Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2470: Fall into the pit

Everything has both sides.

After Zhao Tiezhu thought about the front of this incident, the whole person was a lot easier, and he didn't take long to sleep in bed.

Early the next morning, Zhao Tiezhu was called by Xiao Wei.

"Iron column, the beauty that we told us yesterday, are you appelling?"

Xiao Wei asked.

"It’s a good morning, but...the two beautiful women, they have a good relationship with each other."

After Zhao Tiezhu’s indulgence, he said, “They don’t have a boyfriend. If they can succeed, they have to look at your respective strengths.”

"There are no boyfriends? Are they original?"

Xiao Yan’s eyes lit up and asked.

"Absolutely original! It should be the original is not wrong!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "The two people have not found a boyfriend since childhood, how could not be original."

"That's it, iron pillars, it's rare that you think about our brothers this time. Nothing to say. In the afternoon, I will be hz, I will definitely let you cool!"

Xiao Yan said gratefully.

"Good!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded quickly.

Xiao Yu’s car is also a good car. A Mercedes-Benz business car has a sparsely-used license plate. It doesn’t look like anything different. It’s a young man who looks like a twenties, according to Xiao Wei. It was the driver he was looking for, because everyone must drink at night. It is also convenient to have a driver at the time.

According to Xiao Wei, there are about ten people going out to play this time. There are Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Xiaozhu, and Chen Mengwen Ting Chen Lingshan are six. The remaining four are Xiao Wei’s friends. Legend has it that the social elite, the golden collar-level cow x character, two men and two women, according to Xiao Yu’s words, the two men’s purely follow the two women’s, because Xiao Yu invited the two women, The two men happened to know the news, and they volunteered to be the drivers of the two women. Xiao Wei couldn’t say anything.

Mercedes-Benz business car first went to pick up Chen Lingshan, then went outside the school, to pick up Chen Meng and Wen Ting, originally two people are driving together, but Zhao Tiezhu wondered if the two people driving together, then Xiao Wei and the big head are not There are a lot less opportunities, so let them not open, anyway, this business car is big enough, but also sit down.

The two men hesitated and agreed. They did not think that Zhao Tiezhu’s intention was to give the two people a red line.

After all the drivers arrived, the driver carried the crowd to the train station first, because Xiao Wei’s appointment with his social friends was outside the train station.

After waiting for a while, those people have not arrived yet. Zhao Tiezhu looked at his watch and asked, "Do you not know your way?"

"Definitely not, they are all native people. How can you not know how to get to the train station?" Xiao Xiao shook his head and said, "It is estimated to be a traffic jam."

After waiting for nearly half an hour, the time has already reached 9:30 in the morning, and the two black cars slowly came from a distance.

The car is not a luxury car, an Audi q5 is still a success, the other is a Volkswagen Passat, it should be a luxury version, but it is about 300,000.

Two cars parked next to the Mercedes-Benz business car, and two people walked down from the car.

A total of two men and two women.

The two men are still the same, the handsome is not where to go, but the gold chain on one of the necks is still quite thick.

"How come so late!"

Xiao Xiao said dissatisfied.

"Just brought them to have breakfast."

The man wearing a gold chain said, "It’s not half an hour anyway, right?"

Xiao Wei’s face was obviously dark, and then he quickly returned to normal. He said, “Well, let me introduce you first, the iron pillar, these are my friends. This is called Lin Kai.”

Xiao Wei pointed to the big gold chain and said.

"Hello there!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded with the man. He stepped out his hand first. The man nodded slightly and reached out. He touched Zhao Tiezhu’s hand with his hand and then shrank back.

"This is Wan Chunfeng."

Xiao Wei introduced another man who opened the Passat.

Zhao Tiezhu also smiled and said hello, and also took a hand, this person stunned with Zhao Tiezhu's hand.

"The two beautiful women, this one is ice on the left, and the one on the right." Xiao Wei introduced.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded. The two women couldn’t say enthusiasm, and they couldn’t say that they were deliberately cold. Anyway, they nodded with Zhao Tiezhu.

However, the length of these two people is really good-looking. Above the standard line, and with the maturity that comes out of society, it seems that it is obviously more attractive than the girls in the university.

The two wear a cautious pair of jeans, the other is like Chen Lingshan, wearing a simple sportswear, but the next water is Nike, which makes Zhao Tiezhu, who only wears Adi Wang, express great pressure.

"This is my classmate, roommate, iron pillar!"

Xiao Wei introduced.

The opposite four also nodded, and did not say anything, then Lin Kai asked, "Xiao Wei, this is also going to go with us?"

"Well. The collective action of our dormitory." Xiao Xiao nodded.


Lin Kai nodded, his face showing an unclear expression, seemingly a bit disdain, but a closer look, nothing.

"Okay, time is not early, try to get there before eleven, then eat!" Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"Well, you are leading the way, I am following them with them."

Lin Kai said.

Everyone went to the car again, the Mercedes-Benz business car went ahead, q5 and Passat went behind, and the group went to hz.

Hz distance sh, not too close is not too far, driving has to be so many hours, in the car, Zhao Tiezhu has fully played his magical mouth and effort, the atmosphere of the whole car is very good active.

"Iron column, really good! Enough brother!"

Xiao Wei secretly said in the ear of Zhao Tiezhu.

"Which one do you like?"

Zhao Tiezhu asked quietly.

"I really like that Chen Meng!"

"That, then I will give you more opportunities. You know, you are a handsome man, you want to pick up a girl, just like something, as long as there is an opportunity, you can get started in minutes!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Don't dare to be afraid." Xiao Xiao said modestly.

So, next, Zhao Tiezhu began to create opportunities for Xiao Wei and Chen Meng.

Zhao Tiezhu’s means are very concealed. Chen Meng does not know that he has fallen into the pit of Zhao Tiezhu. It’s a pleasure to play with everyone, and Chen Lingshan doesn’t have a face all the way down. Let Chen Meng relax a lot.

More than two hours passed quickly, and everyone finally arrived at the destination of this trip, a holiday resort in hz, of course, it can be said to be a place like an old town.


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