Zhao Tiezhu has been staying in Ouyang Ying on Monday morning.

In these two days, Zhao Tiezhu and Ouyang Ying, both with their lover, lived a life that only lovers can live, that is, the legendary life without shame.

The two went shopping together, slept together, and played games together.

Zhao Tiezhu did not find that Ouyang Ying was still an enthusiast who crossed the waterline. Two people had a computer and played in the room. With Zhao Tiezhu’s technology, it was a proper ace every time, and Ouyang Ying as the internal response, generally go to the enemy of Zhao Tiezhu, so that Zhao Tiezhu played an opening effect, each time Ouyang Ying was killed by Zhao Tiezhu, but Ouyang Ying is also happy.

The time passed quickly. Two days passed by, and Zhao Tiezhu’s stomach was still wrapped around the bandage, but the wound was almost restored. This morning, under the eyes of Ouyang Ying’s reluctance, Zhao Tiezhu still I left Ouyang Ying’s home and returned to Danfu University to continue classes.

Originally, with Zhao Tiezhu's character, he was absent from class and could be with the people he liked. How many classes were floating clouds, but Zhao Tiezhu returned to school after thinking about the ancient martial arts research course.

Zhao Tiezhu really wants to raise his own military value to a higher level. Ancient martial arts is a pretty good breakthrough.

Not long after returning to the classroom, Zhao Tiezhu’s counselor found Zhao Tiezhu, saying that he was going to arrange a dormitory for Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu thought about this. Professor Lao Tao told himself last time to change his dormitory, but he This weekend's weekend is with Ouyang Ying, so this dormitory has not been replaced.

"You have a dormitory with Xiao Da and the big head." The counselor said to Zhao Tiezhu, "Your dormitory is in the male dormitory 505."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded, Xiao Wei and the big head, Zhao Tiezhu are considered to know, that ** barely counted as a rich second generation, open an Accord in the school, people are still pretty good, just rarely speak in the class, according to Dan Fu University There are some rules in the inside, this person could have lived alone, but it seems that this person is very familiar with a fat man in the foreign language department, so he lived with the big head. I did not expect that this person actually Willing to live with myself, this is somewhat surprising to Zhao Tiezhu.

Surprisingly surprised, Zhao Tiezhu did not specifically ask people why they should leave a bed to live for themselves. Anyway, these so-called college students in Zhao Tiezhu think that most of them are just like children, and they are too far away from their own lives.

Soon, the professional class was finished, Zhao Tiezhu also successfully played a new record in the cut fruit of his mobile phone. After the teacher announced the class, Zhao Tiezhu rushed to the old stadium after cleaning up the things. .

Inside the old stadium.

Some of the first-timers have changed their clothes, sitting on the ground and meditating, Zhao Tiezhu first changed the clothes, and then came to the crowd.

After scanning the people present, Zhao Tiezhu did not see the shadow of Ye Shishi, but saw the Shi Wenxi!

Shi Wenxi seems to have completely recovered from the last incident, sitting cross-legged on the ground, talking and laughing with a few people next to him, that kind of body is one-to-one.

Seeing that Zhao Tiezhu was watching himself, Shi Wenxi waved and waved at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Tie Pi, you are coming!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and smiled. It was a response. He did not speak, but sat directly on the ground with his legs crossed.

"Hey, now you can pretend, after a while, and after a while, decide that you will come to the tragic fate of the moment, it is coming!" Shi Wenxi looked at Zhao Tiezhu and looked at it.

Not long after, Shi Haoran took his hands behind him and walked slowly from a distance. Standing in front of everyone.

Shi Haoran coughed a bit, and those who were closing their eyes and meditating opened their eyes.

"I heard that a few days ago, when Wen Xi and the iron column were practicing the routine, something went wrong?" Shi Haoran asked.

"Master, the iron pillar teacher is not careful, and I have nothing to do." Shi Wenxi said with a smile.


Shi Haoran nodded and said, "I told you before, no matter how powerful you are, when practicing routines, you must concentrate all your attention. On the one hand, ancient martial arts can train people and can keep fit. But it can also hurt people, iron pillars, read that you are the first time to practice routines, so last week's things, you will not care about you, and you should pay attention to it later!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes groaned and said, “Know, Master.”

"Okay, the content of our class today is..."

After Shi Haoran said that Zhao Tiezhu suddenly went to class, Zhao Tiezhu felt that Shi Haoran favored Shi Wenxi, but Zhao Tiezhu did not care about those thoughts with Shi Haoran. Seriously, he learned more things, that is king. .

However, Shi Haoran’s teachings here are relatively simple. Zhao Tiezhu can basically understand it after listening to it. These things are quite useful for some entry-level rookies, but for Zhao Tiezhu. Said that these things are a bit nonsense.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu thought about how to dig out the roots of Shi Haoran.


The half-closed iron gate of the old stadium was slammed by the knocking.

Everyone followed the sound and saw several people wearing white karate suits standing at the gate, headed by a long five-three-thick man.

"Hello teacher."

When the five big three thick people saw everyone watching it on their side, they suddenly yelled and the voice was very thick, and they could be seen as a very emboldened person.

"what's up?"

Shi Haoran frowned slightly and looked at the people.

"This is the case. We karate clubs want to come to your class to exchange and study tomorrow afternoon, in order to promote the level of martial arts research in Danfu University. At that time, we will invite friends from Taekwondo, Boxing Club and other friends to come and learn from each other. Promote each other and hope that the teacher can educate us!"

"Our ancient martial arts research society does not accept any form of challenge." Shi Haoran said.

"This is just an exchange." The man said, "Our purpose is not to compare, but to learn from each other."

"Master, I think this is ok." Shi Wenxi suddenly said at this time, "Isn't martial arts supposed to be the head of a hundred schools? Although these so-called karate taekwondo are derived from our martial arts, they It’s not that you don’t have your own advantages. It’s still very good to learn from each other!”

Shi Haoran frowned and looked at Shi Wenxi and said, "That's up with you, but tomorrow I have something, let's take a look at the ancient martial arts research society."

"Okay!" Shi Wenxi smiled and nodded, eyes, and secretly looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu is an expression that Laozi did not hear anything.


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