Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2524: Ling Xue intervenes in the blood soul hall

Professor Lao Tao's research almost involved the most powerful forces in the whole of China. However, the northeastern Wang Zhao baby in the northeast seems to be very quiet. (_《"》》)

Zhao Bao even seems to have done nothing during this time, living in a life like a rich family in his own nest.

Of course, Zhao Bao rests, Zhao Kunlun can not rest.

Where is Zhao Kunlun recently?

All in Guangzhou!

What are you doing in Guangzhou? In short, it is to pick up a girl.

"Ling Xue, wait a minute to have a meal together?"

Zhao Kunlun did not know when it appeared in front of Ling Xue who was getting out of the elevator.

Ling Xue looked at the man who seemed to be impeccable in all aspects. He said, "Sorry, I have another meeting."

"That's okay."

Zhao Kunlun shook his head with a smile and handed the flowers in his hand to Ling Xue. He said, "Send your flowers."

"Thank you, I don't like it."

Ling Xue shook his head and walked straight ahead.

Zhao Kunlun stood in the same place, shook his head helplessly, his face was not annoyed, resentful, other expressions, only a kind of sorrow that was rejected by the person he liked, and beyond this sadness, more is a kind of The more frustrated the spirit of courage.

"Sure enough, a wild horse!"

Zhao Kunlun smiled and said to himself, "I really do it with you, I don't believe it, I can't catch you! Today is the 32nd time you refused to eat with me, the 32nd time refused to accept my flowers, I don't believe it. It's 100th, 200 times, you will still be like this!"

The people of the Zhao family, from the point of view of the roots, have a strong sense of not accepting the loss.

Zhao Tiezhu is like this, Zhao Bao is like this, Zhao Daniu is like this, even Zhao Kunlun, who is less into the human eye, is also true.

At this time, Ling Xue, turned into a large conference room, sat in the first seat, quietly looking at the documents, the documents recorded Zhao Tiezhu's business in Guangzhou, there are big and small.

Now Ling Xue has almost become the big butler of Zhao Tiezhu in the whole Guangdong area. All the industries of Zhao Tiezhu are in the hands of Ling Xue. Every day, every week, every month, there are countless wealth through the hands of Ling Xue. Going to Zhao Tiezhu’s account, Zhao Tiezhu’s business in Guangzhou has also shown a prosperous situation.

Even the people who were stationed in Guangzhou, such as abstaining from killing, were, to some extent, obeying the command of Ling Xue.

Because Ling Xue, it is too smart!

Killing this person, his mind is straight, although there are two members of Zhang Bei and Huang Yuan, but these two people are not together, although they are all doing things for the Blood Soul, but they are always inevitably squatting each other. It’s not that you didn’t see it all, but you can’t control it. If you let the killing kill them all, that minute of things, but Zhao Tiezhu and the murderer said the way down, can’t be blind. Instead, they should be envied, so that they can confess their confession, but they can’t understand it!

As a result, there is a feeling of powerlessness in the case of the Blood Soul Hall in Guangdong. Although he is the boss, although everyone listens to him, the quit is simply not knowing what to say.

Therefore, the blood soul hall in the Guangdong side of the business is not light, has been doing tepid, and this thing was known by Ling Xue, Ling Xue went directly to the smuggling, and then did not know what to say Anyway, since Ling Xue saw the killing of the day, the quit is like changing a person. The very effective order is sent out from the murder. The blood soul hall in Guangdong Province is like a glow. Like the second spring, it began to flourish.

Some people speculated that killing and killing had something to tell the secrets of Ling Xue, and some people directly slammed this speculation to Zhao Tiezhu, because Zhao Tiezhu and Ling Xue, it is not clear, simply said, Many people directly look at Ling Xue as a blind man.

As a result, those who were ill-intentioned to the news were intercepted by the solitary emperor and thrown away in the mountains. So, this speculation slowly subsided. Later, when someone clamored to kill and drunk, he asked. Kill, he and Ling Xue, what is there, killing and saying, Ling Xue is a blind man, what the blind man said, what I am, I did not expect that the blind man is so powerful, do not do anything that can not do. After the beautiful and bright, you can feel free to be a free prince.

For the matter of Ling Xue in Guangdong, Zhao Tiezhu is still very clear, and Ling Xue will reach into the dark side of the Blood Soul Hall. Zhao Tiezhu also adopted an acquiescence attitude. As for Ling Xue, will he finally be the soul of the whole Guangdong Province? In the hands of the church, Zhao Tiezhu did not worry much.

This is a tacit understanding.

It’s like, when Ling Xue is reaching out, he won’t worry if Zhao Tiezhu will blame himself for crossing the line, and Zhao Tiezhu will not worry if Ling Xue will betray himself. There is already some kind of tacit understanding between the two people. This kind of tacit understanding is It was cultivated from the life and death that two people have experienced together.

Zhao Tiezhu said that this is a mystery. Of course, Ling Xue, who heard these four words, said that he was scornful, but he did not explain too much.

Two people, inexplicably, have something like a little bit of a slap.

As for whether this little cockroach can develop into something big, it can only be followed.

Just when Ling Xue looked at the documents seriously.

Ling Xue’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Don't be tired, kiss!"

It is Zhao Tiezhu’s text message.

Ling Xue smiled, and the cold face showed a rare tenderness.

"I am stronger than you."

Ling Xue returned.

"You haven't tried it, how do you know how strong I am?"

Zhao Tiezhu was transferred to it.


Ling Xue back.

"It has already rolled."

Zhao Tiezhu back.

The text message just came to an abrupt end.

Ling Xue continued to bury his head and read the documents. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu was walking towards his dormitory and collecting the mobile phone.

It was already at night, Zhao Tiezhu had just finished eating with Chen Lingshan, and then sent Chen Lingshan to go home and go to the dormitory.

Zhao Tiezhu felt very strange that he and Chen Lingshan had already smashed the window paper, but why, until now, the two people have not further developed.

The further development of Zhao Tiezhu means that it is not to go to bed or something. The two even did not even touch and touch. When Zhao Tiezhu was with Chen Lingshan, he was stunned and talked, and Chen Lingshan listened. The two people are pure and what they are like. After each separation, Zhao Tiezhu will think about how he didn’t kiss her just now. Why didn’t you touch her?

In the past, I occasionally occupied a small and cheap family. Now I just hold hands. Zhao Tiezhu is wondering whether he is slowly becoming tired of women.

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