Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2386: Big slap in the face

Zhao Tizhu, this brick, fully explains what is called fast-tracking. "" really took the spirit to shoot the style.

A special warfare player was killed by Zhao Tiezhu in this instant and lost his combat power. The attack of the other two special warriors was also very soon.

However, Zhao Tiezhu’s goods were particularly bad. The two special warriors rushed to Zhao Tiezhu’s front. Zhao Tiezhu did not fight with others. He jumped directly to the side and jumped to the other side of the pile of bricks. Then he took a brick. , ready to meet the next person who rushed to him.

Maybe it was the first one that gave the latter two psychological shadows. Therefore, these two eyes looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s hand with more bricks, and suddenly stopped his body shape, but watched Zhao Tiezhu on alert.

"Come on, he is lucky, kill him, give him a nap!" Ma Lele shouted.

"You are left and right, and at the same time."

A special warfare team member quickly told the other person about the battle plan, and then the two people moved at the same time.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu did not choose to continue running.

Zhao Tiezhu rushed toward one of the special warriors.

The two men met in a short time.

The physical strength and skill of the special team members are quite good. At least one ordinary person is no problem, but it is a pity that he met Zhao Tiezhu.

Although Zhao Tiezhu deliberately suppressed his own means, but the 30th strength of the gods is not a small special team member can challenge.


After simply escaping the fists of the special combat team members, Zhao Tiezhu's slabs accurately found the right cheek of the special combat team members, and they were heavily photographed on it.

The bricks were broken into pieces.

There has to be a condemnation of the innumerable profiteers who make such bricks. The quality is so bad that people can take a shot.

Another special warrior flew out.

With a bang, I rolled a few times on the ground.

Then he passed out gloriously.

Another special warfare team member also came to Zhao Tiezhu's side by Zhao Tiezhu's chance to stun the family, and then a hand knife was cut in the place behind Zhao Tiezhu's neck.

This place believes that many people who watch TV know that they are generally stunned when they are cut down here.

After a lot of hard work, the special team members have already trained this handicraft skillfully. This is going down, as long as it is an individual, it will fall down, but if it falls, how can it be embarrassed at the time, isn’t it what you said?

However, it is a pity that this year, there are often accidents. The cooked duck may fly. The engaged wife may run away from the person. The child may not be yours or you are not your aunt’s own. This is An era full of surprises and surprises.

There was a sound, but Zhao Tiezhu did not faint as soon as the special team members expected.

Zhao Tiezhu’s body is as stable as Mount Tai.

I didn’t even shake the body.

"I have said, I am an ancient martial arts research society, I will be hard qigong."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and turned, the same, a hand knife.

The hand fell off the knife.


Cut behind the neck of the special team members.

Due to the excessive strength, the body of this special warfare team was cut and flew by Zhao Tiezhu, and then fell not far away, rolled a few times, and passed out.

Some things will be unexpected, some things, but no accidents.

Zhao Tiezhu patted the body, took the dust off his hands, and then walked to Ma Lele.

Ma Lele was also calm, and his face was just as surprised. He looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "I didn't expect you to have two hands. It's no wonder that Zhang Long will let you follow. It turns out that you are not just following the class, or the thugs. what!"

"I like it."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and walked over to Ma Lele and said, "I am sorry, I can't be like you."

"It's okay."

Ma Lele said with a smile. "Since I said that I want you to kneel down and give you a finger, then you have to do that. Is there a student exchange at the university? I remember you!"

"Oh? What about you remembering me?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at himself less than a meter away, but in his eyes he ignored his Ma Lele and said, "Do you want to settle accounts after the fall?"

"Can't you?" Ma Lele asked.


Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly, then raised his hand.


A slap in the face.

Ma Lele has no time to dodge.

This slap in the face is completely on the face of Ma Lele.

Ma Lele’s eyes were slightly disdainful, proud, slowly becoming bigger and more surprised, and finally turned into anger.

"You! You dare to beat me!!!"

Ma Lele cried with a sullen face.

"You will hit you when you hit me. You don't know how to be polite and do not know how to be polite. How about playing you?" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I really have a boss of the municipal party committee, this is all The people of the world have to follow you? You thought about it, if you didn't have the old man, what do you count?"

"You are finished, you are finished, I want people to kill you! I want people to kill you!"

Ma Lele estimates that this life is also the first time to be slapped, a pair of eyes instantly become red, and the atmosphere of the whole person has become a little crazy.

"What happened to you?"

Zhao Tiezhu snorted with disdain, and the backhand was another slap in the face.


This second slap in the face directly makes Ma Lele a beggar.

"We are all mixed rivers and lakes. In fact, the most annoying thing is to get along with the second generation of your officials. Because you have nothing, nothing is left, relying on the parents' Yu Wei, you will have no one to look at, the world's biggest look. This makes me very uncomfortable." Zhao Tiezhu said from his own self, "All you have is from your parents, and in my opinion, people who rely on their parents, is not impossible, but with the face of their parents. To do the thing that bullies others, this is what you are wrong with."


Ma Lele could hardly speak, and Xuanyuan, who was behind, also stunned. At this time, as a follower, he should have rushed out, but Zhao Tiezhu just took three special warfare players under the three or two. The performance, so that Xuan Yuan did not have the courage to rush out, and standing next to Xuanyuan, such as a dream, is also a strong person, the expression is frightened, sluggish.

"Oh, boring."

Zhao Tiezhu sighed helplessly and said to Zhang Long, one side. "This kind of person belongs to you who are not stunned when you don't hit him. If you really do what you want, let's go."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu turned and left, leaving only three people with a dull face.

"Zhao Ge, you are too cow x!"

Zhang Long walked beside Zhao Tiezhu and said with a look of worship.

"There is nothing cow x is not a cow." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, said, "I am not doing what you want?"

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