughter could shake the eardrum. It seems that it would not show up. He is more bullish or his feelings are richer and fuller.

"Pharaoh really did not say anything wrong, you are indeed a student with a xing."

After saying a word, the professor decisively hahaha again.

Zhao Tiezhu turned a little helplessly, not letting his face face the professor.

The saliva that the professor came out was really heavy.

This turn, Zhao Tiezhu saw that the beauty nv called poetry just looked at himself, and then a sympathetic smile on his face.

I go! This nv person, even sympathize with Lao Tzu? Was she also haha? Or was it poisoned by this saliva when he was kissed by chuáng?

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to smile and helplessly respond to the people. As a result, after the poem was finished laughing, he even lowered his head and wrote a picture on a piece of paper with a pen.

Zhao Tiezhu’s poetry, the second game, was defeated.

“In fact, every school has the advantages and disadvantages of each school.”

The professor said, "In my heart, Dan Fu University has always been the first in the world, and I will let Dan Fu University really go towards this goal. Oh, if I can study my experimental conclusions in my lifetime. We will definitely be able to have a good prestige in the world, but what you said is not bad. Now Danfu University is really going downhill. Hey, what broke the principal, don’t put jing force on it. In the study of the school, every day is busy researching his own career, Danfu University is only a springboard for his progress, how can such a person bring a good university, hehe!"

After the professor said this, the whole face was obviously angry. Zhao Tiezhu thought that the professor should be resentful to the president of the university. Looking at the professor’s appearance, it should be really a In a certain field, a character of the cow bi, can you dig such a character to the university of fj?

As Zhao Tiezhu said before, although he only studied for one semester at fj University, the actual class time is only one or two months, but this does not affect the status of fj University in his own heart. If there is no fj university, I will not know Linda and Li Linger, and I will not know the iron hand. I will not have such a colorful life. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu also wants to let fj University become a world-class university. And such a school needs more talent to support.

The professor who is blaming the principal may not know that Zhao Tiezhu, who looks like a pure person in front of him, has already hit his mind on his head. Of course, as long as it is an individual, he will think about digging. The corner of the other school.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes have been turning. He is thinking about the feasibility of his own idea and how to do it if he really wants to implement it.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu clearly felt a hostility.

Looking at the hostility, the poem is looking at himself with anger.

Zhao Tiezhu’s glimpse, which is the trouble?

"I don't want you to count the professor!"

The poem says.

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart suddenly jumped quickly and could not!

What is this stuff? Is this mind reading? I just thought about it, you know it, dare not dare not be so illusory.

"I can't read mind."

The poem says from the self, "However, I can feel it."

Zhao Tiezhu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "This, poetry, you think too much, how can I count the beast?"

The professor suspected that Huo looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "My students' feelings are generally sensible. you have any intentions for me?"

"I am grass, although I really have an attempt at you, but it is definitely not the kind of attempt you want!" Looking at the eyes of the professor in the eyes of the guard, Zhao Tiezhu was helpless and secretly whispered, but then said with a smile, "Professor, My headmaster Wang asked me to come to you, you see?"

"Oh! You don't say I have forgotten this!"

The professor suddenly realized, "You have to come for half a semester, right?"

"Well, yes, as a foreign language department," Zhao Tiezhu replied.

"Foreign language department?"

The professor frowned and said, "Today is Saturday, I haven't attended class yet. So, I will take you to meet the head of the foreign language department and let him arrange for you."

"Thank you Professor."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and thanked.

"Nothing, I am an old brother with Lao Wang." The professor said, turning his head and saying to the poem, "Poetry, pack things up, go with me."


The beauty of the poetry nodded, and quickly cleaned up the things on the table.

In less than five minutes, things were cleaned up, and Zhao Tiezhu was so taught to leave the lab.

"Right, Professor, I don't know your name yet..." Zhao Tiezhu asked on the road.

"You call me Professor Lao Tao," said the professor. "Everyone used to call me old pottery, but you are foreign, I have to take advantage of you."

"Oh, I know, old pottery." Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"It is Professor Lao Tao." The professor corrected.

"Well, yeah, old pottery."

"Professor Tao Tao!"

"Old pottery."


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