Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2426: Bad mood (26 more)

Sometimes, many things in the world are really accidental. ""

For example, between Zhao Tiezhu and Chen Lingshan, there are many coincidences between the two people, and Chen Meng is pushing in the inside, and the result is what it is now.

Chen Lingshan seems to have collapsed. She is standing in the field and weeping in tears.

At this moment, Chen Meng felt that she had done something wrong.

"Sister, let's go back."

Chen Meng took Chen Lingshan’s hand and said, “The kind of man is not worth it.”

"Let's go back."

Chen Lingshan sobbed and wiped her tears and turned away.

I don't know why, the crowd automatically opened a way for Chen Lingshan.

Of course, it can be said that these people have automatically opened a road for Zhao Tiezhu, and now this road has not been closed.

The squad leader didn't know what happened and had to follow behind the two.

"Send my sister back."

Chen Meng looked at the squad leader and said.


The squad leader nodded.

Chen Lingshan did not object, but walked step by step, and the squad leader quickly followed.

Watching the two leave, Chen Meng bit his teeth and ran in the direction of leaving before Zhao Tiezhu.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu completely converged the negative emotions. He went to see his own woman, and when he saw his woman, if he still retained the negative emotions left by the last woman. That is not respect for the woman of her own!

Regarding Chen Lingshan's thoughts in the end, Zhao Tiezhu did not think about it anymore. Anyway, there are people in this year, and everyone has their own ideas. If you want to find a boyfriend, you can't help but find someone right? Moreover, I haven’t had anything to do with people. The two of them don’t even count on boyfriends and girls, just squatting.

Oh, it hurts the dead.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed with excitement. If he didn't do it early, it wouldn't be like this. If it has never been, then it will not be like this.

"Asshole, wait!"

A female voice came from behind.

Zhao Tiezhu turned back, Chen Meng.

Zhao Tiezhu’s instinctive face sinks. Since this woman told her last time that she should not be ashamed of Chen Lingshan, it seems that she and Chen Lingshan are not very smooth.

However, when I thought that this person was Chen Lingshan’s sister, Zhao Tiezhu’s face quickly returned to normal.

His face is calm, as if he were looking at an ordinary person.

"My sister... not the kind of person you want!"

Chen Meng ran to the front of Zhao Tiezhu and said while panting.


Zhao Tiezhu took a look at his eyebrows and said, "Don't you really want me to be completely disconnected from your sister?"

"I think that's right, but I don't want you to misunderstand what my sister is!"

Chen Meng said, "My sister has nothing to do with you. You are just ordinary friends, and my sister is not too big. Some people like to chase people. If they meet what they like, they can be together. You can It’s not a couple, it’s just a good place. So, my sister is not betrayal to you, because you haven’t started, you know? If you dare to think of my sister as that kind of person, I will not let Passed by you!"


Zhao Tiezhu sighed again, looking at Chen Meng like a smile, said, "Just by you, why don't you let me go?"


Chen Meng’s eyes turned and said, “I will tell your women about your affair! Let them know what kind of person you are!”


After saying this, Chen Meng fiercely felt his brain for a while, and the consciousness of the whole person became blurred in an instant, and Zhao Tiezhu’s face became distorted.

"I don't like people threatening me, especially when I threaten me with my woman."

Zhao Tiezhu stared at Chen Meng’s eyes and said, “Generally, people who threaten me will die very badly. Do you believe it?”


Chen Meng wants to say something, but finds that she has become difficult to breathe. The whole person seems to be wrapped up by something, and it is squeezed. Generally, people feel very depressed.

"You, still tender."

Zhao Tiezhu reached out and gently patted Chen Meng's face and said, "I am in a bad mood, and then provoke me, I don't mind helping you break."

"You... you dare!"

Chen Meng squinted and shouted, "Is it by you? A playboy, I can't make up my sister, now I have to tease me?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth evokes an evil smile and says, “I told you, my mood is very bad now, you have challenged me for the second time!”

"You...what are you arrogant about you!"

Chen Menghong shouted with a big face. "It will threaten me with a weak woman. You are like this!"

"Okay, the third time!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the watch and said, "I am going to meet my woman for half an hour. I can take ten minutes to take you to do something fun."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu stepped forward and went straight to Chen Meng's face. Then, under the extension of Chen Meng's surprise, Zhao Tiezhu squatted down and told Chen Meng that the whole body had been smashed.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Chen Meng shouted.

Zhao Tiezhu pressed his hand at the neck of Chen Meng, and Chen Meng found out that he had lost his voice.

Zhao Tiezhu’s evil smile on his face is even worse. “I want you to know and annoy my consequences.”

After that, Zhao Tiezhu tried hard at the foot, like the arrow from the string, rushed out.

Zhao Tiezhu's speed is quite fast, and because this is a relatively desolate place in Danfu University, there is no one.

Wind and power

The wind blew on Chen Meng's face, and Chen Meng had a slight pain. Chen Meng wanted to talk and couldn't speak. She wanted to struggle but found herself being clamped to death by a powerful big hand.

"If you dare to treat me, I... I will not let you go!"

Although he can't talk, Chen Meng is staring at Zhao Tiezhu.

Soon, Zhao Tiezhu took Chen Meng into a place like a small hill, surrounded by lush trees.

This is a field sacred place in Danfu University, but this time is the afternoon, so no one here has come to seduce in the daytime.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly came to a higher place with Chen Meng. There is a tree here, which is long and thick, and the one that is probably surrounded by a person.

Zhao Tiezhu threw Chen Meng directly on the ground. Chen Meng struggled to stand up and wanted to run out, but Zhao Tiezhu grabbed his neck.

"In fact, I like to push hard. If you want to resist, you may provoke my fire."

Zhao Tiezhu made Chen Meng quiet in one sentence.

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