"Sister, don't call someone at night!" Chen Meng said as she took off her skirt.

Chen Lingshan did not speak, and her face was slightly red. In the evening, Chen Lingshan drank a little bit of wine at the time of Chen Meng’s constant persuasion. Although for Chen Lingshan’s drink, this is nothing, but it also makes Chen Lingshan a bit The body is hot. The consciousness is also slightly more exciting.

"The user you are calling is on a call, please dial later."

The phone is a cold, mechanical reply.

Chen Lingshan stunned and looked at the phone number. It was Zhao Tiezhu’s right, but now it’s a little more at night, so I’m still on the phone.

"Sister, I have told you, his confidante is more, this time I definitely don't know which confidante to chat with, you don't want to be boring!" Chen Meng said, "You are now playing." He must have repeated the words he just said to others, it’s useless!”

Although Chen Lingshan had no prior opinions, she was a bit embarrassed. After waiting for a while, she made another call and the result showed that the other party was still on the phone.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu was just chatting with Su Yanni, and the other people in the dormitory also gambled that they had not slept. Zhao Tiezhu naturally did not need to hang up the phone.

Chen Lingshan's reluctance broke out all of a sudden, and every three minutes, Chen Lingshan called.

Zhao Tiezhu talked with Su Yanni for a long time, and talked about two points. Su Yanni, who was on the phone, was called to go to rest by Ye Qingxia. Zhao Tiezhu was helpless and had to hang up.


After more than an hour of phone calls, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone was out of power, and then shut down directly.

Zhao Tiezhu thought about this point and it is estimated that no one will call himself, and now he lives with others. Everyone sleeps at night. If the mobile phone is open to others, Zhao Tiezhu does not open the phone. Just rub the charger directly, and let the phone stay off and start charging.

And on the side of Chen Lingshan.

Chen Lingshan did not know how many calls she had made anyway, and her temperament was committed. It would not be easy.

"Sister, don't fight, waste electricity, people are now sweet with others!" Chen Meng said from time to time, "What use is it for you to fight again? Right! It is better to wash and sleep early!"

Chen Lingshan did not care about Chen Meng, but continued to fight.

"Sorry, the user you are calling has been turned off."

Originally, I was always on the phone. After the nth time, the voice changed and it turned off.

Chen Lingshan stunned.

What is going on here?

"What happened, sister?"

Chen Meng saw Chen Lingshan's face changed and asked quickly.

"He... he shut down!"

Chen Lingshan’s voice shook slightly.

"Shut up? Aha, maybe he just went out with a girl to open a room, now it’s time, two of them, definitely have to turn off the phone, or what if it is affected? How about it? Right! Chen Meng said.

Chen Lingshan shook her head and said, "Iron Tie is not like that. He must have lost his phone."

"Cut, no electricity is not so smart, just after the phone call, there is no electricity, how is it possible?" Chen Meng asked.

Chen Lingshan wants to say something, but finds that she seems to have nothing to say. She is not a girlfriend of a family. Even two people have not had too many intimate contacts. Even if they really go out to find a woman, then they themselves What can I say?


After the role of alcohol, Chen Lingshan was a bit excited, but even after so many calls, Chen Lingshan's spirit has been excessively consumed, and the whole person seems to have no enthusiasm, a little embarrassed.

"Sister, I told you that this year, I still find a specific one, Zhao Tiezhu can be a friend, right, if he is a friend, it is definitely good!" Chen Meng said.

"Don't say it, Meng Meng, I am tired."

Chen Lingshan sighed and shook her head, put the phone aside, and then lay down on the bed.

"Sister, I can also do this for you, but also for our family. You think about it yourself. In the end, you can have a way out. You are smarter than me. I can think of more than me. I only hope that you." It’s ok to be happy!” Chen Meng said.

Chen Lingshan’s eyes flashed in the eyes.

Iron Pillar, we, what should we do?

On the other side, Zhao Tiezhu was still ignorant of all this. After loading the charger on his mobile phone, he ran to Xiao Wei’s side and watched Xiao Xiao playing dota. Later, he couldn’t understand the technology that Xiao Xiao’s dish could not. Zhao Tiezhu decisively hit two sets of hands, and the result was shocked by Xiao Xiao as a man of heaven. He tried to learn from the teacher. Zhao Tiezhu simply moved his computer out, and then the computer was online for two days, directly on the 11th platform.

This play, played until the next morning at seven o'clock.

Fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu did not have any classes this morning.

After a night of fighting, Zhao Tiezhu had some sleepiness. Seeing that there was no class today, Zhao Tiezhu yawned and fell asleep. Even Zhao Tiezhu, who had already been fully charged, did not start.

It is this morning.

Chen Lingshan, who barely slept in one night, stared at the eyes of a pair of pandas. After looking at the time, Chen Lingshan picked up the phone and wanted to call Zhao Tiezhu and asked Zhao Tiezhu why he didn’t say hello to him last night. Why is it in the middle of the night? The phone is always on the phone, why is it turned off later?

"Sister, don't fight, women want to be self-satisfied!" Chen Meng advised.

"I will call one. If you ask clearly, you will not ask!" Chen Lingshan said.

"Hey, follow you, love makes people blind, and sure enough," Chen Meng said helplessly.

Chen Lingshan took a deep breath and found the number of Zhao Tiezhu and hit it.

"Sorry, the user you are calling has been turned off."

Chen Lingshan listened to the cold mechanical sound, and felt that the whole person was empty.

"Sister, I told you that he must have gone to other women last night, so I am still shutting down. This is exactly the morning. Just happen to be a morning exercise. You have been calling all the time." Sister, listen to me, some things, it is better to not touch it, it is easy to get yourself hurt." Chen Meng said.

Chen Lingshan was silent for a long time and said, "Meng Meng, maybe you, is right!"

"Of course, sister, look at the opening, men, three-legged man is not easy to find, the two-legged man is more, I will introduce you to the next day!"

Chen Meng looked at Chen Lingshan's feeling of being a bit lost, and her heart was also sour. However, she thought that this was also for her sister's happiness. Chen Meng also comforted herself. "Alright, long pain is better than short pain, sister, you have to forgive. I!"

(There will be mistakes, suspicions have, the future of two people, where? 14 more, arrived! Tickets. The first place is close to 300,000 votes!! I am tired and tired, only a total of more than 700,000 votes Ah, psychological imbalance, what to do? I draw a circle to go and wait for everyone's ticket, I am going to storm.)


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