Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2466: Bloom, lily


Chen Meng has wide eyes and looks at Wen Ting.

"Well... yes... yes. I am responsible for you."

Wen Ting nodded and said, "I... I think, I... I like you very much. Of course, this depends on your thoughts, I... I know this is a bit unacceptable, but... but my heart is on Here, absolutely serious."


Chen Meng never thought that she would be with a person. Her nature wouldn’t like men very much, or else she wouldn’t be doing underwear thieves. Chen Meng always felt that men had no way to stir up some kind of **. Seeing a man, Chen Meng seems to have seen a group of flies, but Chen Meng will also think that she can't always be alone, so she will not agree with the family, but Chen Meng can't think of it. I will be confessed by the girl, although the girl looks very good, and the temper is also in line with her appetite, it looks more clean than men, but...

But after all, it is a girl.

"I feel that I can give you happiness!"

Wen Ting went to Chen Meng's body and put her hands on Wen Ting's shoulder. She said seriously, "Promise me, be my girlfriend..."

"This... this is too fast, I... I don't know what to say." Chen Meng shook her head a little.

"Nothing, you just have to follow your feelings, you like me?" Wen Ting reached out and gently pinched Chen Meng's chin, and raised Chen Meng's head slightly.

"I... I don't know."

Chen Meng shook her head.

"look into my eyes."

Wen Ting said, "Feel my love for you."

Chen Meng hesitated and turned his eyes to Wen Ting's eyes.

A few seconds to transfer, Wen Ting's face, slowly approaching Chen Meng.

Chen Meng hesitated, but did not dodge.

It is a few seconds later.

Wen Ting's lips, gently, kissed Chen Meng's pure, and Wen Ting's hand, also from Chen Meng's shoulder, slowly slipped down, and supported Chen Yin's waist.

Chen Meng didn't seem to have kissed her. The movement was a bit stiff, and Wen Ting didn't seem to have kissed her. I didn't know how to open the other's teeth. It was just a licking tongue with Chen Meng's teeth.

However, kissing this skill is an innate skill of human beings. Even if you don't, it is easy to get started.

Wen Ting's hand slowly slipped onto Chen Meng's buttocks. At this time, Chen Meng was naked, Wen Ting's hand, directly with Chen Meng's buttocks, came a zero-distance contact.

Wen Ting's palm is a little rough, but the kind of roughness, when rubbing on the buttocks, brings Chen Meng an alternative sense of excitement. Wen Ting is a woman, and only a woman can understand a woman.

Therefore, Wen Ting's hand gently slipped into Chen Meng's groove, the index finger and the thumb, gently rubbing and teasing in the deep and charming place.


Chen Meng raised her hand and hugged Wen Ting's waist tightly. Her mouth opened slightly, and Wen Ting's tongue broke through the teeth.

Two people, the passionate kiss is together.

Then... there is no more.

A few hours later, Wen Ting and Chen Meng left the hotel together. The two men left hand in hand and did not care about the eyes of the people around them.

Once again in the university.

"Iron column, have you seen Chen Meng?"

Chen Lingshan anxiously grabbed Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and asked.

"Don't worry, Chen Meng is fine. I saw her last night!"

While Zhao Tiezhu was comforting, he reached out and grabbed Chen Lingshan's shoulder.

Chen Lingshan, who was taking advantage of Zhao Tiezhu’s opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity, did not stop it, but asked with concern. “You said, Chen Meng went there. I didn’t have a dormitory last night, and I didn’t answer the phone.”

"She was drunk last night and went to open a room with a friend of mine." Zhao Tiezhu said casually.

"Ah? Iron column brother, you, how can you do this, then my sister! How can you!! Iron pillar brother, you..."

Chen Lingshan was shocked to see Zhao Tiezhu.

"My friend is also a woman!"

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly and said, "When are you a beast? Your sister is drunk, may I let a man with her? If something happens, you can't hate me?"

"It’s just a woman, it’s a woman!"

Chen Lingshan sighed and patted her chest and said, "Iron brother, you are really, why are you drunk my sister? Although she is against us, but she is also my sister."

"I first declare that I was not drunk with your sister. She was drinking with Xuanyuan, and then she was taken medicine. I saw it and saw that she had saved her from the magic cave, and she was guarding her for one night!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What? Xuanyuan will give Meng Meng a medicine!"

Chen Lingshan asked in shock.

"Of course, your sister is also true. If you make friends, you don't look at people. It's good. I was given medicine. If I was not there yesterday, then your sister would specify a lot of fierceness. How can it be as clear as it is now? !"

Zhao Tiezhu said.

In fact, Zhao Tiezhu and Chen Lingshan do not know, Chen Meng and Wen Ting, have long been unclear... Although Zhao Tiezhu arranged Wen Ting and Chen Meng to live together, how much is a little thought, but **** this kind of thing is still in China. It is a very taboo thing, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get in touch. Zhao Tiezhu still feels that two people will definitely be safe.

"That bastard, no, iron pillar brother, I have to go to Xuanyuan to settle accounts!"

Chen Lingshan said, standing up and leaving.

"Forget it, hurry to eat and go back to the dormitory to rest, you have no evidence of no family, don't count the time when the account is not counted, but it is being given a bite."

"That... then let him go like this?" Chen Lingshan said dissatisfied.

"Of course not, let's find a chance to give him a trip. It's just a matter of time!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Iron brother, that... then it will bother you."

"Nothing, the family doesn't say two words..."

"Iron brother, you are so bad!"

"Hey, do you like me bad?"

After lunch, Zhao Tiezhu sent Chen Lingshan back to the dormitory for lunch break, but in the female dormitory downstairs, Zhao Tiezhu saw a familiar Hummer.

Next to the Hummer, two people stood, two hands in hand, and they looked at each other with tears, quite a bit of a confusing feeling.

"I am grass, is it!!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the love of Chen Meng and Wen Ting in the eyes of both of them, and was shocked.

Chen Lingshan was shocked.

"Meng Meng!!"

Chen Lingshan called.

"Ah, sister, come and pull, just, come over!"

Chen Meng called Chen Lingshan.

Chen Lingshan’s face went a little wrong and went to Chen Meng’s front. She looked at Ting, and then looked at Chen Meng and said, “How to do it, I didn’t come back to sleep last night.”

"Sister, I will tell you about this, this is my girlfriend, Wen Ting, of course, I am also her girlfriend!" Chen Meng laughed.


(There is no owing to the chapter. I have a problem with my old feelings. I simply said that I was defamed, and then I went back to the next day. I am back to normal. I hope that I can get out of the shadows as soon as possible. I found that you are more reliable than many people. More, at least, you won't be inexplicable and leave me. Thank you everyone. I love you. ps. There is no place to say anything, just spit in the book. Don't be surprised.)


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