Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2508: Won't die

The yin is all day long, and sooner or later it is also yin.

This is an old saying on the rivers and lakes.

However, although Zhao Tiezhu was overcast at this time, he did not feel anything.

Why? The one who is yin, at most, is to disgust himself. Just now, it is impossible to have any influence on himself. To say the biggest influence, that is, Shi Wenxi is completely hating himself. Hee is a person who is a family. Such a character completely hates himself. After that, there may be some troubles.

Zhao Tiezhu is a resentful person who is unwilling to talk to Shijia in his heart. His old man also said that people are very good at it. You have enmity here, and that means that someone will come to you for revenge. People's gods are not one by one, but people are a group!

"I said, this is a misunderstanding!"

Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly.

"The victim has pointed you out, you still misunderstood?" The police smiled disdainfully, indicating that the people around him went to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "I said it was a misunderstanding, like a dream, I said that I didn't offend you much. Did you commit such a bureau to harm me?"

"what did you say?"

As a dream, I looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"I know, I refused you, you are sad, but you don't do this. How do you see people in this way? I am a good young man, a good student, you are like this, my reputation is not stinking?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"I don't know what you are talking about." As the dream shook his head, "I only know that you let me come to you, and the result is to tie me up and want to force me to have a relationship with you! Wen Xi, thank you for saving me. !"

Shi Wenxi nodded uglyly and said, "If I didn't just see your mobile phone, I don't know that Zhao Tiezhu would be so insidious!"

"Hey, I said, don't you both sing and do it?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned. "I didn't think much about it today. I was counted by you. I lost. So, these policemen, where are you going back and forth? Go, I am too lazy to care about you, understand what I mean?"

When talking, Zhao Tiezhu stood up.


The sound of the bullet on the cymbal.

Zhao Tiezhu helplessly pulled out his own weapon from the body, and the document of the special action department of the National Security Bureau was thrown at the policeman who was headed. He said, "What is going on with my department leader, I am grass, this is all What is it!"

The policeman looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s documents and his face changed. “National Security Bureau Special Operations?!”

"I said, this is a misunderstanding. As for what is misunderstood, I will find another opportunity to tell you. Like a dream, this time you offended me. In fact, I don't care if you design me, but you use my woman to design me. This is what is wrong with you, right, how can Lingshan’s phone not work?” Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You guys are so strange to talk about..." The dreamlike acting is still very good, and there is no flaw in it.

"Zhao Tiezhu, don't think that you are a Zhao family, you will be amazing!"

Shi Wenxi walked to the side of the dream, untied the rope like a dream, and said, "We are family members, never afraid of anyone, any family!"

"I didn't say that I want you to be afraid of me."

Zhao Tiezhu took his ID from the policeman and said to Shi Wenxi, "You, this person, the brain is simple, I advise you, although the woman is good, but don't be shot as a gun!"

"Hey, I also advise you, stay away from my woman!" Shi Wenxi said coldly.

"Can I go now?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the policeman who had taken his own documents before.

"This one…"

The policeman was tangled up and suddenly got a call.

"Don't care about Zhao Tiezhu!"

At the end of the phone, the director of the city bureau said this sentence after the police, and then hung up. The director was very annoyed recently. The secretary of the municipal party committee worked with the boss of Jinsheng Real Estate. Although there was not much movement, as long as the mindful person could detect the calmness under the calm, the city bureau chief last time helped Ma Lele. After the arrest of Zhao Tiezhu, the result is that there is a tendency to be used as a ghost. Now the Secretary of the Municipal Bureau feels that his mother’s life is not good.

Zhao Tiezhu Shi Shiran left here and returned to Danfu University, and Shi Wenxi was trying to appease the beauty. His relationship with Zhao Tiezhu was not lost. After this time, it was completely in full swing. However, although Xuan Yuan’s purpose of forcing Zhao Tiezhu’s withdrawal from school was under the lingering wave of Ma Lele’s private attempt to capture Wen Ting’s Chen Meng’s affairs, it’s not possible to achieve it under the yin, but in any case, Xuanyuan’s success will be Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Wenxi both completely got the opposite.

Zhao Tiezhu received a call from Chen Lingshan not long after returning to Fudan University.

At the end of the phone, Chen Lingshan said that Zhao Tiezhu’s number did not know what was going on and was put into the blacklist. Zhao Tiezhu asked carefully and knew what it was like to find Chen Lingshan’s mobile phone before.

Zhao Tiezhu could not help but feel a little depressed. As he grew stronger, this intrigue was even more endless. This dream, like a dream, made Zhao Tiezhu eat some dark losses. This is a long time, Zhao Tiezhu is rare. I ate a dark loss.

"Like a dream..."

Zhao Tiezhu recited the name of this person and said to himself, "Since you and I are smart, I am not welcome."

A few minutes later, in Sogra, somewhere in Sh, I received a call from Zhao Tiezhu.

"What? Let me go pick up the girl?"

Sogra was surprised and asked, "Is it wrong?"

"I am more like a handsome man on your hand." Zhao Tiezhu said, "You will do me a favor, please ask you to drink the next day."

"This is no problem, what kind of girl? Do you want to shoot. Or? Or sex. Love video?" Sogra smiled wretchedly.

"What I want you to do is to let her fall in love with you crazy, that woman likes money, and you have money..." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"No, how much I have to pay you have to reimburse!" Sogra said.

"Reimbursement half, the woman's body is still good, you have to be on her, that is how much is earned! Sogra, you must let her fall in love with you, this woman, I want her not to die, you understand What do I mean?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.


After hearing the strong murder in Zhao Tiezhu’s words, Sogra shuddered and said, “Iron, this woman, owes you a lot of money?”

"Really, she owes me something." Zhao Tiezhu grinned and hung up.

"People who make me suffer will not die."

Zhao Tiezhu put down his mobile phone and walked to his dormitory.


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