Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2437: finally come!

Zhao Tiezhu’s mood has once again returned to a state of no heart and no heart. **""*

"In the future, don't touch it sneaky."

When Zhao Tiezhu walked on the way back to the dormitory, Chen Lingshan sent such a text message.

After reading the text message, Zhao Tiezhu didn't feel anything at the first time. He felt that Chen Lingshan might not like himself. However, when watching the text message for the second time, Zhao Tiezhu fiercely attacked.

Don't sneak up?

Is this ebsmux, can you touch it?

A heart of Zhao Tiezhu swayed in an instant.

Does it mean this?

Zhao Tiezhu thought while walking, and couldn’t think of a reason. Therefore, with Zhao Tiezhu’s wretched effort, Zhao Tiezhu decided to send a text message to ask.

Under normal circumstances, normal thinking will not ask such a question, but who is called Zhao Tiezhu is wonderful.

"Then I will be bright and big in the future."

Zhao Tiezhu returned to the information.

After ten seconds.

Chen Lingshan’s message has come again.

"You...I am a good friend, you are so bad..."

Although Chen Lingshan’s information is just a few words, the amount of information is huge. At least let Zhao Tiezhu know a little. Chen Lingshan, who did not deny his own words, is the default...

Zhao Tiezhu instantly felt that the sun was rising tpmvr.

"I am bad, don't you still love? When I saw you on the first side, I was so bad." Zhao Tiezhu teased.

"Well, Iron Pillar, I decided to punish you for eating two eggs a fritter and five bowls of porridge!" Chen Lingshan replied.

"A fritter with two eggs, this metaphor can be image, porridge? White and sticky, but also image, Lingshan, do you suggest me?" Zhao Tiezhu's wretched return.

"Don't talk to you ebsmux, Iron Pillar, report to the dormitory!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the text message, smiled and smiled, just wanted to return.

at this time.

A sense of crisis.

In an instant, Zhao Tiezhu’s body was covered.

The hair of Zhao Tiezhu was all upright.

This is a situation that will occur in a very dangerous situation, and Zhao Tiezhu’s body hardens almost at the moment when this sense of crisis occurs.

Moreover, Zhao Tiezhu also took the next step and took a small step.


A black figure wiped Zhao Tiezhu's left side and passed it directly to the ground, and the concrete floor was pulled out of a hard place!

Grass mud horse!

Zhao Tiezhu shouted as he clenched his fists, and the man who was squatting on the ground was directly punched.

"The speed is still good."

A little sharp voice was uploaded from the black figure, and then the figure suddenly turned around. Then, a pair of snow-white hands stretched out from the shadows, hands clasped together, palms facing up, greeted Zhao Tiezhu’s fist.


Zhao Tiezhu’s fist collided with the man’s palms.


The temperament of the fire directly shook the clothes on Zhao Tiezhu’s arm into pieces, and at this time, Zhao Tiezhu only saw the other side’s appearance.

This is a man who is covered in black linen.

It is very strange that the man's skin is very white, and it is pale. The hands are the same as the color of the snow, and the pupil of this person is also a strange light blue.

"I am going, beautiful?" Zhao Tiezhu shouted and slammed the man.


The reaction speed of the man was very fast, and one hand appeared on the attack line of Zhao Tiezhu’s foot in an instant.

Then Zhao Tiezhu’s foot was blocked by the hand of the family.

However, due to the great strength on Zhao Tiezhu's feet, this man was directly flung out by Zhao Tiezhu's foot, and after several turns in the air, he landed on the ground.

And it is smooth landing.

"Oh, it seems that you are also about 30 or so of the power of the gods list, the rumors of the outside people, not allowed!"

The man opened the ebsmux road, a pair of blue pupils emitting a strange blue light under the night.

"who are you?"

Zhao Tiezhu asked with a sullen face.

"God list thirty-five, white fox."

The man picked up a black hat-like thing on his head, revealing a fairly normal head, but the hair of the white fox was white.

"What about albinism?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a frown.


The white fox grinned and ebsmux said, "This white is still very good?"

"The body is also dyed?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is not the case." The white fox shook his head, ebsmux said, "I don't eat meat, not the sun."

"Oh! Then you should be physically disabled in some way."

Zhao Tiezhu held his chin in one hand and nodded ebsmux.

"Oh, the incomplete is not broken, I don't know, but you are missing tpmvr, this is my affirmation." White Fox smiled at ebsmux, "The temptation of God's List 30 is very strong."

"It seems that you also believe in the ebsmux of the outsider." Zhao Tiezhu's calm ebsmux, but my heart is a burst of sorrow, and sure enough!

As early as Zhang Long and Zhao Tiezhu ebsmux about Zhao Tiezhu was rumored that ebsmux is the top ten in the list of gods, Zhao Tiezhu pre-existed today's events, but some things you foremost, but when dcllzsu really came, You still have some surprises.

Zhao Tiezhu expected that someone would come to hunt himself, but I didn’t expect to be on the 35th list of God. Although ebsmux’s money that he had killed before came in is the 30th in the list, the difference between the 30th and the 35th is actually It’s not that big, and it’s because the money came in a bit of a big idea to win the money. It’s only a fake god’s top 30. When you meet this real **** list, you’re guessing that you’re embarrassed. Even if it wins, it should be a tragic victory. Tpmvr is half-dead to give himself to such a place, and Zhao Tiezhu believes that, next, there is no need for people on the list of gods, and those on the list of dragons are also coming. At that time, Zhao Tiezhu is determined to be dead and can no longer die.

At the thought of this, Zhao Tiezhu could not help but irritate the haze of the people behind the scenes. This is simply to make himself a target. Now it is thirty-five, and maybe twenty-five, fifteen in the back! Because it seems that he is rumored on the rivers and lakes, there are more than ten strengths in the gods list, and when tpmvr is someone who can kill himself, then it is possible to replace himself! If Zhao Tiezhu is really a top ten in the list of gods, Zhao Tiezhu does not matter, then you can make a name, but the most important thing is that Laozi is really not the top ten of dcllzsu mother, even the top ten of Laozi No, isn’t money coming in from the list to be named?

But these things, Zhao Tiezhu knows that others don't know, and the list of the new issue has not yet come out, so many people think that Zhao Tiezhu has been successfully listed.

"Nima Laozi is really awkward!"

Looking at the white fox on the opposite side of the list of thirty-five, Zhao Tiezhu is a bit sad.


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