Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2536: Talk about it!

"Joint confrontation?"


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "In the southwestern part of Shenzhou, I have a good relationship with you. He basically controls the southwestern forces. I can ignore the pressure from the central and western China, and if I can You are also united, then I can basically not be afraid of the pressure on the north side of Shenzhou. At that time, the entire Wenzhou Chamber will be wrapped in us, and then we must kill it. Isn’t that what we have to say?”

"The idea is very good.""

After a moment of indulgence, the bandits said, "However, if this kind of thing can really go to that step, then it is good to plan. Now... Do you know that a few days is the 100th anniversary of Danfu University?"


Zhao Tiezhu nodded. "Now the entire Danfu University is preparing for this 100th anniversary."


The bandits said, "This 100-year anniversary, Fengyun gathering, Qian and Sun people will come, Wen Changlin will go, there are many sh city officials, will go. At that time, the Chinese market in recent years More powerful young people will gather in the whole sh, and there will inevitably be many variables."

"The variables are definitely there!"

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "In this world, there has never been a hundred percent thing. We just need to complete these things in accordance with our ideas and do it one by one. Isn't that okay?"

"First, let the axe help the cake to eat for us. This is our first thing, is it?" asked the bandit with a smile.

"Of course, this is our first thing!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded.


The bandits smiled and stood up and said, "Axe help will be an evidence to witness the friendship between my youth and the blood soul!! Iron column, as long as you help me eat the axe, then I will help you, against There may be some pressure at the time!"

"Thank you for your big brother."

Zhao Tiezhu also smiled and stood up and said, "I believe that the friendship between the Blood Soul and the Green Gang will last forever!"

"Go, drink!"

The bandits walked in front of Zhao Tiezhu and pulled Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said, “I am not drunk at night.”


Zhao Tiezhu smiled and nodded, then followed the bandits and left the office.

When two people drink alcohol, they will not find a roadside. The bandits directly prepare a party on the upper floor of the building. The whole party is Zhao Tiezhu and the bandits, and of course, there is a prince outside, but The prince has been standing at the door, and has not appeared at the side of the two from beginning to end.

In addition to Zhao Tiezhu and the bandits two men, the other probably came about twenty women.

These women are all **** and beautiful. Many people, Zhao Tizhu, have even seen them on TV. These people are all legendary **, and they are very high-grade **. As for why the bandits want to call these ** come over Nothing is an active atmosphere. You said that it is impossible to have two men in that stupid bar. Any occasion, only a man's words, it is generally difficult to get up high, only a woman, men can stir up, passion, even if he is not interested in those women, but the rapid secretion of male hormones is affirmation Will speed up.

Zhao Tiezhu sits opposite the bandits. From time to time, there are women who come to toast, or play games together. Zhao Tiezhu smiles and refuses. Of course, for these women who want to keep a number, they can deepen the communication request. Zhao Tiezhu I have ignored them, these women, really do not have the qualification to know his number.

The bandits seem to be able to play with these women. There is no such thing as a disparity in identity. Anyway, a wine is active under these women, and it is the host and the host.

When I drank more than twelve o'clock, the bandits and Zhao Tiezhu both drank almost, and those who were waiting for the emperor to be lucky, hoped to have something to do with Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu was self-satisfied. Male, so he refused the bandits to arrange a few beautiful women to fly with him in the evening, and then was sent to the downstairs by the bandits.

A black Audi has already stopped at the door of the building.

The prince walked in front of the rear door and opened the door. After Zhao Tiezhu sat in, he walked to the driver's seat and sat in.

"Iron column, I am waiting for your message."

The bandits were on the window, and they were slightly drunk and said to Zhao Tiezhu.

"no problem."

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Are you not lacking an excuse to help the axe? At the latest, three or two days, this excuse will be there!"

"it is good!"

The bandits laughed and said, "Don't send it!"


After Zhao Tiezhu finished speaking, he slammed the window and said to the prince in the front row, "Go, send me back."


The prince nodded respectfully, started the car, and drove away.

The bandits stood in the same place, watching Zhao Tiezhu’s car leave, his eyes changing.

He always felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn’t find anything wrong.

If you have to say something, the bandits think that Zhao Tiezhu’s idea cannot be as simple as it is now. Of course, the current Zhao Tiezhu’s idea cannot be said to be simple. At least Zhao Tiezhu is going to take a multi-party approach to the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. ,only…


The bandits sighed and he found himself increasingly unable to see Zhao Tiezhu.

"what happened!"

A white hand appeared on the shoulders of the bandits.

"It's nothing."

The bandits raised their hands and pressed them on the hand. They said, "Qinger, how do I feel that this wind and rain seems to be bigger than I expected?"

"What kind of storm, we have not experienced it?" Bamboo leaves sighed with a sigh of relief, said, "So many years down, we still do not live as well."

"you're right."

The bandit's mouth showed a confident smile and said, "This person, the more you live, the more you go back."

"There are more concerns."

Zhu Yeqing smiled and touched his stomach.

"Oh, it's really much."

The bandits turned around and looked at Zhu Yeqing’s stomach and said, “What do you say after the doctor’s examination?”

"The doctor said, is a girl?"

"Oh? Girl?"

The bandits blinked and said, "Really a girl?"

"Well, girl... Do you like boys or girls?" Bamboo leaves have a silky motherhood on their faces.


The bandits said seriously.

"Oh? Why? If it is a girl, what should we do in the future?" Zhu Yeqing asked.

"It's okay, our daughter will definitely not lose to us!" said the bandit.

What the bandits don't know is that after more than ten years, their daughter, with Zhao Tiezhu's son, will perform a spectacular drama on the land of China.

(The leg fell, I couldn’t get out of the door, I could only stay at home and play with the computer, and then the consultant’s sister called again, let me participate in the violent activities of the website, so I will participate. The most is definitely me, basically killing other people. Do you say yes? I want to force, I hope everyone can give strength, this website consultant mm let me add more, it is best to get 5,000 votes plus one, I think that Potholes, so stick to the old rules, 2500 plus one! The temptation of mm is not effective for me! 瞧咱 This willpower! Or that sentence, rich friends hold a money field, no money subscription is the biggest support, what Nothing, collection, often have activities to send things. You can come to the collar.) ~ see the first ad without ads, please go to ""

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