Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2562: Live treasure (first more)

Early charter

"I am this person, I have been doing research for so many years. Everyone thinks it. My brain may only have research. I should not know anything about other things. Actually, although I am old, I am not afraid. I don’t know anything. I know the importance of my research. I know that many people want it. So, the more I can't get those people to get it. My research can only belong to Danfu University. You want Use, you can find me to buy the right to use, but, you, I want to get my original information, hehe!"

After the old pottery finished, he snorted and turned and walked out of the principal's office.

President Wang looked at the back of Professor Tao Tao and his face was cloudy and uncertain. .

He did not expect that Lao Tao actually did such a plan, the original materials were not announced, but the results were announced, and Professor Tao Tao said that if anyone wants to use this technology, he would have to buy him to use the right, though According to Professor Tao Tao, most of the money from the use of the right to sell out will be invested in Danfu University. However, if this is the case, you can get a little advantage from it, and, by the time, Professor Lao Tao himself controls the money that he has obtained from the sale of the right to use, and he has to live with his breath. This makes his principal, where is the face?

The most important thing is that those materials are not taken out, and how do you copy the information yourself! !

President Wang had a dilemma between the moments.

"Old pottery, you are forcing me!"

Principal Wang frowned and said to himself, "If I can't give you a satisfactory answer by then, then don't blame me!"

At this time, at the entrance to the school.

"Bad man, this is your school, wow, big, I am still seeing college for the first time!! Wow, there are so many people!!"

The Braun is like a lark that has broken away from the bondage, looking curiously at everything around him.

"Ling Shan, why do you want her to follow us?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Lingshan helplessly.

Chen Lingshan smiled and said, "Do you not think that Bailing is very cute? She is like my sister!"

"Sister Lingshan, you are my sister!"

Bailing glared at Chen Lingshan's arm and said, "Sister Lingshan, will I stay next to you?"


Chen Lingshan nodded and said, "My sister just missed school, her bed is empty, you will sleep in her bed, but... Bailing, I haven't asked you yet, you are running all the way to sh, is Why are you coming? Looking for relatives?"


Bailing pointed to himself and then pointed to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "I am coming to find this bad guy to avenge!"

"Bad man? Why are you always calling Tiezhuge bad guys? Could it be that he did something bad for you?"

Chen Lingshan asked strangely.

"Yeah, that is, he has done a lot of bad things, too much, so I am looking for revenge, hey, I am now a great success, he is definitely not my opponent!!"

Braun said seriously.

"Oh? What is your magical power? What kind of magic?" Chen Lingshan asked curiously.

"This is a secret, my grandmother said, can't tell people the secrets of our Miao family!"

Braun said seriously.

"Oh? Use 蛊?" Chen Lingshan snorted, then smiled. "Now Miao, will you use it?"

"Ah? Lingshan sister, how do you know that I am using it! Who told you!! How can this be, this is the secret of our Miao family!!"

Braun said with a frown.

Chen Lingshan smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and asked, "Iron column, where did you offend this living treasure?"

"This is a long story!"

Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "Simply say, we have a lot of entanglement between the two people. She saved me twice, and I saved her. But, we have a little holiday, so that's it... ”

“Is it a joy to be a family?”

Chen Lingshan asked with a smile.

"You can say that, but Lingshan, you have to be careful about this hoe, she has a lot of messy things!" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"What messy things? Who is a mess? Oh, those are all baby, do you know? My baby only bites bad people, hey, Lingshan sister is a good person, they won't bite!!" Bailing proudly Said, "And, people don't have a lot of baby, just a little."


Chen Lingshan hesitated and asked.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "But it's all small things. Look at her ruddy face. It shouldn't be the ones who are raised. If the blood is a feed, she won't be so ruddy. It!"

"Wow, bad guys, you know!"

Braun looked at Zhao Tiezhu in surprise.

"Of course." Zhao Tiezhu said in amazement. "You are now seeing through me. It is not my opponent. I advise you, go back soon."

"Hey, don't try to know how? I have to find a chance to avenge my people, but not now, the specific time, I think again, Lingshan sister, where is our dormitory? I am sleepy. ”

Braun yawned and said.

"This is here, Tiezhu brother, I will take her to the dormitory first. If there is anything, let's talk about it later?" Chen Lingshan asked.

"Well, Cheng!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "I will call you to dinner together at night!"

"it is good!"

After Chen Lingshan and Bai Ling were separated, Zhao Tiezhu went directly to the dormitory.

Just arrived at the dormitory.

Xiao Yu took a mysterious look at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron column, Xuan Yuanyi, have you heard about it?"

"Oh? Xuanyuan one?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyebrows were picked and asked, “What is it?”

"Xuanyuan one was outside the school, and was relieved of his arm. The whole body was removed, and the arm was taken away. Now it is broken arm!!" Xiao Xiao whispered.

"I am grass, so strong?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Yeah, many people are saying this now. Some people say it is fake, and some people say it is true. It is said that Xuan Yuanyi has offended some gangsters outside the school and was retaliated. , Iron column, you are not saying that you have mixed up? These days you are outside, have you heard anything? This Xuanyuanyi identity can not be simple, if this thing is true, it should be troubled Very big!"

Xiao Wei said.

"This is something, I don't know."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Some people have done more, and they have been retribution, and it is not impossible!"


Xiao Xiao nodded and said, "The kid did make a lot of money."

"Right, that Lin Kai, what happened?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"He? Just a glimpse, I have already run away, my dad told me to get him! Haha!" Xiao said.


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