Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2372: Smart green gang

"Life does have a lot of distress!"

Zhao Tiezhu did not move and attached a sentence. ""

"Although we can't expand for more than ten years, but we are also good at eating and drinking. Some people will hold you when they go out. The name of the second biggest gang is still on the body, and we can still hold a lot of people, and we are After more than ten years of training, the elites are already enough. This is not a good thing, but at least a good thing, but the current green gang is making me more and more worried."

Zhang Laozi sighed and said.

"Oh? Is there anything to worry about?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"My body, aging day by day."

Zhang Laozi said, "I can feel it, I am very old. I am 84 years old this year. You see that I am in good spirits, yes, but I understand that 84 is almost the same. Maybe I can live again. Ten years and twenty years, but maybe, I will die tomorrow, I am dead, it doesn't matter, just, I am worried, now the green gang, ambition, has gotten up, or is forced out by you!"

"I was forced out by us?" Zhao Tiezhu pointed out that he was referring to himself.

"Yes, your blood soul hall and the dragon help, forced the gang's ambition out." Zhang said, "The former green gang, slow development, they have a history of hundreds of years, and an organization, history is long, one On the other hand, it is a good thing. On the other hand, it is a bad thing. The good thing is that they have an absolute deep accumulation. The bad thing is that after a long time, he will expose more and more problems inside, factional disputes, internal institutions aging, doing things. The efficiency is getting lower, and all of this is what we like to see. As long as the Green Gang can continue to do so, our axe will definitely be able to stay a long time, but last year, the bandits came back, and he was inside the Green Gang. A considerable degree of combing has been carried out, and a certain degree of reform has been carried out, so that the current green gang has long been no longer embarrassed. In fact, there is nothing in this way, and the green gang will not be able to shut us down, but your blood soul. The development of the church is too fast. First, unify the fj, then go down the army and eat the Pearl River Delta, and become the southeast king of the industry. It was originally in your north. The youth who lived leisurely, this dragon, also felt the pressure brought by your Blood Soul Hall. Originally, the Green Gang was under the pressure of the North Dragon Help. Now it’s good, and there is pressure from you in the south. Under pressure, if the Green Gang is still a good friend, it will be a problem sooner or later. Therefore, the Green Gang must change, and this change must start from the inside. The simplest thing is to make the whole sh become a piece of iron. It is the same iron plate as fj Guangdong and the three provinces in the east. And we are the obstacles to make sh the iron plate."


Zhao Tiezhu nodded. His understanding was strong, and Zhang’s father said it was clear. So, the matter is very simple. The Green Gang is originally the hegemon of one region. On the north side, he is the same hegemon, in his south. Originally, it was only a small lord. Suddenly, one day, the lord also became a hegemon. He was in the middle of the two hegemons and he was tragedy. If one day the two sides joined together to eat him in the middle, he would be even more tragic.

Therefore, at this time, the Green Gang, whether for himself or for something that may appear in the future, must develop himself. To put it simply, the hegemon in the middle is not easily eaten by the hegemons on both sides. I have to strengthen my equipment and strength first?

"However, isn't Green Gang having such an order? You are not allowed to do it, and you have to protect you!" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"The first half of this order really restricts them from doing things with us. As long as we are safe and stable, he will be anonymous to us, but this second one will not be!" said Zhang, "I said I am old, and I don’t know when I will go to see my father’s ancestors. As long as I am not there, the green gang will naturally not need to protect us. At that time, they can arrange some gangs. Attacking us, then destroying us, and then they kill those people. This is the easiest way to kill people. And we, because of the first condition, have no way to grow ourselves. As long as we grow ourselves, we It will die faster. Now, our axe help has already fallen into a dead knot. If we don’t move, I will die. Our axe will be estimated to be finished. If we move, prepare, then I don’t need me. Dead, our axe is also finished."

"In a word, it is a word of death, not to mention twice." Zhao Tiezhu nodded.


Zhang Laozi nodded.


Zhao Tiezhu’s face showed a businessman’s unique smile.

"So, we need someone to help us and control the green gang!" Zhang’s answer is far more clear than Zhao Tiezhu’s. In Zhao Tiezhu’s opinion, Zhang’s intentions are very obvious. He said so much, he just wants to let himself Help them, so that they will not be swallowed up by the green gang, and this kind of thing is the same as business negotiations, everyone has to come to the virtual, it is best to let the other party not know what their true intentions are, so negotiate, It was easy to take the initiative, but I didn’t expect Zhang’s father to say so straightforwardly. Instead, Zhao Tiezhu had a feeling of being caught off guard.

"Green Gang, it is not so easy to control." Zhao Tiezhu is huge, "You also said, they are King East."

"So you need this southeast king to curb them!" Zhang Laozi looked at Zhao Tiezhu's eyes and said, "Now the whole Shenzhou can control the green gang, except for the Inner Mongolian king, the northeast king, and your southeastern king Zhao Tiezhu, and you It’s the closest one to the Green Gang, so no one but you can't completely control the Green Gang!”

"I was so powerful!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Oh, iron pillar, how powerful you are, you still don't know?" Zhang said with a smile.

"Well, I am still good to pull, my aunt told me that the person should be low-key!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"In other words, when I was with your parents, I had a relationship!" Zhang said suddenly.


Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhang’s father in surprise.

"I have stayed in Beijing for a while, just happened to have contact with your father, two dogs, and your mother, Qingxia. Although it is not a friend, it is also a friendship." Zhang Laozi smiled and set up a close with Zhao Tiezhu.

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