Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2370: After the road?

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes narrowed slightly, then he bent and smiled. “Yong’s father said yes, this year, who can live to the end, who is the winner.”

"Yes, 50 years ago, on the beach, there were too many romantic figures. In addition to the top peak of the green helper, there was Wang Li Erlong. In the past, Wang Li Erlong, but second only to the green helper, behind the Huangpu River Sanying In Xuhui District, there are eight strangers. They are all first-class characters. As a result, Wang Li Erlong was defeated by the government for three or five years, and the two entered the Qinling Prison. Later, somehow died, and the latter What is Sanying and what is blame? It’s not the dead and dead. I saw the three-year-old second in the fish market three years ago. I didn’t have a leg and one eye was paralyzed, but his The fate is good. I got a stall in the fish market. Now my son is doing it."

As the old man said, he showed his reminiscence.

Zhao Tiezhu was standing at this time, and Zhang Laozi did not invite him to sit down. He was too lazy to sit down, so he stood and looked at Zhang’s father. Sometimes, the old man, you have to respect, even if his identity is worse than you. The status is not as high as you are, but the so-called people have eaten more salt than you have ever been, so people are willing to tell you about the past, that is to give you something, this is a good thing, you will give more Respect people.

Zhao Tiezhu is not a good person. He likes to respect the old and love the young.

"Mixed rivers and lakes, people who walk the rivers and lakes, the most needed, is not how high you stand, not because you have more scenery, but when you are all fading, you can get a good end, who is going in the rivers and lakes There are no enemies? Maybe when you are in the limelight, people don’t dare to treat you, but when you retire? It’s hard to protect others. It’s not going to be settled after the fall. A veteran of Shi Qing’s 20 years ago may also think that there is no river in the river. After that, I took my old family back to my hometown and planned to retire. As a result, a week later, the whole family was found dead at home, and all the heads were cut down. At that time, the green gang angered and killed people. Check, finally found out, the feeling is an enemy of the veteran more than ten years ago, people have endured for more than ten years before they gathered people waiting for you to revenge when you retired, even though the person was finally helped by the green people Peeling the skin, the death of the miserable can not be miserable, but the green gang's elders are ultimately dead, and the death is particularly worthless, the family's billions of assets can only be recovered by the green gang, think about it. , When you go scenery, what use is it? Is not being made to cut his head that headless ghost. "

Father Zhang said as he shook his head with emotion.

Zhao Tiezhu continued to laugh and listen, these things belong to the wild history, Zhao Tiezhu probably heard, but not as clear as today.

"Oh, people are old, it is easy to think of the past."

Zhang Laozi slaps his head and smiles apologetically. "I have forgotten to let you sit down. Iron pillar, your child is also sincere. I didn't say you didn't know how to sit down? Hurry and sit down, Xiaolong What are you doing, and give you a chair for the iron pillar brother! Your child, when you can have a long snack! So not so long, hey!"

Zhang Long did not have any unhappy look because of being detained. On the contrary, his face was full of smiles. "I know it, I know this, oh!"

As he said, Zhang Long pushed a sofa from the side and pushed the entire sofa behind Zhao Tiezhu. This stopped.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Zhang Long, you are so hard, see you!"

"Hey, Zhao Ge, I have been with you, I am also practicing!" Zhang Longyi smiled.

"When is the iron column, when will you come to sh?" asked Zhang’s father, Zhao Tiezhu’s hand.

"The first two or three days!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"You are really, I told you the last time, come to sh, must come to me to sit, we were in the West Lake Art Museum, don't you talk about it?" Zhang said with a smile.

Business reform is very early. It is already seen from the first two lakes here. I hope that they will be arranged from here. How much has brought a little bit of what I have seen through your expression.

Zhang Laozi seems to be a little disappointing. He said, "This is a blink of an eye. One year has passed. You have grown from the original child to the current giant. Southeast King, hey, I don't know. How long have you heard these three words, it seems that only one underworld of more than 40 years ago has won such a title!"

“Oh?” Zhao Tiezhu snorted and asked, “Forty years ago? Who?”

"The name has been forgotten, but it seems that the surname is Cao." Zhang said, "But it seems that there is no hospice, and it has been destroyed."

Zhao Tiezhu was a little shocked by this. According to Zhang’s father, the surname of Cao’s is clearly the family of Cao Ziyi. "This is also a retreat that cannot be found by someone!"

Father Zhang said.

Zhao Tiezhu was finally relieved. He was very strange at the beginning. Why did Cao Ziyi’s family be destroyed? What hatred can make people do this kind of thing, and the courage of Cao Ziyi’s family wanted to retreat and not retreat. This was given Completed the door.

"Don, I have always had a doubt."

Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"What doubt?" asked Zhang, the old man.

“Why would you want to retire for no reason?”

Zhao Tiezhu asked, "Since it has reached such a height, it will continue to develop in the same way. For example, the Green Gang, hasn’t it always been like this? From the Republic of China to the present."

"Oh, you don't understand this."

Zhang Laozi smiled and said, "The development of any gang will not escape the rise and fall of the word. If there is prosperity, there will naturally be decline, and many people will retreat. It is afraid of this decline, and the so-called extremes will be reversed. At that time, many people will choose to rush and retreat, and then transfer the gang to the trustworthy person, or simply to their descendants, and then find a place where there is no one to retreat, so that on the one hand, it can be easier, on the other hand, it can also prevent When your gang is in decline, when someone else finds a door, you are more likely to get rid of it. Simply put, any person who is a mixed society has a debt on his body. When you take advantage of your gang, you will leave. Many people may be afraid of how to deal with you, and if you wait for your gang to decline, it is very likely that you will not be able to go, this can also be called the back of the people in the rivers and lakes."

(There is no accident at the end of the month, there will be more activities.) ~ See the first ad without ads, please go to ""

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