Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2463: Yu Ting's Ting

"One more!!"

Wen Ting seems to be uncomfortable with Xuan Yuan’s feet. When she sees the emergence of Ma Lele, Wen Ting is so eager to go up with Chen Meng.

"Hey, I will marry you later."

Zhao Tiezhu quickly pulled Wen Ting and said, "If you save someone, you don't have to fight again."

"Don't pull me!" Wen Ting yelled. "This group of people are all a group. If you don't give them enough lessons at night, they won't be sensible."

"You can give it a try."

Ma Lele said with a gloomy face, "Do you believe that you can't live tomorrow?"

"Oh, little boy, do you still threaten me? My sister is afraid of anything, I am not afraid of threats. How old are you this year? I don’t have an ID card? I’m going to get out of the night with my age, how do you teach your parents? Yours?" Wen Ting shouted.

"How do my parents educate me, you can't control it."

Ma Lele is the son of the sh city party secretary. This is naturally true, and he is not afraid that these people will really do something for themselves. Maybe you have an advantage now, but if you force Laozi to call Laozi’s old man Come out, you guys have to kneel down to sing the Confucius.

"I can't manage it, but I have the responsibility and obligation to eradicate the garbage for this society. You said that you are a little boy. If you don't have a long hair, you can play with a woman. Do you know what love is?", adolescence Sexual impulses, no sense of responsibility, no ability to be responsible, anyone? Today, I look at the face of the iron column, I don’t hit you, give my sister a roll with this person, how far is it rolling Far, don't think that the head of the family is a bit like this. The reputation of the second generation of the rich second generation is broken by you guys!"

Wen Ting squinted and pointed his finger at Ma Lele, letting Ma Lele turn his face red, then turn from red to purple. At first glance, he wanted to erupt but resisted the kind that could not break out. It's like a person who takes off the light and gives you a chest push but you don't want to shoot it out.

"Look what? Look at your eyes again!" Wen Ting erected two fingers, threatening the eye of Ma Lele, and Ma Lele was shocked by this, going backwards One step, just happened to be stunned by Xuanyuan, who was behind him, and fell directly on Xuanyuanyi’s body.

"Get out of your sister, and my sister will see you once and hit you once!"

Wen Ting smiled proudly and said.

"There is kind, leave your name."

Ma Lele struggled and stood up and said.

"Sister, my name is Wen Ting, the article's text, Ting is..."

Wen Ting couldn’t think of the name of Ting in his name. So, at this time, Sogra just happened to be talking next to him, “Ting Ting’s Ting.”

"What is Yuting?"

Wen Ting asked curiously.

"It's a medicine that can make you pregnant!"

Sogra whispered.

"My grass!"

Looking at the noisy people, Ma Lele remembered their appearance in the mind, Wen Ting, Sogra, Zhao Tiezhu, and Chen Meng!

"I will definitely let you pay the price, definitely!" Ma Lele shook his fist and yelled in his heart.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ma Lele, and then looked at Wen Ting, laughing.

This time, I have to work with Ma Lele and have a helping hand. This life is really wonderful!

After the lesson of Xuanyuan and Ma Lele, Zhao Tiezhu left here with Sogra Wenting.

"Hey, there is a hotel over there."

A few people did not go far, not to mention the car, Zhao Tiezhu pointed to a fast hotel on the side said.

"This... this is not good." Wen Ting said a little hesitantly.

"It's okay, we can take care of her here, can you be assured that you or Sogra will be with her?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"That's not at ease, okay... I will take care of her at night." Wen Ting hesitated and agreed.

Zhao Tiezhu and Socrata's skilled helper Wen Ting opened the room, then turned and left.

Wen Ting took Chen Meng back upstairs and kept her back into the room.


Wen Ting put Chen Meng on the bed, a long sigh of relief, and then looked at Chen Meng, unconsciously, the speed of the whole heart beats up.


Chen Meng twisted her body, a face with a faint red color, and a pair of hands on the clothes on her body.

"So hot."

Chen Meng said to herself.

On the other side.

"My grass, that Zhao Tiezhu, it is not a human!"

Ma Lele sat on a stone bench outside the bar and said.

At this time, Xuanyuan did not lie on the ground as usual. Instead, he sat next to Ma Lele, stuffed two pieces of paper in his nostrils, and his face was a little bit blue.

"It's a pity that your medicine is gone. It doesn't stop sleeping, but also aphrodisiac."

Ma Lele said.

"My business is a small matter. It is your business. It is a big event. It is so good. That person is so powerful. It should not be an ordinary person. I think we seem to have been played by him all the time. Lele, we are Not to investigate the bottom of the person first." Xuanyuan said.

"You haven't investigated his details?"

Ma Lele asked.

"I thought that as an ordinary transfer student, I didn't investigate."

"I am going, I thought you were investigating, wait, I will call my dad's secretary."

As he spoke, Ma Lele took the phone and walked aside.

After a while, Ma Lele came back and looked a little bad.

"What's wrong, Lele, the identity of Zhao Tiezhu, have you asked your dad's secretary to check it?"


Ma Lele nodded and said, "I just told him to let him investigate Zhao Tiezhu. He asked me if it was Zhao Tiezhu of fj. I said yes, then he asked me if it was thin and looking very much. Wretched, I think about it, and say yes, the result, do you know what my dad’s secretary Xiao Chen said to me? He even said that the person is the helper of fj Blood Soul Hall!! Then I called my fj friend. I asked, I found out that the man was really the helper of fj Blood Soul Hall. I am grass, this is a bully character. I vaguely heard my dad mention it, but I didn’t listen carefully at that time. The background is quite behind, whether it is the central or the local, and the person’s appearance seems to be very strong. Anyway, it’s very sharp, and it’s dry. People like this are all ran to college, it’s not full. What?"

"So cattle?"

Xuanyuanyi was also shocked. For Xuanyuanyi, Xuanyuanyi still knew a little. It was the most powerful force in the southeast of Shenzhou, and Zhao Tiezhu turned out to be the boss of the power. This is really a pockmark. It’s called a pit person.

"Well, it seems that our plan has to change!" Ma Lele said.

"Actually, it doesn't work!"

Xuan Yuan said after a moment of silence.

(The latter two older rules, 18.19 points. There are VIPs to give VIPs, no VIPs to give a subscription to pull anything to give a drink)


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