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In fact, in the man's mind, it is not always the kind of piapiapia thing. At least when Zhao Tiezhu is carrying Ouyang Ying, he has no idea what to do with this woman. On the one hand, his body is now. Still not perfect, although there is no difficulty in piapiapia, but if a careless pia bleeds, it is not good, on the other hand, Ouyang Ying said, wait until the head nurse to talk to you piapiapia, You don't have to have the stuff in your head right now.

However, when Ouyang Ying bowed his head and shy, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart was instantly activated.

Zhao Tiezhu looked directly at the TV set and was very serious, but Zhao Tiezhu’s hand holding Ouyang Ying’s shoulder was gently touched by Ouyang Ying’s shoulder.

This kind of touch is very gentle. As for why it is so touched, one thing that has to be said here is how the men and women can open a breakthrough in the **.

I believe that everyone will be very willing to look at the next content.

Men and women are together, and both of you have already yelled at me. The feelings of each other are also well known. However, many people don’t know how to open a breakthrough in men’s and women’s affairs, although you really want to Touching her, she wants to kiss her, but you have to have a head? Can't you pull me over and grab your chest is a slap? Although sometimes it is not impossible to do so, but this will give you a feeling that you can't wait to take you with a very reckless feeling, and this feeling is likely to affect the other side's perception of you, thus leaving people A bad impression.

Since it is not easy to pull it directly, then you need some small movements to slowly break the physical defense of the other side.

This is what Zhao Tiezhu is doing now.

Gently touch.

This kind of light touch, the most common place is when men and women walk together, two people fall in love, the first time they go out, side by side, both people are more ashamed, in this case, these two people How can we naturally hand in hand? In fact, it is very simple, as long as two people walk closer, then let each other's hands touch each other from time to time, and when you touch it, you can pull the other hand's hand.

Many people will say, how to be so troublesome, direct pull is simple, in fact, compared to many first-time rookies, anything is challenging, a simple hand, it is likely that the rookie will have I want to spend a long time, and often I can't think of a way to come for a long time, so it is easy to cause nothing to be encountered on the first date. Isn't it a waste of time wasting youth and wasting air?

Many people can't understand why this kind of hand can be brought together in a few touches. In fact, this kind of action is to remove your psychological defense. When you first encounter it, the other party may be surprised, you are Not to take me? The result was not taken, then the second did not hold, the third did not hold, and the other party after you have been touched several times, it will unload the defense, then it will become accustomed, and then in the fourth, You can take people without causing too much reaction.

Of course, holding hands is only a small dish, how to rely on this kind of light touch to achieve the purpose of pushing a woman down and then touching, thinking that everyone wants to learn.

In fact, the truth is the same. Through some simple physical contact, to relieve your nerves, many people are very nervous when they predict what is likely to happen, and this tension and excitement may cause some Improper behavior leads to something that is not good or embarrassing, and this kind of thing is likely to make all your expectations and ideas fall through. For example, if you suddenly grab the chest of others, although the other party is already very harmonious with you, but your sudden movements will probably scare people, and if you are excited, you will be slap in the face, but Zhao Tiezhu In this way, gently touch, first remove your psychological defense, and then through this caress, let your nerves relax, and your alert will disappear step by step.

After a long stroke, Ouyang Ying was very restrained and slowly relaxed. The body also became slightly hot with the gentle touch of Zhao Tiezhu for more than a minute.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Tiezhu immediately began the next step.

Zhao Tiezhu will hand slowly move down from Ouyang Ying's shoulder. The movement is very small. Moreover, Zhao Tiezhu's hand still touches Ouyang Ying's arm from time to time. Ouyang Ying has a slight restraint. It is up, but it is not restrained to the feeling of rigidity, which means that Ouyang Ying's body is still ready.

As for what preparations are made, we use the popular point of words to prepare ourselves for being touched.

In fact, between men and women, that is, touch, pro, and go into three kinds of behavior.

Some people are accustomed to using the pro-behavior to derive the behavior of the latter touch, and then the behavior of entering, and Zhao Tiezhu just wants to have a hand addiction, so there is no such method.

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand finally touched the position of Ouyang Ying’s armpit. Then, Zhao Tiezhu gently opened his palm, and then slowly moved to Ouyang Ying’s chest.

Ouyang Ying snorted and turned to face Zhao Tiezhu, buried his head on the chest of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was finally placed on Ouyang Ying’s chest.

This looks like the time seems to be very long, but it is only three or two minutes, just three or two minutes, Zhao Tiezhu this goods successfully occupied the high ground of Ouyang Ying's chest, and the two have not spoken yet to do other things, And Ouyang Ying still has no negative emotions. The depth of Zhao Tiezhu’s kung fu can be seen from here.

"Iron brother..."

Ouyang Ying looked down and wanted to say something. Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was gently kneaded.


Ouyang Ying trembled a little, Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "What happened?"


Ouyang Ying shook his head quickly.

Zhao Tiezhu’s arm used force to make Ouyang Ying’s body tighter on his body, and then he said while kneading. “Ying Ying, this is not seen for many days. Your body has become better.”

"Iron...Iron brother..."

Ouyang Ying looked up and looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a confused look. "You... if you want Ying Ying, wait... after you are hurt, Ying Ying will... give it to you."

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu picked up his eyebrows, didn't he say that he was given the head nurse? How to give it now.


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