Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2356: Ancient wushu

?"All right!"

Shi Haoran's voice faintly sounded, Zhao Tiezhu opened his eyes and looked at the time. The time for meditation was about 30 minutes, and the average person could hold for 30 minutes. ""

There are still meditation requirements for people. If ordinary people meditate for too long, it is easy to cause excessive mental excitement or excessive relaxation.

"With new students coming today, I will give you an old class."

Shi Haoran took a chair from the side and sat on it, knocking on Erlang's leg and saying, "Maybe at the beginning of the semester, everyone listened to me, what is ancient martial arts. However, I guess you all forgot about it. I am taking this opportunity today, I will repeat it again."

After that, Shi Haoran coughed twice, cleared his throat, and continued, "Wen Xi, you first talk about it, what is ancient martial arts, you have finished, there are insufficient places, I will continue to speak for the division. ”

"Okay, Master!"

Wenxi nodded, stood up and looked at the people sitting cross-legged and said, "Ancient martial arts, originally originated from the Mohist family of the philanthropic era of the philanthropists. At that time, the Mo family was good at the martial arts. People's martial arts skills have been merged together, which is the origin of the most ancient martial arts. Later, after years of development, ancient martial arts have been scattered throughout the land of China during the Tang Dynasty, although in the Qing Dynasty, ancient martial arts They have been suppressed by the people of Manchuria. However, the development of the millennium has already given the ancient martial arts a very strong vitality. There are various genres in various parts of the country. These are the foundations of modern ancient martial arts. Later, after more than one hundred years of development, ancient martial arts has become a deep knowledge. Modern Sanda, Judo, Muay Thai, and even sumo wrestling are derived from ancient martial arts. ”

After that, Wen Xi looked at Shi Haoran.

Shi Haoran nodded his face with no expression, and gestured to Wenxi to sit down, then said, "Wenxi said it is good, ancient martial arts, is the real national quintessence of our China, the so-called Korean Taekwondo, Japanese Judo, Thai Muay Thai, are early In the past few years, they have learned from us and then formed through some processing of their own. Many people may feel strange. Why is the ancient martial arts slowly declining now, and the judo taekwondo is strong, here is the history. The reason."

After that, Shi Haoran stood up from the chair and left his hands behind him. He said, "In the Republic of China, although the suppression of the Qing Dynasty has been somewhat degraded, it is still the core of the whole world martial arts, but later, Japan. The invasion and the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out. At that time, many ancient martial arts masters rushed into the battlefield with a **** battle. The swords and guns on the battlefield were blind, and the personal force was even worse. In the face of aircraft cannons, it did not help, and the total amount was more than 7%. Ten ancient martial arts inheritors died in the war, and many martial arts, since then, have been lost, such as the famous Dingmao in the Republic of China, **** legs, etc. There was no video at the time, maybe you I don't know the power of those people. I simply told you that the single-person of the Dingmu fists at that time stopped a special team of hundreds of Japanese troops. In the jungles of southeastern Yunnan, they circulated with the Japanese special forces. In the end of the week, I finally exhausted, and the other party was 124. In the end, there were only 21 people. You must know that the other party can be a special team member with a live ammunition! Inheritors, to rely on a superb boxing chome, with his fist abruptly killed 103 people. It went to the scene later said, only the Japanese rifle, was smashed 43! "

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Shi Haoran with horror. He knew that ancient martial arts were powerful. He also knew that ancient martial arts are a little declining now, but he still doesn’t know that ancient martial arts still have such a history, and the most amazing thing is that Zhao Tiezhu does not have anywhere. I have heard that these related contents, whether in the government or in the National Security Bureau, have no relevant records. Listening to this Shi Haoran’s words is not like a fabrication. The thing is very simple. These things are Shi Haoran. How do you know, wild history? Or is there any other source of information?

"In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese troops who died under the hands of ancient martial arts masters totaled more than 10,000 people." Shi Haoran said, "The ancient martial arts masters who participated in the war at that time were more than 100 people. On average, everyone, Killing hundreds of enemies!"

The students who listened to the class suddenly got up and killed at least one person. What is the concept? And it seems that they all rely on the effort to kill people and take guns. How is this possible! In the view of these students, the so-called ancient martial arts, in fact, just like the monkey drama, in today's society, a gun, a knife or even a brick can shoot a master, and what is learned is simply a waste of time. As for the study of ancient martial arts, it is a waste of youth and a waste of life. As for why I came here, isn’t it because of Ye Shishi?

"The ancient martial arts are profound and profound. Many people are not able to understand the little fur of ancient martial arts in their lifetime. This is another reason why ancient martial arts have fallen. Sanda, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, you can have a small school in three or five years. If you have a good qualification, you can play a few in two or three years. If you want to win a championship, you can simply follow it. However, ancient martial arts require a long period of immersion to achieve success. Now Young people, how many can sink their hearts? Of course, in modern society, you have to study, you have to make money, you want to pick up a girl, you have to raise a family, and you don’t have time to study with energy. So, I specially opened this in college. A course is to create an opportunity for you to get close to ancient martial arts and understand ancient martial arts. Of course, my understanding of ancient martial arts is only fur, but this is the fur, but I have never been born in this life. Seriously ill, even now I have been seventy-four, I can still pick two hundred pounds of rice." Shi Haoran proudly said.

Originally, Shi Haoran said that there is such a thing, but when it comes to the last sentence, many people are speechless. Now, this year, even if you pick a thousand kilograms of rice, Xuewu is not trying to fight. Can be arrogant, able to protect people, is it difficult for me to learn Wu to pick rice? it's so funny.

However, the teaching of Shi Haoran is still quite strict. Although the following people are quite disdainful, no one laughs.

Zhao Tiezhu is listening to the sound and color. He knows that this Shi Haoran should be a true ancient martial arts expert, and Zhao Tiezhu is now, the most missing one is such a person.

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